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okkulta - album votes


   Total votes: 2584
   Average rating: 8.55

Order by:

   Year | Rating | Band
10 63 votes
9 1629 votes
8 589 votes
7 269 votes
6 29 votes
5 4 votes
3 1 vote

Nidingr - Wolf-Father 8
Svarti Loghin - Drifting Through The Void 8
Consummatum Est - Hypnagogia 8
Painted Black - Cold Comfort 8
Painted Black - Winter [Single] 8
Les Discrets - Septembre Et Ses Dernières Pensées 8
Lethargy Of Death - Necrology 8
Furze - Reaper Subconscious Guide 8
Árstíðir Lífsins - Jötunheima Dolgferð 8
Island - Island 8
Furia - Huta Laura / Katowice / Królewska Huta [EP] 8
Furia - Halny [EP] 8
Stielas Storhett - SKD [EP] 8
Addaura - Demo 2010 [Demo] 8
Fall Of Empyrean - A Life Spent Dying 7
Finnr's Cane - Wanderlust 7
The Howling Void - Shadows Over The Cosmos 7
Domgård - I Nifelhels Skygd 7
Wijlen Wij - Unveiling The Signs [Split] 7
Evoken - Evoken / Beneath The Frozen Soil [Split] 7
Island - Enigma Of The Stars [EP] 7
Vasaeleth - Crypt Born & Tethered To Ruin 7
Aarni - Tribute To H.P. Lovecraft: Yogsothery - Gate I: Chaosmogonic Rituals Of Fear [Split] 7
11 As In Adversaries - The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light 7
Sol - Old Europa Death Chants [Split] 6

Hjarnidaudi - Psykostarevoid 9
Sólstafir - Köld 9
Shining - VI - Klagopsalmer 9
My Dying Bride - For Lies I Sire 9
Colosseum - Chapter 2: Numquam 9
Lacrimosa - Sehnsucht 9
The Prophecy - Into The Light 9
Amorphis - Skyforger 9
Chthonic - Mirror Of Retribution 9
Secrets Of The Moon - Privilegivm 9
Geïst - Galeere 9
Immortal - All Shall Fall 9
Arkona - Гой, Роде, Гой! 9
Paradise Lost - Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us 9
The Gathering - The West Pole 9
Hypocrisy - A Taste Of Extreme Divinity 9
Den Saakaldte - All Hail Pessimism 9
1349 - Revelations Of The Black Flame 9
Mournful Congregation - The June Frost 9
Longing For Dawn - Between Elation And Despair 9
Katatonia - Night Is The New Day 9
Therion - The Miskolc Experience [Live] 9
Azaghal - Teraphim 9
Poema Arcanus - Timeline Symmetry 9
My Dying Bride - Bring Me Victory [EP] 9
Krallice - Dimensional Bleedthrough 9
Stabat Mater - Stabat Mater 9
Until Death Overtakes Me - Days Without Hope 9
Hyadningar - The Weak Creation 9
Dark Sanctuary - Dark Sanctuary 9
Sorgeldom - Innerlig Förmörkelse 9
Arckanum - ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ 9
Ea - Ea II 9
Orthodox - Sentencia 9
Fleurety - Ingentes Atque Decorii Vexilliferi Apokalypsis [EP] 9
Furia - Grudzień Za Grudniem 9
Johann Wolfgang Pozoj - Escape Of Pozoj 9
Worm Ouroboros - Worm Ouroboros 9
Klabautamann - Merkur 9
Miserere Luminis - Miserere Luminis 9
Slayer - World Painted Blood 8
Cannibal Corpse - Evisceration Plague 8
Suffocation - Blood Oath 8
Novembers Doom - Into Night's Requiem Infernal 8
Ablaze In Hatred - The Quietude Plains 8
Ahab - The Divinity Of Oceans 8
Funeral Mist - Maranatha 8
Mourning Dawn - For The Fallen... 8
Desire - Crowcifix [EP] 8
Autumnblaze - Perdition Diaries 8
Drudkh - Microcosmos 8
Tales Of Dark... - Perdition Calls 8
Process Of Guilt - Erosion 8
Sepsism - Distorting The Mortal Visage 8
Oranssi Pazuzu - Muukalainen Puhuu 8
Sun Of The Blind - Skullreader 8
Profetus - Coronation Of The Black Sun 8
While Heaven Wept - Vast Oceans Lachrymose 8
Velvet Cacoon - P Aa Opal Poere Pr. 33 8
Brown Jenkins - Death Obsession 8
Kauan - Aava Tuulen Maa 8
Wodensthrone - Loss 8
Dråpsnatt - I Denna Skog 8
Velvet Cacoon - Atropine 7
Old Man's Child - Slaves Of The World 7
Forgotten Tomb - Vol. 5: 1999-2009 [Compilation] 7
Lethian Dreams - Bleak Silver Streams 7
My Lament - Broken Leaf 7
Hanging Garden - TEOTWAWKI 7
Abstract Spirit - Tragedy And Weeds 7
Pyramido - Sand 7
Alcest - Les Discrets / Alcest [Split] 7
Teitanblood - Seven Chalices 7
Impetuous Ritual - Relentless Execution Of Ceremonial Excrescence 7
Kailash - Past Changing Fast 7