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My Favorite Album Covers

Mind map:

Blue = win
Undead = win
Hell = win
Blue = win
Nature ft. Water = win
Color eyegasm = win
Grim reaper = win
Boys being boys = win
Badly done CGI = win
Blue = win
Blue = win
Orthodox stuff = win
Black and white = win, sometimes

Last updated on 29 July 2023.

Created by: Qualeen | 29.03.2023

1. Emperor - Reverence
The coldest album cover I’ve ever seen.
2. Wintersun - Wintersun
The 2nd coldest album cover I’ve ever seen. I can’t say the album owes its success to the cover either; the music rocks as well. I heard this guy has some crazy project up his sleeve, but does not have Time 2 do it. Also blue = win.
3. The Ruins Of Beverast - Rain Upon The Impure
I can’t think of a joke, I just love this one.
4. Dissection - Live Legacy
shoutout to the future Nobel prize winner!
5. Ozzy Osbourne - Diary Of A Madman
This is what I want the POV of my visitors to look like. Especially the guys that leave around ad leaflets.
6. Rothadás - Kopár Hant​.​.​. Az Alvilág Felé
Hell yeah, that’s a crypt.
7. Mastodon - Divinations
I don't hang out with my dawgs; I hang out with my burrs.
8. Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
A picture so lo-fi that some people claim they can’t see what’s on it! Gimme more. Also nature + water.
9. Pestilence - Testimony Of The Ancients
Makes me think of Baldur’s Gate and a place called “High Hedge”.
10. Esoteric - The Pernicious Enigma
Mmmmm, the police dog senses some sweeeeet substances behind this.
11. In The Woods... - Heart Of The Ages
The only thing that’s better than a photo of nature is a lo-fi photo of nature ft. water, especially when it was taken 30 years ago so you can hardly blame the photographer’s ability.
12. The Ocean - Anthropocentric
Note: I’ve not listened to this yet.
13. Thergothon - Stream From The Heavens
What hides under my duvet in the morning.
14. Gorguts - Considered Dead
Baldur’s Gate and the Candlekeep Catacombs. You don’t need to know what I’m talking about.
15. Agalloch - The Mantle
Okay, maybe this is the coldest album cover after all.
16. Witcher - Lélekharang
When she says growling takes no skill.
17. Dark Funeral - The Secrets Of The Black Arts
18. Pentagram - Pentagram
I like this because it says what’s on it and then the thing that’s supposed to be on it is on it.
19. Grave Digger - The Grave Digger
Blue. The grim reaper is a bonus points cheat.
20. Therion - Theli
I’m not kidding.
21. Suffocation - Breeding The Spawn
22. Summoning - Stronghold
I think I’ve not mentioned Baldur’s Gate yet? So, there’s this place in Baldur’s Gate called the gnoll stronghold…
23. Moonlight Sorcery - Piercing Through The Frozen Eternity
How to please me visually: A guide in one step.
24. Necrophobic - Dawn Of The Damned
Hell 1.0
25. The Black Dahlia Murder - Nocturnal
Can I book a weekend here?
26. Fuath - II
I need to listen to this, I hope it lives up to the quality of the cover
27. Swallow The Sun - Hope
That’s a door, right?
28. Wolfchant - A Pagan Storm
The cover made me check out the album; wasn’t disappointed. What a banger bundle.
29. Knocked Loose - A Tear In The Fabric Of Life
Found this last week. Wow.
30. Entombed - Left Hand Path
31. Cannibal Corpse - A Skeletal Domain
Hell 2.0
32. The Ocean - Pelagial
It’s missing Flying Whales.
33. Finntroll - Jaktens Tid
*Troll noises intensify.*
34. Necrovation - Breed Deadness Blood
Blacker than black metal.
35. Organectomy - Domain Of The Wretched
The first in the series of album covers which I like because they are vibrant and sharp.
36. Analepsy - Atrocities From Beyond
I very highly recommend this.
37. Windir - Arntor
If my instinctual understanding of viking stuff is correct, this is the most viking thing I’ve ever seen. -- EDIT: This was from a nazi poster?? Well now it's turned into a cool thing made for the completely wrong reason...
38. Satyricon - The Shadowthrone
I don’t know why they’ve gone for a completely different cover on the recent re-release. A shame, really.
39. Týr - Hel
Hel(l) 3.0
40. Abyssal - Antikatastaseis
Unlike any album cover I’ve seen, honestly.
41. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Trve and kvlt.
42. Judas Priest - Painkiller
I can’t look at this without hearing the drum intro to “Painkiller”
43. Morbid Angel - Domination
Hell 4.0
44. Firienholt - By The Waters Of Awakening
Have I said something previously about pictures of nature ft. water?
45. Decapitated - Winds Of Creation
Hell 5.0
46. Defeated Sanity - Prelude To The Tragedy
Hell 6.0
47. Mercyful Fate - Melissa
The red bits are what sells it.
48. Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond
I think they like Lord of the Rings, guys.
49. Borknagar - Borknagar
Alternatively, if I can’t book a weekend at TBDM's Nocturnal place, this is a good alternative, and might also be cheaper.
50. Fates Warning - Awaken The Guardian
51. Thulcandra - A Dying Wish
Grim reaper bonus points, also blue = win.
52. Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
Grim reaper bonus points, also blue = win.
53. Maggot Colony - Vile Reincarnation
The zerg have arrived at last.
54. Dark Funeral - Where Shadows Forever Reign
55. Insomnium - In The Halls Of Awaiting
Blue + you know, the thing about pictures of nature ft. water.
56. Entropia - Total
Very unique.
57. Gaerea - Mirage
Very unique 2.0.
58. Djevel - Naa Skrider Natten Sort
Reason: the thing about pictures of nature ft. water. Wait, is there even water on this?
59. Faceless Burial - At The Foothills Of Deliration
Hell 7.0
60. Antestor - Det Tapte Liv
61. Esoteric - Paragon Of Dissonance
Close eye visuals.
62. Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
Really coooooold.
63. Monstrosity - In Dark Purity
If it looks like badly done CGI, I’ll probably like it. Same thing with Theli.
64. The Faceless - Planetary Duality
The protoss have arrived at last.
65. Rings Of Saturn - Dingir
Is that what shrooms feel like?
66. Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
I like this because it’s a tomb and I’m just edgy like that. Self-awareness <3
67. Dark Forest (CAN) - Aurora Borealis
A very lovely recent finding.
68. King Diamond - Abigail
69. Death - Scream Bloody Gore
The evil dead & their zombie ritual.
70. Morbid Angel - Covenant
Meanwhile, at your neighbors:
71. Defeated Sanity - Chapters Of Repugnance
Hell 8.0
72. Brand Of Sacrifice - Lifeblood
Yaaaay, colors!!
73. Infant Annihilator - The Battle Of Yaldabaoth
A good representation of the musical content.
74. Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
No mom, we’re just gonna stay at Jack’s to play on his NES!
75. Nocturnal Departure - Clandestine Theurgy
Someone on Sputnik put it well: this is the evil one at his outhouse.
76. Witchery - Restless & Dead
Is (s)he throwing gang signs in the air?
77. Enslaved - Frost
78. Ominous Scriptures - Rituals Of Mass Self​-​Ignition
Hell 9.0
79. Violent Dirge - Elapse
This one feels so otherworldly!!!
80. Inferi - Vile Genesis
Green =/= always win, but it can
81. The Black Dahlia Murder - Verminous
*points up* My man, that’s what I’m saying!
82. Spawn Of Possession - Cabinet
Reminds me of Suffocation’s Pierced from Within
83. Atlantis Chronicles - Barton's Odyssey
84. Ancient - Svartalvheim
No mom, we’re just gonna stay at Bobby’s to watch TV in the evening!
85. Wretched - Beyond The Gate
TES IV and the gates of Oblivion!
86. Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
I really didn't expect what I heard when I played this for the first time; I didn't expect the avantgarde harmonies and anticipated rather something strictly melodic, but this grew on me immensely, as shown in my favorite albums list!
87. Stormkeep - Tales Of Othertime
inspired by the above I suspect. Blue. Pretty. Yes.
88. Batushka - Litourgiya
Davai, bratan!
89. Bathory - Blood Fire Death
A gorgeous painting, this one.
90. Opeth - Morningrise
I have a thing for [Blackwater] parks.
91. Antestor - The Return Of The Black Death
Undead grim reaper on an overall blue artwork? Me gusta.
92. Lord Belial - Enter The Moonlight Gate
Almost forgot about this! What a beauty this is.
93. Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon
On a purely *technical* level this is probably the coldest one of them all.
94. Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
95. Edge Of Sanity - Crimson II
Yet to hear the album, but I've heard much praise.
96. Archgoat - Whore Of Bethlehem
Now that's a proper daily dose of Satan.
97. Azarath - Infernal Blasting
That's for Tuesday.
98. Annotations Of An Autopsy - Before The Throne Of Infection
People seem positive this record isn't quite the pinnacle of the genre. I haven't tried it. The art is nice though.
99. Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
The definition of 'classic'!
100. Dawn - Nær Sólen Gar Niþer For Evogher
You already know why ^^
101. Mithotyn - Gathered Around The Oaken Table
102. Immolation - Majesty And Decay
This guy takes no prisoners.
103. Behemoth - Demonica
Daily dose of Satan for Wednesday.
104. Bal-Sagoth - Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule
Looking celestial!
105. Om - Advaitic Songs
106. Mastodon - Once More 'Round The Sun
I wish I enjoyed the record half as much as I do the artwork...
107. Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
108. Deliverance - Weapons Of Our Warfare
Remember the blue rule!
109. Children Of Bodom - Follow The Reaper
When in doubt, blue it out!
110. Belore - Artefacts
Baldur's Gate II, Chapter VII
111. Blind Guardian - Live
A t m o s p h e r e
112. Mayhem - Daemon
Satanic Thursday
113. Meshuggah - Chaosphere
My state of mind when I wake up after I'd gone to sleep at 4 in the morning.
114. DragonForce - Maximum Overload
So pwetty ;_;
115. Marduk - Those Of The Unlight
Lord of the Rings vibes.
116. Black Label Society - Order Of The Black
Candlemass vibes.
117. Overkill - The Years Of Decay
The gate is tempting...
118. Twilight Force - At The Heart Of Wintervale
119. Gloryhammer - Space 1992: Rise Of The Chaos Wizards
Looking this cool should be illegal.
120. Exodus - Tempo Of The Damned
Pirates of the Caribbean, 2nd film vibes!
121. Shadows - Out For Blood
I smell Abigail!
122. Blazon Rite - Wild Rites And Ancient Songs
Looks like concept art for some unreleased Icewind Dale expansion.
123. Mental Cruelty - A Hill To Die Upøn
The art drew me to the album and the music kept me in!
124. Carnifex - Necromanteum
Such lovely real estate!
125. Aeternus - Beyond The Wandering Moon
Trve and kvlt.
126. Acranius - Reign Of Terror
This caught my attention and the album slaps too!
127. more to come :)

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 4   Visited by: 21 users
30.03.2023 - 00:32
Nocturnal Bro
Awesome selection! Cover artwork is an essential piece of the beauty of metal!

And I love all your little remarks
30.03.2023 - 00:36
Written by F3ynman on 30.03.2023 at 00:32

Cover artwork is an essential piece of the beauty of metal!

Hell yeah it is!
So imminently visible - this cloaked innocent guilt
Sentenced to a lifetime, a second of structured chaos
Trampled by the ferocious, raging crowds of solitude
I'm the soil beneath me soaking up the sustenance of my own death.
04.04.2023 - 11:03
Roman Doez
Not so fun fact: the Arntor album art is actually from a nazi propaganda poster from when Norway was occupied during ww2. Not so viking anymore haha
04.04.2023 - 12:50
Written by Roman Doez on 04.04.2023 at 11:03

Not so fun fact: the Arntor album art is actually from a nazi propaganda poster from when Norway was occupied during ww2. Not so viking anymore haha

Well, now it just got ruined in my mind still looks cool though. And thanks for sharing!
So imminently visible - this cloaked innocent guilt
Sentenced to a lifetime, a second of structured chaos
Trampled by the ferocious, raging crowds of solitude
I'm the soil beneath me soaking up the sustenance of my own death.

Hits total: 384 | This month: 4