Favorite bands:
Burzum, Enslaved, Summoning, Wolves In The Throne Room, Immolation, Alcest, Forgotten Woods, Drudkh, Woods Of Desolation, Fen, Sólstafir, Amesoeurs, Les Discrets, Wodensthrone, Agalloch, Dordeduh, Lustre, Altar Of Plagues, Fell Voices, Ash Borer, Falls Of Rauros, Alda, Panopticon, Skagos, Eyehategod, Electric Wizard, Rosetta, Isis, Baroness, Neurosis, Om, Sleep, Petrychor, Ufomammut, Xasthur, Kylesa, Bossk, Skogen, Black Tusk, Lantlôs, Peste Noire, Cobalt, Junius, Atriarch, Deathspell Omega, Cult Of Luna, Alrakis, Hail Spirit Noir, Blut Aus Nord, Downfall Of Gaia, Fall Of Efrafa, Addaura, Weakling, Forteresse, Urfaust, Darkspace, Midnight Odyssey, Wolvhammer, Coffinworm, High On Fire, Cough, Velvet Cacoon, Mouth Of The Architect, Wormlust, SubRosa, Church Of Misery, The Ruins Of Beverast, Oranssi Pazuzu, Vattnet Viskar, Ulcerate, Year Of No Light, Oak Pantheon, Svartidauði, Carpe Noctem, Glorior Belli, Merrimack, Waldgeflüster, Sun Of The Blind, Lunar Aurora, Sombres Forêts, Seidr, Cult Of Fire, Vemod, Verdunkeln, Primordial, Antaeus, The Meads Of Asphodel, Aosoth, The Great Old Ones, Inquisition, Arckanum, Conan, Ascension, Sigh, Bongripper, Mitochondrion, Portal, Saor, Gorguts, Thy Catafalque, Abigor, Irreversible, Infestus, Progenie Terrestre Pura, Paramnesia, Thergothon, Skepticism, Lycus, Bell Witch, A Forest Of Stars, Nasheim, Volahn, Sinmara, Misþyrming, Dark Fortress, Outre, Mgła, Nagelfar, Necros Christos, Long Distance Calling, Miserere Luminis, Gris, Grave Miasma, Dead Congregation, Lvcifyre, Incantation, Teitanblood, Tribulation, Arizmenda, Esoteric, Schammasch, Evoken, Ahab, Disembowelment, Nocte Obducta, Dødheimsgard, Arcturus, Ved Buens Ende, Virus, Fyrnask, Dødsengel, Plebeian Grandstand, Order Of Orias, Terra Tenebrosa, Monolithe, Fórn, Funerary, Tyranny, Devouring Star, Fides Inversa, Thy Darkened Shade, Acherontas, Devathorn, Blaze Of Perdition, Grey Heaven Fall, Occultation, Naðra, Kriegsmaschine, Nidingr, Dread Sovereign, Nightbringer, Amenra, Skáphe, Départe, Impetuous Ritual, Elder, Usnea, Howls Of Ebb, Ljáin, Almyrkvi, Martröð, Arkona (POL), Mare, Vanum, Vilkacis, Lord Vicar, Cathedral, Reverend Bizarre, Saint Vitus, Bathory, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate, Slægt, Abyssal, Zhrine, Auroch, Aoratos, Andavald, Blood Incantation, Spectral Voice, Malokarpatan, Mystik, Lunar Shadow, Smoulder, Vultures Vengeance, Traveler, Magic Circle, Visigoth, Caladan Brood, Manilla Road, DoomSword, Solstice, Pagan Altar, Cirith Ungol, Grand Magus, Ygg, Serpent Column, Whoredom Rife, Eternal Champion, Bølzer, Entropia, Paysage d'Hiver, Sarkrista, Khemmis, Sühnopfer, Grabunhold, Wędrujący Wiatr |