Favorite bands:
1349, 1914, A Forest Of Stars, A Thousand Sufferings, Abigail Williams, Absent In Body, Acherontas, Absu, Abysmal Dawn, Adramelech, Aeternus, Afsky, Agalloch, Agrypnie, Akhlys, Alcest, Alkerdeel, Altar Of Plagues, Amenra, Anaal Nathrakh, Anathema, Antzaat, Appalooza, Asgrauw, Atra Vetosus, Autism, Bad Religion, Be'lakor, Behemoth, Bell Witch, Bezwering, Biohazard, Black Country Communion, Black Sabbath, Black Sun Aeon, Blood Tsunami, Bloodbath, Blurr Thrower, Bolt Thrower, Bølzer, Brimstone Coven, Caladan Brood, Candlemass, Carcass, Carpathian Forest, Celeste, Celtic Frost, Chapel Of Disease, Chelsea Wolfe, Cloak, Cobalt, Code Orange, Coffinworm, Colour Haze, The Committee, Cormorant, Coven, Craft, Crippled Black Phoenix, Cult Of Fire, Cult Of Luna, Dark Buddha Rising, Dark Fortress, Dark Funeral, Dark Tranquillity, Darkspace, Darkthrone, Dawn, Daylight Dies, Dead Becomes The Sun, Dead Lord, Deafheaven, Death, Death Angel, Deathspell Omega, Def Leppard, Demilich, Denial Of God, Der Weg Einer Freiheit, Deströyer 666, Devin Townsend, Dewolff, Diabolical Masquerade, Diggeth, Dimmu Borgir, Dissection, Doctor Butcher, Dodecahedron, Dodenbezweerder, Dodenkrocht, Dødsferd, Doodswens, Draconian, Dream Theater, Drown, Drudkh, Dwaellicht, Dying Fetus, Dødheimsgard, Emperor, Emptiness, Endstille, Enslaved, Entombed, Entrails, Esoteric, Evoken, The Exploited, Faith No More, Fates Warning, Faustcoven, Fear Factory, Fires In The Distance, Fluisteraars, Fluisterwoud, Flying Colors, Forbidden, The Foreshadowing, Forgotten Tomb, Forhist, Fortíð, Frostmoon Eclipse, Fuath, Funeral Mist, Funus, Gaerea, Gatecreeper, Gehenna, Goatsnake, Goatwhore, Gojira, Gorefest, Gotmoor, Grafjammer, The Great Old Ones, Greenleaf, Grey Aura, Griffon, Grift, Grima, Grip Inc., Gris, Groza, Hades, Hail Spirit Noir, Harakiri For The Sky, Helrunar, Hooded Menace, Hulder, Hypocrisy, I, Ihsahn, Immortal, Imperial Triumphant, In Mourning, In Solitude, The Infernal Sea, Inquisition, Iron Maiden, Isis, Izah, Joe Satriani, Jon Oliva's Pain, Jours Pâles, Judas Priest, Jungle Rot, Kadavar, Kall, Kampfar, Katatonia, Khold, Kiss, Kjeld, Klone, Kludde, Kreator, Krieg, Krux, Kvaen, Kwade Droes, Kyuss, Laster, Led Zeppelin, Lemuria, Leng Tch'e, Les Chants De Nihil, Lifelover, Light Field Reverie, Limbonic Art, The Lion's Daughter, Lock Up, Lunar Aurora, Lurker Of Chalice, Machine Head, Malakhim, Malevolent Creation, Mar De Grises, Marduk, Marianas Rest, Marrasmieli, Marty Friedman, Masterplan, Mastodon, Mayhem, Me And That Man, Megadeth, Meshuggah, Meslamtaea, Metal Church, Mgła, Ministry, Misotheist, Mistur, Misþyrming, MNHG, Monolithe, Moonsorrow, Moonspell, Morbid Angel, Morbus Chron, Mord, Morgoth, Mortuus, Moss Upon The Skull, Murg, My Dying Bride, My Sleeping Karma, Myrkur, Møl, Nachtmystium, Nachtvorst, Naglfar, Napalm Death, Necrowretch, Negură Bunget, Neige Morte, Nile, Nine Inch Nails, Novembers Doom, Novembre, Nuclear Assault, Numenorean, Nyrst, Obituary, Obscura, The Obsessed, The Ocean, October Tide, Offret, Old Growth, Old Man's Child, Omega Infinity, Omnium Gatherum, One Tail, One Head, Opeth, Ophis, Ophthalamia, Oranssi Pazuzu, Origin, Orphanage, Ouroboros, Pain Of Salvation, Pantera, Pest, The Pineapple Thief, Porcupine Tree, Possessed, Posthum, Pothamus, Primordial, Prong, Psychonaut, Pure Wrath, Queensrÿche, Ragnarok, Redemption, Regarde Les Hommes Tomber, Remembrance, Reverence, Riverside, The Rotted, Rotting Christ, The Ruins Of Beverast, Rush, Sacred Reich, Sadus, Sagenland, Sahg, Saille, Samael, Saor, Sargeist, Saturnus, Satyricon, Savatage, Schammasch, Schavot, Scorpion Child, Scorpions, Second To Sun, Secrets Of The Moon, Sekhmet, Sepultura, Seth, Shade Empire, Shadow Gallery, Shagor, Shining, Shrinebuilder, Sielunvihollinen, Sigh, Skid Row, Slayer, Sleep, Social Distortion, Soen, Soilent Green, Soilwork, Sojourner, Sólstafir, Sorcerer, Sorrow, Spectral Wound, Spirit Adrift, Spock's Beard, Stabbing Westward, Sterbhaus, The Stone, Strapping Young Lad, Suffocation, Suicidal Tendencies, Sulphur Aeon, Sum Of R, Summoning, Sun Of The Sleepless, Sunken, Svart Crown, Svartidauði, Svarttjern, Swallow The Sun, Symphony X, System Of A Down, Taake, Teitan, Temple Fang, Temple Of Baal, Terra Tenebrosa, Terrorizer, Testament, Textures, Threshold, Thulcandra, Thy Catafalque, Thy Dying Light, Thyrfing, Tiamat, Todtgelichter, Tool, Totenmond, Transatlantic, Tribulation, Triptykon, Tsjuder, Tulus, Turia, Tyhjä, Uada, Ulcerate, Ultha, Ulver, Underling, Unleashed, Vader, Valkyrja, Vallenfyre, Vanhelgd, Vattnet Viskar, Ved Buens Ende, Veneror, Venom, Verwoed, The Vintage Caravan, The Vision Bleak, Vola, Vomitory, Vreid, Vulture Industries, Watain, Wayfarer, Wederganger, Wheel, White Stones, White Ward, Wiegedood, Windir, Winter, Winterfylleth, Witchery, Wodensthrone, Wolvennest, Wolves In The Throne Room, Woods Of Desolation, Year Of No Light, Year Of The Goat, Yes, Yob, Zeal & Ardor, Zhrine, Ævangelist, Muyubyosha, 1000mods, A Light In The Dark, Colaris, Decoherence, Folge Dem Wind, Funeral Winds, Gulch, Hallatar, Havukruunu, Helevorn, Incarceration, Leorous, The Mist From The Mountains, Morne, The Necromancers, Netra, Niden Div. 187, Nocturnal Depression, Nocturnus, Nunslaughter, Odraza, Ováte, Radio Moscow, Shores Of Null, The Skull, Slugdge, Spiritual Beggars, T2, Ultar, Vengeful Spectre, Verwilderd, Voices, Hellevaerder, Vorga, Sidious, OAR, Cave In, Earthless, Melvins, Clutch, Birds In Row, Inanna, Endless Dismal Moan, Silencer (SWE), Dödsrit |