Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Update: Fixed a bunch of links that I messed up and added a few albums.
F3ynman Nocturnal Bro ContributorPosts: 3188  |
F3ynmanNocturnal BroContributorPosts: 3188 
I've seen some people argue that melodeath started kind of with Dismember's debut. What do you think?
Also, if you feature Dissection, I think an argument could be made for Necrophobic too, right?
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Written by F3ynman on 09.04.2024 at 03:02
I've seen some people argue that melodeath started kind of with Dismember's debut. What do you think?
Also, if you feature Dissection, I think an argument could be made for Necrophobic too, right?
About Dismember. I've seen that argument before and I mean, like I said in the intro, there were definitely elements of Melodic Death seen before Heartwork. We could even go deeper than this and say that there were traces in early Dark Tranquillity's demos such as Trail Of Life Decayed (also from 1991... though released a bit after LAEFS). Could we even delve into a discussion concerning Entombed (as early as 1990 with Left Hand Path)? I'm not against the argument since I can see those melodic moments (even death'n'roll) on Like An Ever Flowing Stream. In any case, not far fetched at all. I think people landed on Heartwork mainly due to it's impact, influence and popularity back then. It sort of opened the way forward in a sense for a plethora of other bands. Afterall, Carcass were pioneering (with other bands) a lot of subgenres back in the day and they had a more important following hence a better reach. But overall I think Dismember's debut could be included in the list to emphasize on ''where it came from''. I will add it. I'm even debating Entombed's first. What do you think?
As for Necrophobic, in my list and by my definition of the genre, absolutely you are right, it could fit in here. I'll try to include some of their albums soonish. Edit: Done!
Thanks F3ynman! It's always fun to engage in such discussions.
A Real Mönkey
Posts: 1331  |
If you're looking for something from this year, the new Eternal Storm might strike your fancy.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Written by A Real Mönkey on 09.04.2024 at 04:02
If you're looking for something from this year, the new Eternal Storm might strike your fancy.
Hey Mönkey! Definitely on my list of albums to check.
Thanks for the recc
AndyMetalFreak A Nice Guy ContributorPosts: 5599  |
Another fantastic list! It's always quite remarkable to see how a genre journeys from it's origins to where it is now, and melodeath is no exception.
I've always been taken more to the melodic side of death metal than the more brutal, technical, and dissonant approach. I suppose that's because it's where my journey into death metal began in the first place. When I first started venturing into extreme metal and discovering death metal for the first time I thought melodeath would be a good starting point, being easier on the ears. So whilst classic death metal such as Morbid Angel, Entombed, and Cannibal Corpse weren't doing much for at the time, I instead began to delve into Gothenburg acts, and Dark Tranquillity was one of the first to really impress me, I was also really fond of Amon Amarth in the beginning due to their catchy songwriting but brutal sound. From there I began stretching to band's slightly less easy on the ears such as Carcass and it developed from there really, and I even began to appreciate all types of styles under the death metal spectrum.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Written by AndyMetalFreak on 09.04.2024 at 09:10
Another fantastic list! It's always quite remarkable to see how a genre journeys from it's origins to where it is now, and melodeath is no exception.
So whilst classic death metal such as Morbid Angel, Entombed, and Cannibal Corpse weren't doing much for at the time, I instead began to delve into Gothenburg acts
From there I began stretching to band's slightly less easy on the ears such as Carcass and it developed from there really, and I even began to appreciate all types of styles under the death metal spectrum.
Thanks Andy I'm glad you enjoyed it! Making this one was really nostalgic. Felt a bit the same with my alt list.
I had a similar journey in metal, while mine began largely with Alternative & Thrash acts. Though I remember the first Melodeath bands that really caught my attention and helped me appreciate more brutal stuff were Kalmah, Children Of Bodom and Amon Amarth. It is only after that passage that I began listening to Atheist and Quo Vadis then diving deeper into the brutal and technical side of death metal.
Starvynth i c deaf people StaffPosts: 3319  |
Great list with a high nostalgia factor! Seeing all these cover artworks again is almost like flipping through an old photo album with the fondest vacation memories...
I'm quite amazed to see a whole string of albums that are rarely found in any other list, but which I personally consider to be small masterpieces. Sterling Black Icon belongs to that category, just like Your Shapeless Beauty's My Swan Song. Special kudos also for the double feature of Thirdmoon ( Sworn Enemy: Heaven and Aquis Submersus). These are truly great albums that every metalhead should listen to at least once, regardless of whether they particularly like melodic death metal or not.
Two quick recs... My all-time favorite melodeath album is Unanimated - Ancient God of Evil, and it breaks my heart that this band failed in their attempts to follow up on their magnum opus in the new millennium. Additionally, I'm quite sure you might enjoy Sentenced's North From Here. This early blend of technical and melodic death was a true rarity in 1993, and it has absolutely nothing in common with the gothic "Suomi" metal that most people associate with the band.
signatures = SPAM
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Written by Starvynth on 11.04.2024 at 22:28
Great list with a high nostalgia factor! Seeing all these cover artworks again is almost like flipping through an old photo album with the fondest vacation memories...
I'm quite amazed to see a whole string of albums that are rarely found in any other list, but which I personally consider to be small masterpieces. Sterling Black Icon belongs to that category, just like Your Shapeless Beauty's My Swan Song. Special kudos also for the double feature of Thirdmoon (Sworn Enemy: Heaven and Aquis Submersus). These are truly great albums that every metalhead should listen to at least once, regardless of whether they particularly like melodic death metal or not.
Two quick recs... My all-time favorite melodeath album is Unanimated - Ancient God of Evil, and it breaks my heart that this band failed in their attempts to follow up on their magnum opus in the new millennium. Additionally, I'm quite sure you might enjoy Sentenced's North From Here. This early blend of technical and melodic death was a true rarity in 1993, and it has absolutely nothing in common with the gothic "Suomi" metal that most people associate with the band.
Thanks a lot for your comment Starvynth I'm glad you like the list. Not gonna lie I did a lot of re-listening and research to complete this list and try my best to include as much the known and the barely known. I really wanted to paint a portrait that was as accurate as possible and that would help people discover some amazing gems. I will be checking your recommendations for sure, thanks for those as well and if any other come to mind, do not hesitate.
Edit: Ok so I went ahead and listened to both those albums and wow, just wow! Thank you so much for pointing these out to me they are absolutely amazing releases and I cannot believe I missed them. Oh also... Northern Lights! While you were asleep I was awake to be a part of the dark! is a solid fucking line lol. I dig this track so much.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2413  |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2413 
Another great list here, Guib, obviously.
My focus is naturally on the early years, up until let's say the mid 00s. Well, it is of course always debatable where to start, but hey you basically got them all there, I would say.
Just, how about some The Elysian Fields? They are on the edge of melodic death and melodic black, and have been quite overlooked.
All their first three albums are excellent. You may want to check them out if you havent already.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Written by Redel on 12.04.2024 at 22:45
Another great list here, Guib, obviously.
My focus is naturally on the early years, up until let's say the mid 00s. Well, it is of course always debatable where to start, but hey you basically got them all there, I would say.
Just, how about some The Elysian Fields? They are on the edge of melodic death and melodic black, and have been quite overlooked.
All their first three albums are excellent. You may want to check them out if you havent already.
Thanks Redel, really appreciated. I'll admit I don't know the band really so I will go and listen to them. Thanks for the recommendation.
24emd Theory Snob
Posts: 1107  |
24emdTheory SnobPosts: 1107 
Fantastic list with plenty of masterpieces. Inclusion of Glow is a very nice choice.
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Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Written by 24emd on 13.04.2024 at 04:22
Fantastic list with plenty of masterpieces. Inclusion of Glow is a very nice choice.
Thank you very much 24emd! Cheers mate.
musclassia StaffPosts: 7914  |
Nice list once again Guib, really shows off the versatility of what can be encompassed under the genre umbrella! Nice to see such heavy Sylosis representation - I've always found them a tricky band to categorize, as I'd consider thrash to be a primary genre, but they don't just fall into that genre, and melodeath clearly influences elements of their albums. Nice inclusion of the As The Sun Falls debut too; I've got the promo for their second album atm and it's more really solid Insomnium worship.
I've had quite a resurgence in my melodeath listening in the past few years with being involved in the Metal Storm Awards, and I feel I've become more inclined to the sadboi Finnish/Be'lakor melodeath sound rather than the classic Gothenburg one, but when you go back to the old albums from that scene, there was some real magic going on with those records - it would be nice to hear modern Gothenburg-influenced melodeath that uses that mystical playfulness/acoustics of The Jester Race/Whoracle or the undeniable hookiness of Damage Done/Character. Bloody Cumshot is probably the closest I've heard in terms of new acts, although their image unfortunately (yet unsurprisingly) puts people off trying them
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Written by musclassia on 13.04.2024 at 20:55
Nice list once again Guib, really shows off the versatility of what can be encompassed under the genre umbrella!
Bloody Cumshot is probably the closest I've heard in terms of new acts, although their image unfortunately (yet unsurprisingly) puts people off trying them
Hey musclassia thanks for the comment and glad you enjoyed the list and picks. Of course I was gonna add some Sylosis.
As for Bloody Cumshot, I don't know them but I will check 'em out regardless of that really awful band name... Wtf. Not being told what they sounded like I would've expected some sort of Grindcore tbh.
musclassia StaffPosts: 7914  |
Written by Guib on 14.04.2024 at 02:49
As for Bloody Cumshot, I don't know them but I will check 'em out regardless of that really awful band name... Wtf. Not being told what they sounded like I would've expected some sort of Grindcore tbh.
Yeah I think that's part of the issue for them - on top of being an unappealing name, it does sound like goregrind, but it's actually Gothenburg-on-steroids
A Real Mönkey
Posts: 1331  |
You should check out Garden Of Shadows by Scum (FIN) as well. A lost classic that was made in the 90s but not published until 2016. Jury's still out on how melodic it is but there's definitely traces. A bit like Sentenced I think.
And speaking of Garden of Shadows, you should also try *Drum roll* Garden Of Shadows only album Oracle Moon.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Written by A Real Mönkey on 14.04.2024 at 21:02
You should check out Garden Of Shadows by Scum (FIN) as well. A lost classic that was made in the 90s but not published until 2016. Jury's still out on how melodic it is but there's definitely traces. A bit like Sentenced I think.
And speaking of Garden of Shadows, you should also try *Drum roll* Garden Of Shadows only album Oracle Moon.
I'll check it out, thanks Mönkey!
Roman Doez Hallucigenia
Posts: 1001  |
Really surprised by the lack of Edge Of Sanity and Intestine Baalism in the list
I would also recommend Dungeon Serpent and Armoured Angel as far as lesser known stuff goes
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2413  |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2413 
Written by Roman Doez on 16.04.2024 at 15:41
Really surprised by the lack of Edge Of Sanity
Probably because it is often viewed as rather progressive death metal.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Written by Roman Doez on 16.04.2024 at 15:41
Really surprised by the lack of Edge Of Sanity and Intestine Baalism in the list
I would also recommend Dungeon Serpent and Armoured Angel as far as lesser known stuff goes
I will not add Edge Of Sanity to this list as I consider them more to be Death/Prog than Melodeath. As for the other 3 bands, I will check them out, never heard of them. Thanks for the recc.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3310  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3310 
Roman Doez Hallucigenia
Posts: 1001  |