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A Year In Metal - 2012: Highlights Through The Eyes Of The MS Staff & Elite

Written by: Susan
Published: January 25, 2013

And thus it begins.

The 2012 Metal Storm Awards are almost upon us.

In a little over a week we'll open the MSA voting and you readers will be able to crown THE BEST albums. Stay tuned for the feast of excellent music to be laid before you. Can you feel the tension in the air?

Before that happens, though, we staff and elite took some time out of our work to list our personal favorites and recaps of the year, right here in this article. Perhaps some of these lists below will contain hints as to what you'll find in the upcoming MSA nominations? Ah, the mysteries around here are endless...

Grab some popcorn, read, then tell us how our lists compare to yours. Bon appetit!



Favorite Album: Anaal Nathrakh - Vanitas
Best Home-Country Album: The Canyon Observer - Chapter II: These Binds Will Set You Free [EP]
Most-Played Song: Anaal Nathrakh - "To Spite The Face"
Most Promising Band: The Great Old Ones - Al Azif
Best Concert: Officium Triste (at Doom Over London fest)
Biggest Disappointment: Not going to God Is An Astronaut concert.
Metal Moment Of 2012: Becoming a staff member, priceless
And 2013? To discover some exquisite deviant underground music and possibly attending any gig or festival.


Favorite Album: Faal - The Clouds Are Burning
Best Home-Country Album: High On Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis
Most-Played Song: Torche - "Walk It Off"
Most Promising Band: Ortega
Biggest Disappointment: Neurosis - felt like they were going through the paces with the latest. Also having to cancel a trip to Europe at the last minute, and thus cancel a meet up with Marcel. Amsterdam was spared our rampage.
Metal Moment Of 2012: Wandering in to a record shop in Seattle, and when buying a copy of Ahab's having a conversation about the band with the dude behind the counter. Used to just receiving blank stares when I hand my purchases to the cashier.
And 2013? It's not 2012, that's already an improvement.


Favorite Album: Between The Buried And Me - The Parallax II: Future Sequence, Threshold - March Of Progress and In Mourning - The Weight Of Oceans
Best Home-Country Album: Vertigo Steps - Surface/Light and Miss Lava - Red Supergiant
Most-Played Song: "Astral Body" - Between The Buried And Me; "Someone (Like You)" - Vertigo Steps; "Kingdom" - Devin Townsend; "Internal Landscapes" - Anathema
Most Promising Band: In The Silence, Atoma, Elysian, The Safety Fire and Spelljammer.
Best concert: Devin Townsend + Fear Factory; Switchtense (twice); Mastodon; Ava Inferi; Kylesa (gig of the year even though it was in January)
Biggest Disappointment: Coram Lethe - Heterodox; another year without a new Porcupine Tree album (DVDs don't count Steven!)
Metal Moment Of 2012: Moita Metal Fest 2012 (kind of like local Wacken around these parts); lots of collective headbanging, messy hairs, air guitars, crowd surfing and thrashing; also any other show in Moita is ridiculously fun because of the crowd.
And 2013?: New albums from Riverside, Kylesa, Cynic, Grayceon, Dark Tranquillity, Rotting Christ, Fates Warning and more! Hope to discover more bands, see new bands live for the first time and go to more local festivals.


Favorite Album: High On Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis
Best Home-Country Album: Vale Of Amonition - Infernal Supremacy EP
Most-Played Song: Goatwhore - "When Steel And Bone Meet" | Hour Of 13 - "Lucky Bones"
Most Promising Band: Desultor
Best Concert: Didn't attend any.
Biggest Disappointment: Moonspell - Alpha Noir / Omega White
Metal Moment Of 2012: Being made Staff
And 2013? New Tool Album? Hope they release it this year.


Favorite Album: Testament - Dark Roots Of Earth
Best Home-Country Album: Kreator - Phantom Antichrist and Dew-Scented - Icarus
Most-Played Song: Actually any Amon Amarth song from - Surtur Rising; it's stuck in my car CD-player and when there is scrap on the radio I will listen to this .
Most Promising Band: Speedwolf (FB link) - seriously, check them out.
Best Concert: Crap, WAY to many! Other than Barge To Hell I would say Destruction in a fricking bar (best I have seen them in YEARS), Meshuggah was great and so was Turisas
Biggest Disappointment: Naglfar - Téras and without even blinking Six Feet Under - Undead
Metal Moment Of 2012: Barge To Hell cruise - first and foremost with Sodom, Sacred Reich and Sepultura as my TOP 3. But equally awesome was my west-coast trip with my brothers in Watain for a couple of days!!! TTD!!!
And 2013? Looking forward to the new Belphegor and Rotting Christ.


Favorite Album: This time I can't really point out one clear favourite. Quite a few albums blew me away, but, admittedly, none of them as much as some of the previous years' favourites. The ones that impressed me the most: Enslaved - RIITIIR, Indesinence - Vessels of Light and Decay, Reverence - The Asthenic Ascension, Asphyx - Deathhammer, Agruss - Morok, Ash Borer - Cold Of Ages, Witchsorrow - God Curse Us, Bong - Mana-Yod-Shusai and quite a few others.
Best Home Country Album: Flapjack - Keep Your Heads Down
Most-Played Song: I think it was Opeth's "Godhead's Lament" again. This song never bores me and I play it least at a few times a week.
Most Promising Band: Lurk.
Best Concert: Judas Priest, Epitaph Tour, Spodek, Katowice, April 14th.
Biggest Disappointment: Drudkh - Eternal Turn of the Wheel. How the mighty have fallen. The most uninspired and bland shit since The Guessing Game.
And 2013? Let's hope Skepticism and Slayer release their new full-lengths.


Favorite Album: Without a doubt A Forest Of Stars - A Shadowplay For Yesterdays
Best Home-Country Album: Either Gorod - A Perfect Absolution, Igorrr - Hallelujah or Klone - The Dreamer's Hideaway, but sadly certainly not Gojira.
Most-Played Song: A Forest Of Stars - "Gatherer Of The Pure" (check it); Gorod - "Birds Of Sulphur" (check!); Stolen Babies - "Prankster" (listen!); Anaal Nathrakh - "You Can't Save Me, So Stop Fucking Trying" (it's here).
Most Promising Band: -
Best Concert: All Gorod shows in Toulouse (two this year), Vulture Industries and Refused @ Hellfest
Biggest Disappointment: Overall, a disappointing year, with so few groundbreaking albums. There is some pretty solid stuff, thankfully. Also, no apocalypse. Would have loved to witness the end of the world.
Metal Moment Of 2012: Hellfest as usual?
And 2013? Will have to see if Dark Tranquillity, Terra Tenebrosa, Shining (NOR), Orphaned Land and others live up to their legacy... On a non-metal note, traveling through the Pyrenées and near Toulouse searching for minerals again!


Favorite Album: Keep Your Opinions To Yourself - Undiscovered Country Of Old Death And Strange Years In The Frightful Past
Best Home-Country Album: Keep Your Opinions To Yourself - Undiscovered Country Of Old Death And Strange Years In The Frightful Past
Most-Played Song: Atoma - "Bermuda Riviera" / Xandria - "A Prophecy Of Worlds To Fall" / Keep Your Opinions To Yourself - "11"
Most Promising Band: Atoma
Best Concert: Both times seeing KYOTY live. The first time just before their release, and finding out how good they are. The second time, driving out to see only their set and ignoring the rest of the bands so as not to ruin the mood they put me in. In 45 minutes, I reflected on my life, floated to new worlds, shed some tears on the inside, and walked out the instant they finished a better man.
Biggest Disappointment: The release of so very few great symphonic & gothic metal releases.
Metal Moment Of 2012: Sailing the seas along the coast of Hordaland, and driving around the fjords of Norway
And 2013? Hopefully a return to seeing another metal festival in Europe, it was sorely missed last year.


Favorite Album: Lurk - Lurk
Best Home-Country Album: 3 Inches Of Blood - Long Live Heavy Metal
Most-Played Song: Nachtmystium - "Borrowed Hope & Broken Dreams"
Most Promising Band: Lurk
Best Concert: Marduk & 1349
Biggest Disappointment: Ensiferum - Unsung Heroes
Metal Moment Of 2012: Altogether, a totally un-metal year for ol' Doc
And 2013? Find some time to get back to reviewing! I miss this.


Favorite Album: The Eden House - Timeflows (EP), Karcius - The First Day, Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster - Exegesis, Ancestors - In Dreams And Time, oh and Moonspell's Omega White was a surprise beyond any expectations
Best Home-Country Album: Possibly Estoner - The Stump Will Rise.
Most-Played Song: Don't have one, but Karcius "Hypnotic" is damn awesome and memorable.
Most Promising Band: Kontinuum, Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster.
Best Concert: Has to be Beardfish in Tallinn, also Spock's Beard and Lazuli at Night of the Prog 2012.
Biggest Disappointment: Hellfest 2012 sucked so much with its line-up I had to break my winning 5-in-a-row attendance streak.
Metal Moment Of 2012: Attending Night of the Prog 2012 at its fantastic location.
And 2013? Something good to listen to, I have high expectations for the new Riverside, Kingcrow, Jolly and Spock's Beard, and some good festivals and shows would be awesome. Oh, and of course new Freak Kitchen.


Favorite Album: Too many to choose from.
Best Home-Country Album: Flapjack - Keep Your Heads Down
Most-Played Song: Gojira - "L'enfant suavage" (based on charts)
Most Promising Band: This is always a tough one as there have been many great debuts this year. Albums by Glass Cloud, Charon (from Saxony), The Weakening and Abnormality were my favorites so I'm most looking forward to what they can come up with next.
Best Concert: Voivod in Warsaw
Biggest Disappointment: Ministry - Relapse
Metal Moment Of 2012: Accidentally pushing G. C. Green of Godflesh into a pile of mud.
And 2013? Hope to get back to reviewing again, if time allows.

Favorite Album: Enochian Theory - Life... And All It Entails. Will probably end up as one of my favorites of the decade as well - it's just that lovely.
Best Home-Country Album: Burning Circle - Ruins Of Mankind. Our scene produces at least one album per year to be excited about - I think that's a good start.
Most-Played Song: Dream Theater's "Space-Dye Vest". The year was pretty depressing, comforting that comes from beautiful music was much needed (and had).
Most Promising Band: Beyond The Bridge, Headspace, Dissona.
Best concert: None. Assign the blame to my place of residence I guess.
Biggest Disappointment: Sonata Arctica half-assed an album. Several months ago, I was okay with the amount of crap on Stones Grow Her Name because of songs on it that are a highlight in their entire discography. Then they did this. Fuck my life.
Metal Moment Of 2012: Not sure. This year wasn't as metal as I hoped it would be.
And 2013?: Since nearby festivals are either becoming boring or take place during my exam-period, I look forward to discovering more bands, reviewing and actually having gigs to visit. New albums from (eep!) Subsignal, Riverside, Amorphis, Dark Tranquillity, James LaBrie, (double eep!) Dream Theater, Pain Of Salvation, Fates Warning, Kvelertak and Headspace are hopefully all worth looking forward to.


Favorite Album: Grimes - Vision. Yep, Promonex is going all hipster now.
Best Home-Country Album: Kreator - Phantom Antichrist and Panzerballett - Tank Goodness
Most-Played Song: Periphery - "Scarlet", The Algorithm - "Access Granted", Grimes - "Oblivion".
Most Promising Band: Make Them Suffer.
Best Concert: Refused at Hellfest, hands down.
Biggest Disappointment: Wacken 2012. In its entirety.
Metal Moment Of 2012: New job! And a promotion only one month later!
And 2013? Can I haz even moar promotions!?


Favorite Album: The Algorithm - Polymorphic Code
Best Home-Country Album: Cattle Decapitation - Monolith Of Inhumanity
Most-Played Song: The Algorithm - "Access Granted"
Most Promising Band: Bloodshot Dawn
Best Concert: Didn't make any
Biggest Disappointment: Not being able to find a better job
Metal Moment Of 2012: Being promoted to Metal Storm Staff
And 2013? Finding a much better job so I can get out of my father's house and back on my own


Favorite Album: Head Phones President - Stand In The World; Anaal Nathrakh - Vanitas; Wilderun - Olden Tales And Deathly Trails; A.I.(d) - Disorder.
Best Home-Country Album: Wilderun - Olden Tales And Deathly Trails
Most-Played Song: Thought Machine - "The Autumn Lives Here"
Most Promising Band: Wilderun, Royal Thunder, Blue Aside
Best Concert: Tie between seeing Fair To Midland in 2 different cities, and attending the onslaught of the Summer Slaughter Tour
Biggest Disappointment: Thy Majestie - ShiHuangDi.
Metal Moment Of 2012: Interviewing my heroes in Fair To Midland
And 2013? More exciting interviews planned. You'll have to wait and be surprised!!


Favourite Album: High On Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis
Best Home-Country Album: Other than De Vermis, Black Breath - Sentenced To Life.
Most-Played Song: Either Aura Noir's "Abbadon" or Deathhammer's "Lead Us Into Hell". Or Mion's Hill's "Evocation/Pestilent Sabbat." Or Necrovation's "Resurrectionist."
Most Promising Band: Mion's Hill
Best Concert: Behemoth & Watain: Decible Magazine Tour
Biggest Disappointment: 3 Inches Of Blood - Long Live Heavy Metal
Metal Moment Of 2012: Not getting thrown out of any Red Fang shows.
And 2013? Surviving more end of days days, The Underground Resistance and Earth Rocker.



Favorite Album: Favorite Album: Igorrr - Hallelujah and Aluk Todolo - Occult Rock.
Best Home-Country Album: Bong - Mana-Yood-Sushai, Indesinence - Vessels of Light and Decay and Necro Deathmort - The Colonial Script.
Most-Played Song: Something off Igorrr's latest one I would imagine.
Most Promising Band: Agruss, Chthe'ilist and Muknal.
Best Concert: Anaal Nathrakh at Bloodstock, Pig Destroyer, Undersmile. Off the top of my head.
Biggest Disappointment: Where to start... Nile, Deathspell Omega, Gojira, Candlemass, Meshuggah, Drudkh, Katatonia and a bunch more. All great, or once great, bands massively letting the side down this year.
Metal Moment Of 2012: Steel prices fell to their lowest level in 3 years. Solemn 23 and Cal Wolvington / Ernil-whatsit nuking their own accounts.
And 2013? The return of !T.O.O.H.!. Also worth mentioning that Abyssal have already made an AotY-worthy record that will be hard to beat.


Favourite Album: Nadja / Vampilla - The Primitive World, because Monolithe's Interlude Second is an EP
Best Home-Country Album: Nothing great from Hong Kong or China released this year... as usual
Most-Played Song: "Your Reward" by In The Silence, and that's excluding the times I've listened to it as my ringtone.
Most Promising Band: Kontinuum and In The Silence
Best Concert: I wanted to go to the Mono concert when they came to Hong Kong, but the tickets were sold out )=
Biggest Disappointment: Delain, Candlemass
Metal Moment Of 2012: It has been a rather sweet softy year for me :3
And 2013? Terra Tenebrosa, Ghost, Leprous, Enshine, Atoma, Voivod, Kylesa, Madder Mortem, Last Chance To Reason, Fractal Gates immediately comes to mind, but I'm sure there'll be plenty more to look forward to as the year unfolds.


Favorite Album: Eluveitie - Helvetios
Best Home-Country Album: Corrosion Of Conformity -Corrosion of Conformity
Most-Played Song: Hammock - "(Tonight) We Burn Like Stars That Never Die"
Most Promising Band: Eating The Sun. They are a small local band, but great mix of doom and grunge.
Best Concert: Albannach at Celtoberfest
Biggest Disappointment: 2012. Yeah, pretty much the whole year. Lost my job due to a bullshit lawsuit. Did not get to go to the three conventions I wanted to, including Dragon*Con (which I had tickets and a hotel for!). Scrapped the original recordings of our album because we did not like them and now are looking for a new studio to record in. I could go on and on, but it is not productive, so all I will say is that 2013 is the year I return to kick ass.
Metal Moment Of 2012: My band was headlining a festival and we got shut down by the cops!
And 2013? Watching every single episode of every Star Trek in a year! Trek Year!


Favorite Album: Dead Can Dance - Anastasis, Enslaved - RIITIIR, - Revelations.
Best Home-Country Album: Dissona - Dissona, OSI - Fire Make Thunder
Most-Played Song: Chimp Spanner - "Mӧbius Pt I"
Most Promising Band: Profusion [Italy]
Best Concert: Mastodon/Opeth/Ghost
Biggest Disappointment: Only attending 3 concerts...
Metal Moment Of 2012: Getting really fat for no reason.
And 2013? Riverside, Shining (NOR), KMFDM, Clutch, Ghost, Leprous, Falkenbach, Devin Townsend, Orphaned Land, Chimp Spanner, Animals As Leaders, Last Chance To Reason, Haken... and Tool.


Favorite Album: Agruss - Morok, Alkerdeel - Morinde, Cloak Of Altering - Ancient Paths Through Timeless Voids, and Igorrr - Hallelujah... Extremely hard to choose between them. There are quite a few which I really enjoyed as well though but these albums seem to be among the strongest for me.
Best Home-Country Album: LvxCælis - Mysteria Mystica Maxima XXIII and Wrathprayer - The Sun Of Moloch. The Chilean extreme metal scene is doing great!
Most-Played Song: I'm gonna go all non-metal here. Bôa - Duvet is the best pop song I've heard in a long time.
Most Promising Band: Agruss... Debut of the year for me. Can't wait to see what they can do next.
Best Concert: Alkerdeel at Roadburn was insanely mesmerizing and Nasum's farewell tour with Pyramido, Skitsystem and Black Breath... Energetic is an understatement
Biggest Disappointment: Candlemass' excuse of an album... To a lesser extent: Neurosis and Pig Destroyer. Good albums, but I expected way more from those two bands considering their previous masterpieces.
Metal Moment Of 2012: Roadburn 2012... Great bands and great people. Also, Roadburn aside: This has probably been the year I've been to most concerts yet.
And 2013? Well, right now I can only say that Roadburn 2013 will be a blast just like the previous two times I was there. Hoping for great albums this year, too.


Favorite Album: Indesinence - Vessels Of Light And Decay without a doubt, but honourable mentions to Faal - The Clouds Are Burning & In The Silence - A Fair Dream Gone Mad
Best Home-Country Album: Perversion - Pillars of the Enlightened
Most-Played Song: Faal - "Tempest" & Monuments Collapse - "White Owl"
Most Promising Band(s): In The Silence, Dissona, Abstracter, Xanthochroid & Monuments Collapse
Best Concert: Brutal Assault 2012 as a whole really. Had such a blast at that festival.
Biggest Disappointment: The mud at Wacken this year, that shit was brutal.
Metal Moment Of 2012: 2012 has been another unbelievable year for me but there were two main highlights. The first was my summer trip to Europe again to attend Wacken, Brutal Assault 2012 & Summer Breeze Festivals, with the most "metal" highlight probably being when standing right at the front of the crowd, shoulder to shoulder with all the members of Textures while watching At The Gates live at Brutal Assault. The second highlight? Well, that was by far the best thing to happen this year....getting married! And yes, it was a metal themed wedding
And 2013?: Who knows? But after 2 amazing years in a row I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store.

Written on 25.01.2013 by Susan appreciates quality metal regardless of sub-genre. Metal Storm Staff since 2006.

Twitter: @HeavyMetalSusan

Comments page 2 / 3

Comments: 90   Visited by: 461 users
27.01.2013 - 17:07
Written by Bad English on 26.01.2013 at 13:50

I would think if I would see Marcel list it would be perfect, because non of staff ers this time made any good list maybe one band but generaly all is week non of bands are perfect to me

here is mine:
Favorite Album: To many (now It is Fall Of The idols new one)
Best Home-Country Album: Sun Devoured Earth - Sounds of Desolation(band litheraly come sfrom my home town) , Grimmner - Färd(but week, I put since there is no big choose from swe bands)
Most-Played Song: Many
Most Promising Band: Some good doom, black, heavy, and others what fits in my type of metal what I disvovere in MA .....
Best Concert: Iced Earth and WASP , only two what I attendet
Biggest Disappointment: Many good bands degredeted and disapointed, and same my friends bands are on hold
Metal Moment Of 2012: Cant pick up
And 2013? Get 38 000 posts

Totally agreed, all they've chosen is absolutely shitty. Especially, those who have chosen "Anaal Nathrakh".
By the way, I'd say there wasn't any masterpiece in 2012, even Be'lakor was not on top.
27.01.2013 - 17:13
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 17:07

Written by Bad English on 26.01.2013 at 13:50

I would think if I would see Marcel list it would be perfect, because non of staff ers this time made any good list maybe one band but generaly all is week non of bands are perfect to me

here is mine:
Favorite Album: To many (now It is Fall Of The idols new one)
Best Home-Country Album: Sun Devoured Earth - Sounds of Desolation(band litheraly come sfrom my home town) , Grimmner - Färd(but week, I put since there is no big choose from swe bands)
Most-Played Song: Many
Most Promising Band: Some good doom, black, heavy, and others what fits in my type of metal what I disvovere in MA .....
Best Concert: Iced Earth and WASP , only two what I attendet
Biggest Disappointment: Many good bands degredeted and disapointed, and same my friends bands are on hold
Metal Moment Of 2012: Cant pick up
And 2013? Get 38 000 posts

Totally agreed, all they've chosen is absolutely shitty. Especially, those who have chosen "Anaal Nathrakh".
By the way, I'd say there wasn't any masterpiece in 2012, even Be'lakor was not on top.

From Staff members only marcel, Richard lil bit Sismael Ephony , Trollhamemrin (or what is his name now)and litle Baz fits in my test, no offense stuff members but rest hav those soft taste, prog, power, modern melodic stuff and as far I have seen non wanna dig deeper into metal but be whit bands what they know

I look at MA new updates every day and see new add bands and many there is black, hevay, doom, death new good bands who has been add whit awesoe demo or album what is treeming on bandcamp ...

in 2205-2006 we have good list ecah year member open tread about best of tjis year each genre it was awesome list
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
27.01.2013 - 18:00
X-Ray Rod
"and as far I have seen non wanna dig deeper into metal but be whit bands what they know"

^ Hahahahahahaha.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

27.01.2013 - 18:53
Account deleted
My top 25 of 2012:

Ævangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis
Agruss - Morok
Alkerdeel - Morinde
Aluk Todolo - Occult Rock
Blut Aus Nord - What Once Was... Liber II
Bong - Mana-Yood-Sushai
Cloak of Altering - Ancient Paths Through Timeless Voids
Chthe'ilist - Amechth'ntaas'm'rriachth
Dahlia's Tear - Dreamsphere
De Magia Veterum - The Deification
Diskord - Dystopics
Gnaw Their Tongues - Eschatological Scatology
Igorrr - Hallelujah
Indesinence - Vessels of Light and Decay
Lord Mantis - Pervertor
Monolithe - Interlude Second
Muknal - Muknal
Nadja - Dagdrøm
Necro Deathmort - The Colonial Script
Nurse With Wound & Blind Cave Salamander - Cabbalism
P.H.O.B.O.S. - Atonal Hypermnesia
Reverence - The Asthenic Ascension
CSSABA - Underground Lo-Fi Songs
Sigh - Insomniphobia

Written by Bad English on 27.01.2013 at 17:13
hav those soft taste, prog, power, modern melodic stuff and as far I have seen non wanna dig deeper into metal but be whit bands what they know

Yes, that clearly sums me up
27.01.2013 - 18:56
Account deleted
Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 17:07

By the way, I'd say there wasn't any masterpiece in 2012, even Be'lakor was not on top.

Not surprising, the only thing Be'lakor have ever been on top of was the generic, done-to-death melodeath dung pile If you pinned your hopes on those lifeless zombies then it's not surprising you didn't have a masterpiece this year.
27.01.2013 - 19:00
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2013 at 18:56

Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 17:07

By the way, I'd say there wasn't any masterpiece in 2012, even Be'lakor was not on top.

Not surprising, the only thing Be'lakor have ever been on top of was the generic, done-to-death melodeath dung pile

you beat me to it. Wanted to quote and post the same thing
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

27.01.2013 - 19:02
Account deleted
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 27.01.2013 at 19:00

you beat me to it. Wanted to quote and post the same thing

It had to done I've never understood people who turn up and announce Be'laBore is being anything of worth.
27.01.2013 - 19:06
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2013 at 19:02

It had to done I've never understood people who turn up and announce Be'laBore is being anything of worth.

Preaching to the gospel where it concerns me and this band
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

27.01.2013 - 19:26
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2013 at 18:53
My top 25 of 2012:

Unsurprisingly similar to my hypothetical list. Could change 5 of those but only because I've haven't heard some of them.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

27.01.2013 - 19:27
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 27.01.2013 at 19:26

Unsurprisingly similar to my hypothetical list.

I would expect nothing less
27.01.2013 - 19:45
Au Pays Natal
Another year not one staffer mentions my AOTY, god my musical tastes must suck...
...props to Ivor for mentioning Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster's awesome release and Jupitreas for the Glass Cloud blurb...
27.01.2013 - 19:59
X-Ray Rod
Written by tea[m]ster on 27.01.2013 at 19:45
Another year not one staffer mentions my AOTY, god my musical tastes must suck...

Each year everyone from the staff/elite meet in the MS quarters and discuss how to disagree with you on these articles... Usually with a nice cup of coffee/tee and biscuits.
Ivor and Jupitreas couldn't make it though :\
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

27.01.2013 - 20:27
It was a fun year to discover new bands this one, mostly that. Hopefully 2013 can up the ante in terms of masterpieces though. It was more difficult to find real gems but unbelievably good for debuts.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
27.01.2013 - 21:12
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by BloodTears on 27.01.2013 at 20:27

It was a fun year to discover new bands this one, mostly that. Hopefully 2013 can up the ante in terms of masterpieces though. It was more difficult to find real gems but unbelievably good for debuts.

now of band sn this list in my case is not a wortj even a try those maybe fiew, but those good I alreday know
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
27.01.2013 - 21:14
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
27.01.2013 - 21:26
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Bad English on 27.01.2013 at 21:14

non of you mention this band

and why would we?
It isn't too good at all to be mentioned
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

27.01.2013 - 21:36
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 27.01.2013 at 21:26

Written by Bad English on 27.01.2013 at 21:14

non of you mention this band

and why would we?
It isn't too good at all to be mentioned

it was example there is many good new commers this year but all members just post some week and boring bands to me
this is better than many more in list , but like I said its my choice
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
27.01.2013 - 21:41
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Bad English on 27.01.2013 at 21:36

but like I said its my choice

then stop your whining.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

27.01.2013 - 22:33
Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2013 at 19:02

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 27.01.2013 at 19:00

you beat me to it. Wanted to quote and post the same thing

It had to done I've never understood people who turn up and announce Be'laBore is being anything of worth.

Being laBor is much more worthy than listening to some chickens' fart (Igorrr) or those vomiting "black & white" bands (Black Metal Genres, all in all).
I'd also like to pay your (faint) attention to left section of this web site. If you can open your eyes and your mind as well (if there is any ), you can see this "you-called-labors" is on top for more than six months
If you don't understand why people love this fascinating band (Be'lakor), it is due to those dumb-ass companies who waste their money by investing on those fucking noisy pile-of-shit Black-Metallers. And, there will always be people who pretend that they like them to -I don't know- show that they are ELITE.
There is a saying, "dumb-ass" will be attracted to"dumb-ass"
27.01.2013 - 22:39
Alex F
Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 22:33

If you don't understand why people love this fascinating band (Be'lakor), it is due to those dumb-ass companies who waste their money by investing on those fucking noisy pile-of-shit Black-Metallers. And, there will always be people who pretend that they like them to -I don't know- show that they are ELITE.
There is a saying, "dumb-ass" will be attracted to"dumb-ass"

Dude chill. They don't Be'lakor, deal with it. You can't expect people to like everything you like. I enjoy Be'lakor and I also enjoy "noisy pile-of-shit" black metal. Deal with other people's musical tastes and stop being a jackass
27.01.2013 - 22:39
Account deleted
Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 22:30

Being laBor is much more worthy than listening to some chickens' fart (Igorrr) or those vomiting "black & white" bands (Black Metal Genres, all in all).
I'd also like to pay your (faint) attention to right section of this web site. If you can open your eyes and your mind as well (if there is any ), you can see this "you-called-labors" is on top for more than six months
If you don't understand why people love this fascinating band (Be'lakor), it is due to those dumb-ass companies who waste their money by investing on those fucking noisy pile-of-shit Black-Metallers. And, there will always be people who pretend that they like them to -I don't know- show that they are ELITE.
There is a saying, "dumb-ass" will be attracted to"dumb-ass"

By your reasoning Justin Bieber is better than any band on here considering it's been higher on the charts than any metal band could hope to achieve. Unfortunately a large majority of metallers veer toward popular metal regardless of quality. Popular =/= good in all cases.

Also, the charts are on the left, not the right. Perhaps it's you that should open your eyes

Yes, yes, we get it. You don't like black metal. Chime on.

I'm pretty sure there's no such saying. Stop making stuff up
27.01.2013 - 23:02
Written by Alex F on 27.01.2013 at 22:39

Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 22:33

If you don't understand why people love this fascinating band (Be'lakor), it is due to those dumb-ass companies who waste their money by investing on those fucking noisy pile-of-shit Black-Metallers. And, there will always be people who pretend that they like them to -I don't know- show that they are ELITE.
There is a saying, "dumb-ass" will be attracted to"dumb-ass"

Dude chill. They don't Be'lakor, deal with it. You can't expect people to like everything you like. I enjoy Be'lakor and I also enjoy "noisy pile-of-shit" black metal. Deal with other people's musical tastes and stop being a jackass

I did not say that: "everybody, let's like what I like".
Those pile of shit have been surrounded everywhere. These are not differences in musical taste, all I'm gonna say is "Corruption" in Metal Genres and chicks who advertising them.
Just have a look at all elite's taste.
Elite, but if look at it upside down.

By the way, enjoying sth is so different than living with it .
27.01.2013 - 23:21
Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2013 at 22:39

Popular =/= good in all cases.

Popular =/= good in all cases, absolutely agreed, but who can say "Vegetable Soup" track in Hallelujah is "good in all cases", just because it's so called avant-garde or that damn "Neo" or "Modern" prefix which have been added to its genre.

Written by [user id=4365] on 27.01.2013 at 22:39

I'm pretty sure there's no such saying. Stop making stuff up

Yes, there is such a saying, but not in weak language like English.
27.01.2013 - 23:24
Account deleted
Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 23:21

Popular =/= good in all cases, absolutely agreed, but who can say "Vegetable Soup" track in Hallelujah is "good in all cases", just because it's so called avant-garde or that damn "Neo" or "Modern" prefix which have been added to its genre.

Yes, there is such a saying, but not in weak language like English.

Yes yes, you don't like Igorrr. I'll stick with that, you stick to the easily digestible stuff. Everyone's happy

The only thing weak about the English language is your implementation of it
27.01.2013 - 23:25
stupid noob
Account deleted
Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 22:33

There is a saying, "dumb-ass" will be attracted to"dumb-ass"

Move on dude! Just because these guys aren't talking about the latest Limp Bizkit doesn't mean I think they're elitist assholes! We all have tastes in music that are unique to ourselves. You seem to enjoy this Be'lakor band while most of the staff and elite members of this site don't. I don't listen to this band so I can't comment, but I'm not gonna go around insulting people and making fun of other genres and people who listen to them just because they disagree with my taste in music!
27.01.2013 - 23:46
Written by [user id=138012] on 27.01.2013 at 23:25

Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 22:33

There is a saying, "dumb-ass" will be attracted to"dumb-ass"

Move on dude! Just because these guys aren't talking about the latest Limp Bizkit doesn't mean I think they're elitist assholes! We all have tastes in music that are unique to ourselves. You seem to enjoy this Be'lakor band while most of the staff and elite members of this site don't. I don't listen to this band so I can't comment, but I'm not gonna go around insulting people and making fun of other genres and people who listen to them just because they disagree with my taste in music!

1- You are saying if the one is not attracted to "grindcore", "black" or those corrupting noise, they must be interested in "Limp Bizkit". Is that your system of reasoning ?
2- from the first "dumb-ass", I mean the commercialized recording companies, the latter is "those bands" which our elite, staff and you seem to enjoy. I hope, got it !!
27.01.2013 - 23:54
stupid noob
Account deleted
Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 23:46

1- You are saying if the one is not attracted to "grindcore", "black" or those corrupting noise, they must be interested in "Limp Bizkit". Is that your system of reasoning ?
2- from the first "dumb-ass", I mean the commercialized recording companies, the latter is "those bands" which our elite, staff and you seem to enjoy. I hope, got it !!

I'm just saying I'm interested in Limp Bizkit, where evidently the staff and elite members of this site are not. I'm not upset about that, it's just a difference of taste! You want a band like Be'lakor to be mentioned here, but their taste isn't the same as yours so you just have to move on. I understand you don't like any of the extreme metal - neither do I! Thrash metal and some metalcore is about as extreme as it gets for me, but I don't cry about it in a forum just because the leaders of the site have a more extreme taste (or just different taste) in music than me.

I have no idea what you're trying to say with your second point! Hopefully I answered the first part of your comment thought!
28.01.2013 - 00:38
Written by [user id=138012] on 27.01.2013 at 23:54

Written by fixxxer_ki on 27.01.2013 at 23:46

1- You are saying if the one is not attracted to "grindcore", "black" or those corrupting noise, they must be interested in "Limp Bizkit". Is that your system of reasoning ?
2- from the first "dumb-ass", I mean the commercialized recording companies, the latter is "those bands" which our elite, staff and you seem to enjoy. I hope, got it !!

I'm just saying I'm interested in Limp Bizkit, where evidently the staff and elite members of this site are not. I'm not upset about that, it's just a difference of taste! You want a band like Be'lakor to be mentioned here, but their taste isn't the same as yours so you just have to move on. I understand you don't like any of the extreme metal - neither do I! Thrash metal and some metalcore is about as extreme as it gets for me, but I don't cry about it in a forum just because the leaders of the site have a more extreme taste (or just different taste) in music than me.

I have no idea what you're trying to say with your second point! Hopefully I answered the first part of your comment thought!

So sorry, but plz have a look at trail of comments before. All this man "Bad English" and I were saying was that most of Albums highlights chosen by MS staff & Elites, this year, is - in MY OPINION - bullshit. I have the right to say that, don't I ? Or, I just have to agree with what they say, is that your definition of "RESPECTING to the other's opnion" ?
My democratic friend, the one was crying where those people who can't even tolerate this opinion, not me.
By the way, I'm in love of Thrash, I live with it. But who doesn't know that Alternative, grindcore, black, avant-garde bands or as you said those metalcore with those members who can barely touch the electric guitar were popping out everywhere, producing huge pile of ... , Removing solos was their achievement, not due to their NEO way of making music. It was because of their laziness.
This is the way they are making Heavy Metal Scene commercialized. No doubt, there is a need to advertise that by some people???
This is my idea, I do reserve the right to say that. Plus, I'm not gonna make anybody accept that. If you have such a feeling, it's not my fault.
28.01.2013 - 01:22
Account deleted
Pictured above ^ Guy who doesn't have a single clue about the metal industry.
28.01.2013 - 01:32
The Ancient One
Lit removed, meme without an actual post of words is just spam... we've been over this countless times.

as for Frick and Frack, walk away to your separate corners. now.
get the fuck off my lawn.

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