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The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (P-Q)

This list is meant to be an extensive, but by no means exhaustive, collection of the greatest (modern) metal albums and eps. Running the gamut from avant-garde to trve norweigan black metal. *As someone who is young in age, my tastes tend to revolve around the period of the 80s to the present.* Although certain metal albums from before will certainly be featured, the period of the 60s-70s will be under-represented. I refer you to this excellent list to gain a better appreciation for some of the best metal from that period:

All bands will be limited to one album unless they had a significant change in style (e.g. Amorphis and Katatonia). It goes without saying that as this is my personal list the genres that are included more than others expresses my bias and I am open to listening to any suggestions on additional albums to add. This list will be separated by letters as including them all in one list would make it overly long. Just to give you an idea: my personal collection is over 10,000 songs, most of them in the metal genre.

Most of the bands featured here have other great albums so if you like the album featured here be sure to peruse their other works. Artists whose names start with 'The' or A/An' will be included in whatever letter follows, e.g. ' A Forest of Stars' will be included in F. This list(s) contains the most well-known bands e.g. Opeth, to the most obscure e.g. Vanguard x Mortem.

The list(s) will be updated periodically. If you have trouble locating an album on this list or think I missed a particular album feel free to contact me, and share this list far and wide so that more people can benefit from the incredible array of musical experience metal has to offer.

You can find me on all of these other websites:

(Broke 10k songs!, onward to 20k...):

Created by: Uxküll | 01.02.2021

1. P.H.O.B.O.S. - Phlogiston Catharsis
2. Paara - Riitti
3. Pagan Altar - Mythical & Magical
4. Pagan's Mind - Enigmatic : Calling
5. Paganizer - Into The Catacombs
6. Pain Of Salvation - Remedy Lane
7. Painted Black - Cold Comfort
8. Palace Of Worms - The Ladder
9. Paladin - Ascension
10. Pale Chalice - Negate The Infinite And Miraculous
11. A Pale Horse Named Death - And Hell Will Follow Me
12. Palehorse/Palerider - Burial Songs
13. Pallbearer - Foundations Of Burden
14. Pan.thy.monium - Khaooohs And Kon-Fus-Ion
15. Panegyrist - Hierurgy
16. Panopticon - Kentucky
17. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
18. Pantheïst - O Solitude
19. Pantheon I - Atrocity Divine
20. Pantommind - Lunasense
21. Panzerballett - Starke Stücke
22. Panzerchrist - Regiment Ragnarok
23. Panzerfaust - The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter II: Render Unto Eden
24. Paradise Lost - Draconian Times
25. Paragon Of Beauty - Comfort Me, Infinity
26. Paralydium - The Paralydium Project
27. Paramnesia - Paramnesia
28. Paranorm - Empyrean
29. Parasite Inc. - Time Tears Down
30. Parius - The Eldritch Realm
31. Parkway Drive - Horizons
32. Passage - Passage
33. Pathosray - Pathosray
34. Pathway - Песни Cмерти
35. Paysage d'Hiver - Im Wald
36. Peccatum - Lost In Reverie
37. Pelican - The Fire In Our Throats Will Beckon The Thaw
38. Pensées Nocturnes - Vacuum
39. Penumbra - Seclusion
40. Pentagram - Pentagram
41. Pentagram (TKY) - Unspoken
42. A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step
43. Pergalé - Antropologija
44. Përl - Luminance
45. Perihelion - Örvény
46. Perihelion Ship - A Rare Thunderstorm In Spring
47. Periphery - Periphery II: This Time It's Personal
48. Persefone - Spiritual Migration
49. Persephone's Dream - Pan: An Urban Pastoral
50. Persuader - When Eden Burns
51. Pest - Rest In Morbid Darkness
52. Peste Noire - La sanie des siècles : Panégyrique de la dégénérescence
53. Pestilence - Testimony Of The Ancients
54. Pestilential Shadows - Cursed
55. Pet Slimmers Of The Year - Fragments Of Uniforms
56. Petrychor - Effigies And Epitaphs
57. Phantasma (NED) - The Deviant Hearts
58. Phantom - Death Epic
59. Phantom Hymn - Catatonic Bliss
60. Phantom Winter - Sundown Pleasures
61. Pharaoh - The Longest Night
62. Pharmakeia - Pharmakeia
63. Phlebotomized - Immense Intense Suspense
64. Phlegein - From The Land Of Death
65. Phrenelith - Desolate Endscape
66. Phobocosm - Deprived
67. Pictura - The Equilibration Of Minds, Vol. I
68. Pig Destroyer - Terrifyer
69. Pillorian - Obsidian Arc
70. Pin-Up Went Down - 2 Unlimited
71. Piotrek Gruszka - Cosmogenesis
72. Pitbulls In The Nursery - Lunatic
73. Plaga - Magia Gwiezdnej Entropii
74. Planet X - MoonBabies
75. Planks - Funeral Mouth
76. Planning For Burial - Below The House
77. Plateau Sigma - The True Shape Of Eskatos
78. Plebeian Grandstand - Lowgazers
79. Plini - Impulse Voices
80. Poccolus - Poccolus
81. Poema Arcanus - Iconoclast
82. POET - Emily
83. Pogavranjen - Jedva Čekam Da Nikad Ne Umrem
84. Poisonblack - Lust Stained Despair
85. Polaris - The Mortal Coil
86. Polkadot Cadaver - Purgatory Dance Party
87. Polyphia - Renaissance
88. Pomegranate Tiger - Entities
89. Porcupine Tree - In Absentia
90. Portal - Outre'
91. Possessed - Seven Churches
92. Posthum - Lights Out
93. Posthumous Blasphemer - Exhumation Of Sacred Impunity
94. Postvorta - Carmentis
95. Potentiam - Bálsýn
96. Pothamus - Raya
97. Poverty's No Crime - The Chemical Chaos
98. Power Trip - Nightmare Logic
99. Praying Mantis - Time Tells No Lies
100. Pressure Points - Remorses To Remember
101. Primal Fear - Seven Seals
102. Primitive Man - Immersion
103. Primordial - To The Nameless Dead
104. Prisma - You Name It
105. Process Of Guilt - Erosion
106. Procession - Destroyers Of The Faith
107. Profanum - Profanum Aeternum - Eminence Of Satanic Imperial Art
108. Profetus - The Sadness Of Time Passing
109. Profusion - RewoTower
110. Progenie Terrestre Pura - U​.​M​.​A.
111. The Project Hate MCMXCIX - Hate, Dominate, Congregate, Eliminate
112. Prometheus - Resonant Echoes From Cosmos Of Old
113. Prong - Cleansing
114. Pronoia - Mimesis
115. The Prophecy - Revelations
116. Prospekt - The Colourless Sunrise
117. Prosternatur - Abyssus Abyssum Invocat
118. Protector - A Shedding Of Skin
119. Protest The Hero - Fortress
120. Prototype - Continuum
121. The Provenance - Still At Arms Length
122. Pryapisme - Epic Loon OST
123. Pseudogod - Deathwomb Catechesis
124. Psicosfera - Beta
125. Psilocybe Larvae - Agony
126. Psudoku - Space Grind
127. Psychonaut - Unfold The God Man
128. Psychonaut 4 - Have A Nice Trip
129. Psychotic Waltz - The God-Shaped Void
130. Psychotomy - Aphotik
131. Psycroptic - The Scepter Of The Ancients
132. Pull Down The Sun - Of Valleys And Mountains
133. Purtenance - Member Of Immortal Damnation
134. Putridity - Ignominious Atonement
135. Pyaemia - Cerebral Cereal
136. Pylar - La Gran Obra
137. Pyramaze - Legend Of The Bone Carver
138. Pyramid Theorem - Beyond The Exosphere
139. Pyrrhon - Abscess Time
140. Pythia - The Serpent's Curse
141. Quadrivium - Methocha
142. Queens Of The Stone Age - Songs For The Deaf
143. Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime
144. Quercus - Verferum
145. Quo Vadis - Day Into Night
146. Qutin - Rationalism

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Uxküll ]


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Comments: 2   Visited by: 29 users
02.02.2021 - 08:01
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
02.02.2021 - 11:11
Great work!
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.

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