F3ynman Nocturnal Bro ContributorPosts: 3152 |
F3ynmanNocturnal BroContributorPosts: 3152
Written by Redel on 28.09.2021 at 15:30
Then my impression was biased I guess. Just go on and have fun.
Thanks! I've got to admit that other than Seasons in the Abyss, I haven't been basing my metal journey off your list. I guess I need to check out more of the albums you've listed here...
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by F3ynman on 28.09.2021 at 15:41
I guess I need to check out more of the albums you've listed here...
You sure need to.
Well at least if you want to dig some more "old" metal because that is what you mostly find in my best of list here (old just is best).
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Very good list. I agree almost with everything and I've listened most of this stuff. I see that you like metal with atmosphere, emotions, etc. You have similar taste as mine with some minor differences; I'm suprised that bands like Emperor (which I consider as my favourite metal band), Burzum or Drudkh are not on this list, but perhaps you are not so much into typical black metal as into other genres (?), which is unique, especially if you like music that evokes strong emotions ("The Silent Enigma", "The Angel and the dark river", etc.)
P.S. From your list I discovered Estatic Fear year ago, it was completely unknown band for me, Thank you.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 18.10.2021 at 21:58
Very good list. I agree almost with everything and I've listened most of this stuff. I see that you like metal with atmosphere, emotions, etc. You have similar taste as mine with some minor differences; I'm suprised that bands like Emperor (which I consider as my favourite metal band), Burzum or Drudkh are not on this list, but perhaps you are not so much into typical black metal as into other genres (?), which is unique, especially if you like music that evokes strong emotions ("The Silent Enigma", "The Angel and the dark river", etc.)
P.S. From your list I discovered Estatic Fear year ago, it was completely unknown band for me, Thank you.
Thanks for caring to comment here. You agree with "almost everything" Wow! I tend to say I cannot believe this.
It is exactly as you phrase it. "Typical black metal" is mostly not for me. The two popular Emperor albums are great, timeless classics probably. They are to be found somewhere in the hidden part of this list (at around ranks 600 - 650). But there is just so much I prefer to them.
Burzum and Drudkh -- what I have spun so far -- dont do a lot to me.
I know that my taste in this sense is not pretty common, as for "unique" I dont know though.
I am happy that you found Estatic Fear (if you like them as much as me). Somnium Obmutum can be regarded as my all-time favourite album in general, at least in the top 5, which are in this respect more or less arbitrary ranks in my list.
Let us see some of your favourite albums. ...A list?
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Well, perhaps you were born in 80s and discovered metal in 90s? This is what I see from this list Well, if so, it was the same with me, so many albums here are also my favourite. For example "Clouds", not many people consider this as classic, but this is one of these albums I listened many many times and I prefer this over Wildhoney, which has different, more psychodelic mood (Clouds has more "dreamy" mood). This band were very popular in Poland.
I would change Samael "Ceremony" with "Passage", but perhaps it was first album I've disovered from them. Also lyrically I think "Passage" is better.
"Wolfheart" is also one of these albums that evokes big nostalghia.
"Somnium Obmutum" was my disovery of previous year (2020). For me this album is perfect mix of gothic, black and folk metal. This is a kind of "journey album", something that evokes feelings that takes you somewhere (in your mind) with unique atmosphere. I like such stuff a lot.
Quote: Let us see some of your favourite albums. ...A list?
Well, maybe in the future I'll create something. I had period in my life (let's say 2006-2016) when I listened very little metal, so at the beginning when I was reborn as metalhead I felt that I should first listen albums from this period. Drudkh is perhaps my favourite "modern" band.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 18.10.2021 at 23:01
Well, perhaps you were born in 80s and discovered metal in 90s? This is what I see from this list
I had period in my life (let's say 2006-2016) when I listened very little metal, so at the beginning when I was reborn as metalhead I felt that I should first listen albums from this period.
Born late 70s, coming to metal in the early 90s it was for me. And I know this fact is pretty visible from my list. I sometimes even feel kind of guitly that I rate a lot of 90s metal so high. Well, it is just the music that I first fell in love with. Will always be the most relevant music for me, I kind of know.
I also had a period in my life when I turned away from metal, 1998 to 2002. It was so great to return. Though today I unforntunately do not discover much later stuff that I really enjoy much. I hope that is not the case for you because it feels pretty frustrating at times.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Quote: Well, it is just the music that I first fell in love with.
Well, it's often like that, I also have nostalghia for old good times and for me 80s and 90s are the best in metal. But in music generally I like 60s and 70s. Well, to be objective, these were the best times in music, when everything was fresh and in some way innocent. I remember this feeling in middle 90s when I disovered new bands and was so excited just by looking at album covers in metal magazine [..], doing some lists what to buy next, etc. It was not so easy as today, many metal classics in Poland were not available in stores, so many albums I buyed on "second-hand" market, some I borrowed from friends, etc.
When I listen popular music and watch some movies from 70s, I also feel this kind of nostalghia, even greater, because I feel that music, even pop music, had much more power in these times. In popculture it was like spring time, today we have winter, to put it metaphorically. In pop/soft-rock music there were so many polish songs, hundreds of songs I liked a lot and they evoked strong emotions in me. But today there is nothing to like, I don't feel this purity and honesty that old artist had, this freedom of artistic expression and passion, it's like corrupted and adopted to bussiness-standards fake spirit of music. For sure there are exceptions, but generally this is what I see, at least here where I live. Well, it's sad.
Quote: I hope that is not the case for you because it feels pretty frustrating at times.
Yes and no. In my adulthood I discovered many new (for me) bands that I enjoyed very much. Vektor (I like their energy, passion), Drudkh (it evokes in me different emotions than 90s black metal), Blut Aus Nord (I like their philisophy not so being in chains of "metal conventions", because I hate when some bands are doing something for the sake of immature fans expectations like singing childish things about devil or old gods instead of expressing what is in their hearts/minds and playing all the time the same music over and over again), Alcest (maybe theyre not creating masterpieces, but they for sure have unique personality), some american black metal bands like Wolves in the Throne Room or similar less known - I like their spirit more than scandinavian bands in 90s, even if musically they are not on the same level as best old bands. In modern metal I would not look for bands that "recycle" music of the past, but create something new or if they recycle (because it's inevitable) they do this in their own way. There are many groups that have innovative sound, and this is the spirit of today's music. It's different than in the past, but as I said the most important thing in art is being honest, creating something from your heart and being creative. In that as a fan I can connect and find solace. We as a fans should also evolve, wanting to disover new things and trying to be open-minded, even when what we love the most is in the past. As in music, art, so in life, generally speaking..
P.S. I have created yesterday TOP LIST (over 200 albums), but I still must re-listen some albums, that I discovered recently. From relatively new albums (>2000) in first 50 there are only Agalloch, Saturnus, Drudkh and Warning.
F3ynman Nocturnal Bro ContributorPosts: 3152 |
F3ynmanNocturnal BroContributorPosts: 3152
Written by [user id=280669] on 19.10.2021 at 15:31
In my adulthood I discovered many new (for me) bands that I enjoyed very much. Vektor (I like their energy, passion)
P.S. I have created yesterday TOP LIST (over 200 albums), but I still must re-listen some albums, that I discovered recently. From relatively new albums (>2000) in first 50 there are only Agalloch, Saturnus, Drudkh and Warning.
Based on your album votes and favorite bands, I'd be very interested in seeing a list of your favorite albums
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Written by F3ynman on 19.10.2021 at 17:05
Based on your album votes and favorite bands, I'd be very interested in seeing a list of your favorite albums
Thank you. As I said the list is actually being made, but still some edits are needed, some albums re-listened, so it's work in progress for now.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 19.10.2021 at 15:31
Well, it's often like that, I also have nostalghia for old good times and for me 80s and 90s are the best in metal. But in music generally I like 60s and 70s. Well, to be objective, these were the best times in music, when everything was fresh and in some way innocent. I remember this feeling in middle 90s when I disovered new bands and was so excited just by looking at album covers in metal magazine
I totally see what you mean and I would say it is very similar for me.
Yet I have this hypothesis that all this might also just be a kind of "age effect". What I mean is, it is possible that we feel the way we do with 80s/90s metal because that is the music that was most present at the time we were teenagers. And being a teenager is most probably a very important time for forming your taste in music. People who are teenager today might think completely different, enjoy more of today's metal because they just begin to connect to metal and that is the music that is most present right now.
Dont know, just an idea that I have and that comes recurring when I think about this point. I might be totally wrong of course.
Written by [user id=280669] on 19.10.2021 at 15:31
P.S. I have created yesterday TOP LIST (over 200 albums), but I still must re-listen some albums, that I discovered recently. From relatively new albums (>2000) in first 50 there are only Agalloch, Saturnus, Drudkh and Warning.
Wow, top 50 all-time ranks just packed with "old" metal, except for Agalloch, Saturnus, Drudkh and Warning!
That sounds promising to me, at the same time challenging. I want to see your list.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Written by Redel on 19.10.2021 at 20:04
Yet I have this hypothesis that all this might also just be a kind of "age effect". What I mean is, it is possible that we feel the way we do with 80s/90s
Of course this is one the main factors for sure, I also thought this way. Although as I said I like music from 60s 70s like soul, folk rock, psychodelic rock and I was not born in this time, I feel nostalghia even when I'm listening music I don't listen (like pop/beatbeat, etc). Of course I may feel nostalghia because this music was played in radio/tv when I was a kid/teenager. You have strong experience when you have strong energy and this is for most people when they are young, it creates patterns in brain, as you said: tastes, but not only that. I have also such strong experience in middle 20s, so I listened different music, because different, more sublime patterns were created in me and suddenly a couple years later energy changed so I was leaved with some vacuum, it was like being child again, so I returned to "old love" (metal), because I was not able to fill this vacuum with sublime music that I listened before, it became too abstract to enjoy, so I needed something stronger.
Second thing is that the pattern with you being teenager in the prime of energy is the same as with music. For heavy/thrash metal 80s is like being teenager, for some genres like gothic/black it was 90s, for different genres of metal, like sludge, post, progressive metal are different periods, so other people develop different taste for these genres in their unique way.
Everything in life, in nature has a cycle, some kind of momentum, "peak". Then it changes, in some way or another, sooner or later, so you cling to the past, you hold that what was dear to you, because it's harder to create something new when your energy is not so powerful anymore..
This is why when you listen new genres, modern music, it's harder to develop something new in you, because creative energy is not so powerful anymore. You like that, more or less, but it's not imprinted in you so strong. For developing strong feelings, strong experience and energy is needed. Sometimes you develop someting but it becomes more or less unconscious (as with me with sublime music like symphonies or piano jazz), so I cannot enjoy it now, but maybe some day it will change. The most important thing is that it was once created, so it doesn't dissapear completely, it just becomes more hidden.
The second factor is your unique personality, you may like some things that was more important in this era and focus on things different than others. For example there is some kind of romanticism in some genres of metal, if you know what i mean. For example when I listen "Serenades" by Anathema, there are some songs that evokes very strong feelings, even if this is not perfect album, it has something unique. The same way is with Bathory "Hammerheart". So during this "peak" era in your life, something is created in you, something is imprinted in you, and you look for that after, because you developed desires for that, for particular feelings, etc. You don't find them in today's music, because energy of this music is different. But if some people developed different impressions, different feelings, they will look in music for something different, unique for them. Some things are universal, more common, like energy of "headbanging", this is why most people like thrash, old, young, but perhaps they can't understand your apprecation for other things, because they are not so common. And in the same way you can't understand them.
One of the things for sure is also the production, for example when I listen modern thrash I have strange feeling that it should sound "different", because I'm so accustomed that classic albums sounded different. But with new genres I don't have this problem, because I don't have in my memory this "image" that it should sounds in specific way.
Still, I enjoyed new bands like Ulcerate or Esoteric and perhaps developed apprecation for new feeling, it's like being crushed inside, some kind of chaos (Ulcerate) or hopeless darkness (Esoteric), when you embrace it inside you, it can destroy something in you and has power to create feeling of katharsis after. It's like being dissolved in some way and feeling more alive after. Perhaps I experienced something similar with Emperor second album, which I personally consider as the most powerful metal album, it's currently on 2 place on my list. It was something unique, that only this band and album achieved. Very dark, but noble at the same time, in a way that I could connect very deep in certain period in my life. Life is always in motion, so today it may be something different, we are always changing.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 19.10.2021 at 22:12
One of the things for sure is also the production, for example when I listen modern thrash I have strange feeling that it should sound "different", because I'm so accustomed that classic albums sounded different. But with new genres I don't have this problem, because I don't have in my memory this "image" that it should sounds in specific way.
That is definitely true, I agree. Thrash nowadays only seldomly sounds the old-school way how I like it.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Written by Redel on 21.10.2021 at 10:59
That is definitely true, I agree. Thrash nowadays only seldomly sounds the old-school way how I like it.
For me the only modern band that is exception is Vektor. Listening them, especially "Black Future" I actually felt the same vibes as with old Metallica or Kreator, it was incredible.
By when I listen modern Testament for example, well, great technicality, but something is lacking, there is not magic here for me. When I listen "The Legacy" or even some songs from later not-so-perfect albums, the magic is here. In music it's all about this magic, these vibes. Vasil de Shumen perhaps would say that this is the true spirit of metal, thrash, etc. And I agree. The same thing is with grunge, you can feel that in the 90s there was something special there in USA, in Seattle. Maybe this was also in gothic metal scene, in europe. And this is something that I consider as essential.
AndyMetalFreak A Nice Guy ContributorPosts: 5501 |
Written by [user id=280669] on 21.10.2021 at 12:54
For me the only modern band that is exception is Vektor. Listening them, especially "Black Future" I actually felt the same vibes as with old Metallica or Kreator, it was incredible.
By when I listen modern Testament for example, well, great technicality, but something is lacking, there is not magic here for me. When I listen "The Legacy" or even some songs from later not-so-perfect albums, the magic is here. In music it's all about this magic, these vibes. Vasil de Shumen perhaps would say that this is the true spirit of metal, thrash, etc. And I agree. The same thing is with grunge, you can feel that in the 90s there was something special there in USA, in Seattle. Maybe this was also in gothic metal scene, in europe. And this is something that I consider as essential.
I think a lot has to do with the way albums are produced nowadays, I think they try so hard these days at perfecting the sound quality, so that albums sound much more clear and refined, but at times it can result in overproduction, which for me takes away the authentic approach. I also believe many bands will inevitably run out of passion, so their songwriting tends to become more lazy.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Quote: I think a lot has to do with the way albums are produced nowadays, I think they try so hard these days at perfecting the sound quality,
Most old albums sound good especially if you have good audio equipment. In the past I thought that some albums have suppressed sound, especially bass, but after changing audio equipment (still, quite cheap) and listening only lossless audio files problem was dissolved and most of these albums sounded great. I only had problem recently with Holy Terror "Mind wars", production could be better. Still, I enjoyed it.
Quote: inevitably run out of passion, so their songwriting tends to become more lazy.
yeah, it's not the same passionate energy, but in genres like thrash it's essential. Doom metal bands usually don't have this problem, because they can use this more depressive kind of energy in the creative process. Still, some passion is necessary.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 21.10.2021 at 12:54
For me the only modern band that is exception is Vektor.
I should revisit Vektor, seeing them praised often lately, more so by people with similar taste to mine.
I tried them a couple of years back. What I recall from the top of my head is: Good debut, nothing remarkable in the two successors. And something was wrong for me with them, was it the sound, or the vocals? That I dont recall now, so I should go to them again.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Written by Redel on 22.10.2021 at 18:11
I should revisit Vektor, seeing them praised often lately, more so by people with similar taste to mine.
I just looked at your list and I see Nocturnus "The Key", this classic should be for sure on my list at least in first 150.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 22.10.2021 at 22:39
Written by Redel on 22.10.2021 at 18:11
I should revisit Vektor, seeing them praised often lately, more so by people with similar taste to mine.
I just looked at your list and I see Nocturnus "The Key", this classic should be for sure on my list at least in first 150.
Yes, The Key is a nice one, not total classic for me, but it is somewhere among my all-time favourites, and I sometimes return to it nowadays.
So, I have done my homework and revisited the Vektor discography.
Well, my ratings stay (lower 7 for the debut, 6 for the other two albums).
I must say that it is the vocals that turn me off in the first place. They are not totally uncommon for Thrash albums but I just cannot stomach them, they annoy me.
And even if I try to filter them out there does not remain much that holds my interest in their albums. Nothing stays with me after the albums are over, nothing, apart from annoying vocals.
That may come across as harsh I know. But it is just how I feel, now that the 2016 album spins to an end.
Now it makes sense why I had to go back to them now, remembering almost nothing from my first visit some years back (apart from that there was something wrong, which was the vocals).
So I guess I should write down on a note for myself now (maybe this comment on my own list will serve) that Vektor are simply not for me.
And there is nothing old-school in their sound for me either, by the way.
Really interesting for me that they are rated so highly.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Written by Redel on 23.10.2021 at 23:09
So, I have done my homework and revisited the Vektor discography.
Well, my ratings stay (lower 7 for the debut, 6 for the other two albums).
Well, no problem for me. Sometimes it's like that. They were one of the first bands I discovered when returning to metal. For me their vocals are just expression of energy, they are neither good or bad, they are just doing what they are supposed to do. I may even say that I like them, but I've seen that many people complain about it. For example he sometimes is singing with very high pitch and I like it that way, this is something that is helping to express the energy of their music, it's just powerful.
From bands that are rated high here I don't liked Wintersun, you seems to like them, everyone has their own cup of tea which is perfectly as it should be.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 24.10.2021 at 00:31
Well, no problem for me. Sometimes it's like that. They were one of the first bands I discovered when returning to metal. For me their vocals are just expression of energy, they are neither good or bad, they are just doing what they are supposed to do. I may even say that I like them, but I've seen that many people complain about it. For example he sometimes is singing with very high pitch and I like it that way, this is something that is helping to express the energy of their music, it's just powerful.
Thats how it is, you nailed it. Often, I cannot even explain rationally why I like certain vocals and find others annoying. Take Chuck Schuldiner, I love his vocals and think they suit extremely well Death's music. Or None So Vile, excellent vocals for me, perfect suit. Then again, someone could claim vocals on Vektor are similarly extreme to the afore mentioned, and they would probably be totally right. Yet, for me, while I love the former, I get annoyed by the latter.
Written by [user id=280669] on 24.10.2021 at 00:31
From bands that are rated high here I don't liked Wintersun, you seems to like them, everyone has their own cup of tea which is perfectly as it should be.
Wintersun are one of the few power metal bands that I return to from time to time nowadays, plus one of the even fewer younger pm bands among these.
I started with their debut some time around 2010 or so and did like it kind of at the beginning. Later this album grew on me a lot and today it is one of my all-time favourite pm albums.
Then came the follow-up album, which disappointed me quite a bit. And the 2017 album does not do too much to me either. Both certainly no bad albums but far away from the debut for me.
So, the band is kind of a mixed bag for me.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Written by Redel on 24.10.2021 at 20:22
Thats how it is, you nailed it. Often, I cannot even explain rationally why I like certain vocals and find others annoying. Take Chuck Schuldiner, I love his vocals and think they suit extremely well Death's music. Or None So Vile, excellent vocals for me, perfect suit.
What about Rob Halford vocals in "Painkiller"? Many people also complain about them, but they are powerful without a doubt, and this power in vocals is something that intensifies overall musical experience, so when we look at them not separately, but as a part of music, they are very good.
Many vocalist are not so passionate, for example Sodom vocals on "Agent Orange". They are generally not bad, just normal vocals for thrash, but sometimes there could be more power and passion in his voice, something like for example in Dark Angel "Darkness Descends". Look at "Merciless Death" - this is for me very good example of thrash metal, so much energy here in his voice and in music generally.
General rule is that vocals should express some emotions from the soul. Look at Sinead O Connor performance in "Troy", how she changes her voice when emotions change..
Anathema vocals in metal are one of the best example also, always so much emotions in them.
From metal I don't like Demilich vocals - I must admit, one of the worst vocals in metal.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 24.10.2021 at 21:31
What about Rob Halford vocals in "Painkiller"? Many people also complain about them, but they are powerful without a doubt, and this power in vocals is something that intensifies overall musical experience, so when we look at them not separately, but as a part of music, they are very good.
Many vocalist are not so passionate, for example Sodom vocals on "Agent Orange". They are generally not bad, just normal vocals for thrash, but sometimes there could be more power and passion in his voice, something like for example in Dark Angel "Darkness Descends". Look at "Merciless Death" - this is for me very good example of thrash metal, so much energy here in his voice and in music generally.
Halford on Painkiller is excellent, but not just there, and Angelripper is generally not a particularly great vocalist, I would say. That is a downside on Agent Orange, I agree. Though it does not disturb me much there, still a classic.
Other great vocals fitting the music perfectly that come to mind are Nevermore, at least on Dead Heart and This Godless Endeavour.
Strange for me is King Diamond. While his vocals fit Mercyful Fate for me, they kind of annoy me on his solo project.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Written by Redel on 24.10.2021 at 21:46
Written by [user id=280669] on 24.10.2021 at 21:31
What about Rob Halford vocals in "Painkiller"? Many people also complain about them, but they are powerful without a doubt, and this power in vocals is something that intensifies overall musical experience, so when we look at them not separately, but as a part of music, they are very good.
Halford on Painkiller is excellent, but not just there
Yeah, for sure, they are many great JP songs where he shows his great vocal abilities. I never had problem with his vocals, so first time I became aware that someone dislikes it when I began to watch music reactions on yt.
Quote: Though it does not disturb me much there, still a classic.
Me too, production on this album is great.
Strange for me is King Diamond. While his vocals fit Mercyful Fate for me, they kind of annoy me on his solo project.
Well, I didn't have problems with them, both on MF and solo albums.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 24.10.2021 at 21:31
Dark Angel "Darkness Descends"
Yes, absolutely powerful vocals there, as they should be in thrash.
Written by [user id=280669] on 24.10.2021 at 21:31
Anathema vocals in metal are one of the best example also, always so much emotions in them.
And, yes, sooo much. The Silent Enigma comes to mind, vocals express a lot of emotions there for me, making the album so important for me, ever since.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Written by Redel on 24.10.2021 at 22:09
The Silent Enigma comes to mind, vocals express a lot of emotions there for me, making the album so important for me, ever since.
Hey, what about Skepticism "Stormcrowfleet "? I was listening this recently in the last days and I love it, it's very unique, quite minimalistic, almost like listening Arvo Part playing doom metal... (especially The Rising of the New Flames) The version I listened is remaster, new mix. Very peaceful music I would say, not so disturbing as Esoteric or other bands. I've listened also Ahab and liked it also a lot, many good riffs here.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by [user id=280669] on 28.10.2021 at 23:45
Hey, what about Skepticism "Stormcrowfleet "?
It's good. But funeral doom is generally difficult to really appreciate for me.
aeeon Account deleted |
aeeon Account deleted
Written by Redel on 29.10.2021 at 21:50
Written by [user id=280669] on 28.10.2021 at 23:45
Hey, what about Skepticism "Stormcrowfleet "?
It's good. But funeral doom is generally difficult to really appreciate for me.
OK, I understand, I thought the same, but perhaps I was finally in the mood for such music. And what I found is that it's more easy listen than I thought, at last this band.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306 |
Written by Redel on 29.10.2021 at 21:50
Written by [user id=280669] on 28.10.2021 at 23:45
Hey, what about Skepticism "Stormcrowfleet "?
It's good. But funeral doom is generally difficult to really appreciate for me.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this violates our TOS.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2306 |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2306
Written by Troy Killjoy on 30.10.2021 at 09:16
Written by Redel on 29.10.2021 at 21:50
It's good. But funeral doom is generally difficult to really appreciate for me.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this violates our TOS.
That is why I have put it hidden somewhere in the comments section of my own list, instead of shouting it in the box.
F3ynman Nocturnal Bro ContributorPosts: 3152 |
F3ynmanNocturnal BroContributorPosts: 3152
Written by F3ynman on 06.07.2021 at 16:14
While I don't quite agree with the order, I like the albums that you listed (at least, the ones that I recognized - which is about 25% )
I've returned to this list: we share (as I remembered) similar tastes - especially in your top 52!
As an update: I've now listened to about 31% of the albums in your list (somewhat an improvement, I'd say in comparison to my previous benchmark of 25%)
I'll continue exploring more