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Koen Smits Profile

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Community points


Posts and comments: 1331
Topics created: 1
News posted: 3
Lists created: 5
Album collection: 2160
Wishlist: 353
Recount stats:
Favorite bands: Absu, Afsky, Agathocles, Anatomia, Archgoat, Arckanum, Armagedda, Asphyx, Autopsy, Avulsed, Bastard Priest, Behexen, Benediction, Benighted, Bolt Thrower, Bombs Of Hades, Behemoth, Beherit, Black Breath, Blood, Blood Incantation, Bodyfarm, Brutality, Carbonized, Cadaver, Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Carnage, Carnal Tomb, Carnation, Carpathian Forest, Cattle Decapitation, Cenotaph, Cerebral Rot, Chaotian, Circle Of Ouroborus, Cold Earth, Conjureth, Convulse, Corpsessed, Cruciamentum, Cryptworm, Darkthrone, Dawn, Dead Congregation, Death, Deathspell Omega, Degial, Deicide, Deiquisitor, Demigod, Denouncement Pyre, Desaster, Deströyer 666, Desultory, Disma, Dismember, Dissection, Dipygus, Djevel, Dråpsnatt, Drowning The Light, Dying Fetus, Emperor, Entombed, Epitaph, Escarnium, Eucharist, Exhumed, Faceless Burial, Fanebærer, Feral, Fetid, Frozen Soul, Funebrarum, Gatecreeper, Ghastly, Gnipahålan, Gorefest, Gorephilia, Gorgasm, Graceless, Grave, Grave Miasma, Graveyard (ESP), Grifteskymfning, Haemorrhage, Hate Eternal, Hautakammio, Häxanu, Helleruin, Hooded Menace, Horna, Horrendous, Hulder, Hyperdontia, Hypocrisy, Immolation, Impetigo, Impetuous Ritual, Imprecation, Incantation, Inferno Requiem, Innumerable Forms, Issolei, Judas Iscariot, Kampfar, Konvent, Kreator, Krisiun, Krypts, Kvaen, Lantern, Larvae, Lividity, Lvcifyre, Los Males Del Mundo, Mäleficentt, Marduk, Miasmal, Midnight, Misery Index, Misþyrming, Monstrosity, Morbid Angel, Morbific, Morbus Chron, Morgal, Mortician, Mortiferum, Mortuous, Napalm Death, Naxen, Necrophagia, Necrophobic, Necrot, Nekrovault, Necrowretch, Nightbringer, Nile, Nirvana 2002, Obituary, Obliteration, Ossuarium, Outer Heaven, Outre-Tombe, Panzerfaust, Petrification, Phantasmagore, Phobocosm, Phobophilic, Phrenelith, Pungent Stench, Pustilence , Qrixkuor, Ragnarok, Repugnant, Repulsion, Revel In Flesh, Ripped To Shreds, Ritual Necromancy, Rotten Sound, Rotting Christ, Sadistic Drive, Samael, Sanguisugabogg, Sargeist, Satyricon, Seep, Sedimentum, Septage, Setherial, Severe Torture, Skeletal Remains, Skinless, Slayer, Sněť, Spectral Voice, Spectral Wound, Stench Of Decay, Strigoi, Suffocation, Sulphurous, Superstition, Svartsyn, Svarttjern, Teitanblood, Temple Nightside, Terrorizer, The Rotted, Tomb Mold, Thy Dying Light, Tribulation, Triumvir Foul, Tsjuder, Ulthar, Unanimated, Uncanny, Undeath, Undergang, Vanhelgd, Varathron, Vastum, Vital Remains, Void Prayer, Vomitory, Vorum, Watain, Whoredom Rife, Witch Vomit, Wolfbrigade, Wolves In The Throne Room, Worm, Wormrot, Worsen

Top lists

Top 20 Albums Of 2016  | +6 18.01.2017
Top 20 Albums Of 2015  | +3 05.01.2016
Top 20 Albums Of 2014  | +6 10.01.2015
Top 20 Albums Of 2013  | +1 28.12.2013
CD's I Wish I Never Bought  | +4 08.11.2011

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