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One-Hit Albums

A (most probably incomplete) list of albums on which I really enjoy only a single song (in alphabetical order, excluding one-track albums).
They turn out to be albums that I rate a 6 or 7 overall -- with few exceptions.
The songs mentioned though are all-time favourites, which I would rate at 9 or 10.
I only listed albums on which I found exactly one such song.

Created by: Redel | 09.01.2020

1. Agalloch - Pale Folklore
Hallways of enchanted ebony
2. Amorphis - Far From The Sun
The day of your beliefs
3. Annihilator - Set The World On Fire
Snake in the grass
4. Asphyx - The Rack
The rack
5. Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Blood fire death
6. Biohazard - Urban Discipline
Urban discipline
7. Black Sabbath - Never Say Die!
Never say die
8. Cathedral - The Ethereal Mirror
Fountain of innocence
9. Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion
Circle of the tyrants
10. Coroner - Mental Vortex
Son of Lilith
11. Count Raven - Destruction Of The Void
Hippies' triumph
12. Crematory - Transmigration
The eyes of suffering
13. Cruachan - Folk-Lore
Ride on
14. Dark Tranquillity - Character
Out of nothing
15. Dark Tranquillity - Haven
At loss for words
16. Darkseed - Astral Adventures
17. Darkseed - Give Me Light
Cosmic shining
18. Darkseed - Midnight Solemnly Dance
My wordly task is done
19. Darkseed - Romantic Tales
A dream recalled on waking
20. Death - Leprosy
Pull the plug
21. Dio - The Last In Line
The last in line
22. DragonForce - Ultra Beatdown
Heroes of our time
23. Dream Theater - Awake
Space-dye vest
24. Entombed - Same Difference
The Supreme Good
25. Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - Before The Bleeding Sun
Angelheart, ravenheart (pt. I)
26. Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - Children Of The Dark Waters
Tears of autumn rain
27. Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - Saivon Lapsi
Angelheart, ravenheart (pt. III)
28. Fates Warning - Night On Bröcken
29. Finntroll - Midnattens Widunder
Midnattens widunder
30. Grave Digger - Heart Of Darkness
Heart of darkness
31. Heathen - Victims Of Deception
Prisoners of fate
32. Heavens Gate - Livin' In Hysteria
Living in hysteria
33. Helloween - Chameleon
I believe
34. Hypocrisy - Abducted
Roswell 47
35. Iced Earth - Dystopia
36. Iced Earth - Horror Show
37. Insomnium - In The Halls Of Awaiting
In the halls of awaiting
38. Judas Priest - British Steel
Breaking the law
39. Judas Priest - Killing Machine (Hell Bent For Leather)
Hell bent for leather
40. Kamelot - Epica
Center of the universe
41. Kamelot - Karma
42. Katatonia - Discouraged Ones
43. Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
Soil's song
44. Manowar - Battle Hymns
Battle hymn
45. Manowar - Fighting The World
Carry on
46. Manowar - Hell On Wheels
Blood of my enemies
47. Manowar - Sign Of The Hammer
48. Manowar - Louder Than Hell
Return of the warlord
49. Metal Church - Metal Church
Beyond the black
50. Metal Church - The Dark
Watch the children pray
51. Ministry - ΚΕΦΑΛΗΞΘ
52. Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet
53. Morbid Angel - Covenant
God of emptiness
54. Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus
I am morbid
55. Napalm Death - Scum
56. Novembre - Novembrine Waltz
57. Obituary - The End Complete
The end complete
58. Ozzy Osbourne - Blizzard Of Ozz
Crazy train
59. Paradise Lost - Gothic
60. Picture - Eternal Dark
Eternal Dark
61. Poltergeist - Behind My Mask
62. Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace
63. Queensrÿche - Promised Land
64. Queensrÿche - The Warning
Take hold of the flame
65. Rage - Perfect Man
Don't fear the winter
66. Rainbow - Long Live Rock 'N' Roll
Gates of Babylon
67. Running Wild - Branded And Exiled
Marching to die
68. Running Wild - Under Jolly Roger
Raise your fist
69. Saint Vitus - Born Too Late
The war starter
70. Samael - Passage
71. Savatage - Poets And Madmen
Morphine child
72. Savatage - Power Of The Night
Power of the night
73. Savatage - Sirens
74. Saxon - Crusader
75. Saxon - Denim And Leather
Princess of the night
76. Saxon - Innocence Is No Excuse
Broken heroes
77. Saxon - Power And The Glory
The eagle has landed
78. Saxon - Wheels Of Steel
747 (Strangers in the night)
79. Sentenced - Amok
80. Sentenced - North From Here
Awaiting the winter frost
81. Shadow Gallery - Room V
82. Sodom - Obsessed By Cruelty
Deathlike silence
83. Solitude Aeturnus - Through The Darkest Hour
84. Tankard - Chemical Invasion
Chemical invasion
85. Tankard - The Meaning Of Life
The meaning of life
86. Tankard - The Morning After
The morning after
87. Testament - The New Order
The new order
88. The Old Dead Tree - The Nameless Disease
It can't be
89. Therion - Deggial
Seven secrets of the Sphinx
90. Therion - Lemuria
91. Tristania - Ashes
92. Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses
Black no 1
93. Type O Negative - October Rust
Wolf moon
94. Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells
Before the creation of time
95. Venom - At War With Satan
At war with Satan
96. Venom - Black Metal
Countess bathory
97. Wish - Monochrome
Gentle nova

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Redel ]


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Comments: 13   Visited by: 90 users
22.02.2020 - 17:02
i c deaf people
Wow, that's a massive list and I can only imagine how much time and effort you've invested to compile this.

As always, it's a matter of personal taste and thus totally pointless to discuss each and every song. Besides, it would take ages and nobody wants to hear my biased opinion about Biohazard and Kamelot anyway.

But to mention a few prominent examples, I wholeheartedly agree with your picks of

Asphyx - The Rack
Death - Pull The Plug
Judas Priest - Breaking The Law
Katatonia - Soil's Song
Morbid Angel - God Of Emptiness
Samael - Rain
Saxon - Crusader
Sentenced - Awaiting The Winter Frost

However, I wouldn't call any of the following albums a one-hit thing and in my book, some of them are even the exact opposite of it.

Dark Tranquillity - Character: Lost To Apathy & Am I 1? & One Thought
Hypocrisy - Abducted: Roswell 47 & When The Candle Fades & Slippin' Away & The Arrival Of The Demons (Part 2) & ...
Manowar - Fighting The World: Carry On & Black Wind, Fire And Steel
Manowar - Sign Of The Hammer: Mountains & Guyana (Cult Of The Damned)
Ministry - ΚΕΦΑΛΗΞΘ: N.W.O. & Just One Fix
Paradise Lost - Gothic: Gothic & Eternal
Sentenced - Amok: Nepenthe & Phenix & New Age Messiah & Forever Lost
Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses: Black No. 1 & Christian Woman & We Hate Everyone
Venom - Black Metal: Countess Bathory & Buried Alive

No love for Ministry's "Just One Fix", really?
It's not that I am still a big fan of Sentenced, but I guess you've totally missed some of the best songs Amok has to offer. IMHO Hypocrisy's Abducted is stuffed with hits and ignoring Manowar's "Guyana (Cult Of The Damned)" is nothing but a crime.
And I don't even want to imagine Gothic without "Eternal", the thought alone saddens me deeply.

Regardless, that's a nice list and it was fun to indulge in reminiscences.
signatures = SPAM
22.02.2020 - 23:58
Written by Starvynth on 22.02.2020 at 17:02

Wow, and that is quite some feedback, thanks a lot.

The merit of writing down and publishing such a list can be that others take the time to point you to songs that you may have missed, or where you just seem to be ridiculously wrong.
You have done that and I am grateful for that.
In return I shall sit down and do my homework of re-visiting the particular songs you refer to.
And I am going to do that.

That said, the fact that I dont mention so many songs from these albums here doesnt mean that I dont like them at all.
It is just that they dont stand out particularly for me. So they may be ok (We hate everyone), or even good (Just one fix, Christian woman), but not very good or better. Does that make any sense?
But anyway, I shall come back to you on this subject in more detail once I have done my homework.
So long
24.02.2020 - 22:41
Written by Starvynth on 22.02.2020 at 17:02

...and here is the result of my homework.

Dark Tranquillity - Character: Lost To Apathy & Am I 1? & One Thought
>> Yes, these are all good songs, I like them. But they dont "stay" with me for long.
>> Still, one of the best albums from this list, I guess.

Hypocrisy - Abducted: Roswell 47 & When The Candle Fades & Slippin' Away & The Arrival Of The Demons (Part 2)
>> Well, since you are the greatest Hypocrisy fanboy that I am aware of I am certainly not gonna mess with you on this one. Put briefly, respun this, it stays on the list.

Manowar - Fighting The World: Carry On & Black Wind, Fire And Steel
>> Black Wind, Fire And Steel: That is a good one, indeed, just a bit one-dimensional (but hey, Manowar...).

Manowar - Sign Of The Hammer: Mountains & Guyana (Cult Of The Damned)
>> Guyana is a nice one but not more for me.

Ministry - ΚΕΦΑΛΗΞΘ: N.W.O. & Just One Fix
>> Just on fix, as well as Jesus built my hotrod are popular songs, and they are not bad, I kind of like them but not that much.

Paradise Lost - Gothic: Gothic & Eternal
>> In fact all other songs on this album, apart from the title track, dont do much with me. I greatly respect this album for its influence but it doesnt give me much.

Sentenced - Amok: Nepenthe & Phenix & New Age Messiah & Forever Lost
>> Phenix is pretty lame for me, New Age Messiah is ok, Forever Lost is a good song, actually pretty good.

Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses: Black No. 1 & Christian Woman & We Hate Everyone
>> Christian woman is a really nice track, and We hate everyone is pretty funny. I like these songs but they are no hits for me. Also among the better albums from this list.

Venom - Black Metal: Countess Bathory & Buried Alive
>> Songs like Black Metal and Buried Alive are really legendary. But somehow the only one from this album I still come back to today is Countess Bathory.
01.03.2020 - 21:07
i c deaf people
Written by Redel on 24.02.2020 at 22:41

>> Well, since you are the greatest Hypocrisy fanboy that I am aware of I am certainly not gonna mess with you on this one. Put briefly, respun this, it stays on the list.

Naah, that's just half the truth.
It's true that I loved mid-90's Hypocrisy, but this phase does only cover two of their albums. Almost everything they released after 1999 is pretty meh in my eyes, with Virus being the only exception. They are a typical 6-7/10 band nowadays and that's how I have rated most of their albums.

Abducted, on the other hand, does easily belong to the best stuff of their career and even 24 years after its release I still do believe that it contains some of the most memorable tracks of the entire genre.

But hey: your taste, your list, your rules - and that's perfectly fine.
signatures = SPAM
27.07.2020 - 09:28
Great idea of a list! Maybe I do something similar in the future.

I don't agree with some of the stuff here though, I agree with you on the best song but atleast these albums are far from one hit albums in my opinion:

Heart of Darkness (The Grave Dancer, Hate, Circle of Witches)
Poets and Madmen (Back to a Reason, Surrender)
Room V (The Andromeda Strain, Room V)
The Warning (NM 156, En Force)
Metal Church (Pretty much the whole album)
The Dark (Ton of Bricks, Start the Fire)
Karma (Forever, The Spell)
Epica (The entire thing is one huge highlight )
Chameleon (Music, Giants)
Livin' in hysteria (Flashes, Empty Way to Nowhere)

On the other hand you are on point with at least Crusader, Perfect Man, Power of The Night, Sirens, British Steel, Awake (atleast as far as I remember), Wheels of Steel, At War With Satan
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands
27.07.2020 - 22:33
Written by majormalfunction on 27.07.2020 at 09:28

Great idea of a list! Maybe I do something similar in the future.

I don't agree with some of the stuff here though, I agree with you on the best song but atleast these albums are far from one hit albums in my opinion:

Heart of Darkness (The Grave Dancer, Hate, Circle of Witches)
Poets and Madmen (Back to a Reason, Surrender)
Room V (The Andromeda Strain, Room V)
The Warning (NM 156, En Force)
Metal Church (Pretty much the whole album)
The Dark (Ton of Bricks, Start the Fire)
Karma (Forever, The Spell)
Epica (The entire thing is one huge highlight )
Chameleon (Music, Giants)
Livin' in hysteria (Flashes, Empty Way to Nowhere)

On the other hand you are on point with at least Crusader, Perfect Man, Power of The Night, Sirens, British Steel, Awake (atleast as far as I remember), Wheels of Steel, At War With Satan

Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.
As I said before, one reason for me to publish this list (which, by the way, I am not particularly proud of, it was just an idea I had and immediately put into words) was to have people to point me to albums where I might be mislead.
Most of the songs you mention dont ring too many bells with me from the top of my head (obviously so).
Even more so, I will pay extra attention to these songs the next time I am going to spin one of those albums.
Just cant promise that is going to happen soon.
In the meanwhile looking forward to your respective list.
30.07.2020 - 10:20
Written by Redel on 27.07.2020 at 22:33

Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.
As I said before, one reason for me to publish this list (which, by the way, I am not particularly proud of, it was just an idea I had and immediately put into words) was to have people to point me to albums where I might be mislead.
Most of the songs you mention dont ring too many bells with me from the top of my head (obviously so).
Even more so, I will pay extra attention to these songs the next time I am going to spin one of those albums.
Just cant promise that is going to happen soon.
In the meanwhile looking forward to your respective list.

Yeah I don't expect you to crack out all these albums and give them a spin, there's way to much music one would like to listen to and not enough time (it's not like the teenage years when you could spin albums all day long) . But when you come across them maybe you will change your mind

At some point I will do a list like this, seems like a fun project for a rainy day.
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands
30.07.2020 - 22:15
Written by majormalfunction on 30.07.2020 at 10:20

not enough time (it's not like the teenage years when you could spin albums all day long) .

20.04.2021 - 11:44
You people are crazy if you think Breaking the Law is the only good song on British Steel when the awesome Rapid Fire is right there.
25.06.2021 - 07:03
Nocturnal Bro
Interesting idea for a list!
Like blackwreath13, I also will point out that a Judas Priest album has more than one great song. Killing Machine/Hell Bent for Leather has three: Hell Bent for Leather, Delivering the Goods, and Green Manalisha (With the two-pronged crown). Other than that, I generally agree with Leprosy, Last in Line, and Blood Fire Death (Although on the last album I'd choose the intro and A Fine Day to Die as the stand-out song)
25.06.2021 - 15:43
Written by F3ynman on 25.06.2021 at 07:03

Interesting idea for a list!
Like blackwreath13, I also will point out that a Judas Priest album has more than one great song. Killing Machine/Hell Bent for Leather has three: Hell Bent for Leather, Delivering the Goods, and Green Manalisha (With the two-pronged crown). Other than that, I generally agree with Leprosy, Last in Line, and Blood Fire Death (Although on the last album I'd choose the intro and A Fine Day to Die as the stand-out song)

If that is all you disagree with here I am more than happy.
This (type of) list bears a lot of potential for controversy -- more so than a list of favourite albums or favourite songs.
That is because it implies a judgement on each of the songs on all the albums displayed: the stand-out song (very good or excellent) and all the rest (mediocre or not good) -- and that assessment again is obviously very subjective.
This list was thus not meant for discussing each album, whether it is supposed to be on the list or not, I am thus not going to argue about it.
I guess it was more about the idea for the list in general why I published it here -- and as I said before I am not particularly proud of the list.
Anyway, thanks for taking note of it and caring about commenting.
16.07.2021 - 00:38
Nocturnal Bro
Written by Redel on 25.06.2021 at 15:43

This (type of) list bears a lot of potential for controversy -- more so than a list of favourite albums or favourite songs.
That is because it implies a judgement on each of the songs on all the albums displayed: the stand-out song (very good or excellent) and all the rest (mediocre or not good) -- and that assessment again is obviously very subjective.
This list was thus not meant for discussing each album, whether it is supposed to be on the list or not, I am thus not going to argue about it.

I understand that. Very reasonable of you.
However, since I like discussing stuff, I want to say that I revisited your list and some of the albums. While my favorite songs on Leprosy and Metal Church are Pull the Plug and Beyond the Black, I found those entire albums very enjoyable. Plus, Disciples of the Watch from The New Order was a great song, not just the title track. But that's just my opinion.
Maybe another one-hit album is Dio's Lock Up the Wolves. The title track is one of my favorites, but the rest of the songs are just average. What do you think?
16.07.2021 - 22:40
Written by F3ynman on 16.07.2021 at 00:38

Maybe another one-hit album is Dio's Lock Up the Wolves. The title track is one of my favorites, but the rest of the songs are just average. What do you think?

Well, I only enjoy DIO's first two albums (Holy Diver is godly, Last in Line has several great songs). All succeeding albums are either mediocre or not good imo.
I have a 6 on Lock up the wolfs, but honestly, from the top of my head I do not recall a single riff or melody from it (last spin prob 4-5 years ago).
Thus I just gave the title track a respin. It is ohhhhkay, doesnt suffice for a real highlight for me.

Nonetheless dude, I really appreciate you caring for the content of my list. Keep it coming, I will do my best to at least reply to your suggestions when it comes to the list at hand (which is -- as I said before -- a bit difficult to discuss by its nature).

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