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Created by: 3rdWorld | 08.09.2013

1. Intronaut - Habitual Levitations (Instilling Words With Tones)
AOTY for me in the metal genre. Those poly rhythms from Danny walker! They've managed to chunk in so many layers of texture and rhythm. So with this record there are no shifts between progressive to post-metal passages, everything is going on at the same time. Pure eargasm for any prog fan.
2. Gris - À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Äme Constellée...
O' desolate ones. Heed yourselves to the call of Gris, the grim and mournful duo from Quebec, Canada. With 80+ minutes of material sprawling across 2 discs, an unbridled and wanton ultra bleak portrait of symphonic/atmospheric post-black painted on an epic canvas that ends up being clearly transcendant by all means.
3. Shade Empire - Omega Arcane
Tired of waiting for Septicflesh? All you prayers have been answered by the guys in Shade Empire. Who knows? You'll love this even more. Brilliant drumming on this one as well ;)
4. Obliteration - Black Death Horizon
Mindnumbingly good death metal record. The third from these norwegian death metallers. Probably the best death metal record I've heard in the last 5 years. That bass is just frigging unbelievable. Transient Passage is one of the best dm tracks ever written.
5. Dream Death - Somnium Excessum
Stuff this good needs to be heard to be believed. A perfect example of a metal record that will get you engaged and make you like it instead of having to force or adapt yourself.
6. Ataraxie - L'Être Et La Nausée
You don't want your funeral death doom record to end? Then surely this one is for you. Some excellent black metal passages here. A little more rougher production job would've made it perfect.
7. Oblivion - Called To Rise
There are few instrumental tracks here namely tracks 6,13 and 14 that show the chops of this outstanding band. Dayum best techdeath of this year.
8. Lingua Mortis Orchestra - LMO
Highly Recommended! One of the gems of this year. Brilliant record from start to finish. Heavily Symphonic Power metal with a lot of synthesizer to just add in to that awesomeness. Some passages remind me of Helloween and Ayreon at their Prime! Now that's saying something right? Check this out NOW if you haven't already.
9. Inquisition - Obscure Verses For The Multiverse
Super-awesome drool worthy artwork from the amazing new Italian master Paolo girardi. Perfecly descriptive of the music here as well. Inqy at its very best. Lord Kermit FTW!
10. Njiqahdda - Serpents In The Sky
Most unique and uncategorisable avant-black album of the whole year. Jazzy drumming that is both proggy and psychedelicy black. Free flowingly energeric and amazingly creative, has a loose execution style that doesn't take itself too seriously ergo very enjoyable.
11. Cult Of Luna - Vertikal
Outstanding post-metal release, probably one of the best in the whole genre with great ambiance and impressive drumming. Very solid from start to end. Vicarious Redemption is just a masterpiece.
12. Dormant Ordeal - It Rains, It Pours
Slam death AOTY. Way too engaging and good for a death record, pretty unbelievable stuff.
13. Havok - Unnatural Selection
Thrash AOTY.
14. Funeralium - Deceived Idealism
Death doom that is wreathe in gut-wrenching melancholy and drains the very life out of you and leaves a dark void inside you in place of your soul.
15. Ade - Spartacus
Utterly blasting and violent to the core.
16. Gorguts - Colored Sands
A work of perfection. So reminiscent of their opus Obscura and unlike anything ever seen in Death metal since.
17. Ulcerate - Vermis
Gathers enough pace and momentum to tear down entire continents and cause all sorts of Tectonic shifts with devastating results, every time it is summoned.
18. Feared - Furor Incarnatus
Groovy, melodic brutal death that is enjoyable in every aspect. One of the best guitar tones I've ever heard in any metal genre/band/album.
19. Bölzer - Aura
Some of the best 23 minutes you'll ever have in 2013 if you are a death metal fan.
20. Karnivool - Asymmetry
Amazing exercise in prog metal with art rock like inclinations. The Tool worship is there but far from being a complete rip-off. Pretty dense and thick and happening, to draw a few variances from the aforementioned band.
21. Deafheaven - Sunbather
Don't let the cover art fool you for some mellow shoe-gaze album, this one is brilliant post-black metal album similar to those of Krallice though every bit more awesome.
22. Protest The Hero - Volition
Subsequent listenings made me realize that this is just how good PTH are on a normal day. So a definitely a outstanding record for the amazing concoctions of the genres they play. Highly recommended for all fans of modern metal. And special mention and a bow to the ever amazing Chris Adler. ;)
23. Deeds Of Flesh - Portals To Canaan
Has classic reeking all over it. All you fucking pussies hungry for good latest metal releases, grab this for and give your balls some breathing time.
24. New Keepers Of The Water Towers - Cosmic Child
One of the best doom albums of the year, melodic and progressive at the same time and amazingly effective.
25. Nervecide - Impermanence
Uber-brutal techdeath.
26. Lantern - Below
Great black metal with perfect old school production style and sound.
27. Officium Triste - Mors Viri
Melodic death doom. Cheesy, sugary one that is. Just for you.
28. Altar Of Plagues - Teethed Glory & Injury
This one features shorter songs than their previous releases with fair bit of electronic ambience thrown into the mix. Sad thing that the band will be disbanding this year as they were a stellar act in the post-black scene.
29. Kalmah - Seventh Swamphony
Melodeath is a genre where the best bands seems to be the mostly overlooked ones. Just saying.
30. P.L.F. - Devious Persecution And Wholesale Slaughter
Sounds like brilliantly trimmed Pig Destroyer record in 17 mins. You heard it right motherfuckers, this is Phantom Limb-caliber grind!
31. The Nihilistic Front - Procession To Annihilation
A doom metal band to celebrate the end of all (doom metal bands as well). Seriously heavy feedbacks give a distorted dissonant fucking vile and ear-raping ecstasy.
32. Antediluvian - λόγος
Lost recordings from hell.
33. Tribulation - The Formulas Of Death
Reminiscent of the sound of Sylosis, this one is a 75+ minutes long record of High octane Thrash Death with a surprising start and end featuring the sound of Indian instrument Veena!
34. Oranssi Pazuzu - Valonielu
Excellent album from these masters of weird psychedelic space black metal that is less avant and more "metal" than their last one.
35. Abstract Spirit - Theomorphic Defectiveness
Doom filled to the brim with overflowing emotions.
36. Six Feet Under - Unborn
KILLER STUFF! A MASSIVE TURNAROUND AND A BIG FUCK YOU TO ALL MOTHERFUCKERS WHO WROTE THIS BAND OFF! All too soon after the last album, you say? No, you dickhead listen to it and you'll get it that they are just continuing the strong run from the last album. Also the only 6FU album to feature Ola Englund and the inimitable Kevin Talley!. Woo-hoo, one more reason to go fuck yourself for not listening to this.
37. Coffins - The Fleshland
OSDM at its sludgy best. Must check-out for fans of the genre.
38. Krypts - Unending Degradation
More OSDM from usa. This bastard has the sound closest to the obliteration in the bass department but its more kind of the slow Disma type. Highly recommended.
39. Lesbian - Forestelevision
Oh boy oh boy oh boy. Hipster doom at its very best with nods to black, sludge and avant w/e possible. Freaking addicitive. >.>
40. Acacia - Tills Döden Skiljer Oss Åt
Blackened Melodic Doom that is epic and totally sombre. Several transitions from doom to black that are just executed just brilliantly.
41. Vallendusk - Black Clouds Gathering
Meloblack from Indonesia, full of awesome melodic passages that are Fallujah-like and really worth your time.
42. Atrocity - Okkult
Symphonic/gothic death that is tad brutal at times. Overall enjoyable and definitely noteworthy release.
43. Domovoyd - Oh Sensibility
Amazing stuff, like Oranssi Pazuzu without the black metal parts. Psychedelic spacey stoner doom awesomeness. :):)
44. Botanist - IV: Mandragora
"The Budding Dawn is war, And war requires soldiers, Soldiers to bring about, The apocalypse of man" cries the Botanist from his garden as he weaves the legions that will undertake the demise of man as he gives the earth back to the hands of Mother nature. Surprisingly heavy presence of bass and the buzzing hammered dulcimer here are mixed with vocals a little too low in the mix. Don't miss out the brilliant lyrics. Part four of the war of the botanist is yours to experience.
45. Wine From Tears - Glad To Be Dead
Amazing gothic doom with beautiful acoustic parts and amazing melodic riffs. One of the best this year for sure.
46. Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
A monstrous slab of wall-of-sound riffs put an all-out assault on your ears from the very beginning to closure via some solid death metal songwriting. Definitely one of the most painful onslaught you will endure this whole year. Highly recommended for all fans of death metal.
47. Nocte Obducta - Umbriel (Das Schweigen Zwischen Den Sternen)
Good avant-garde black.
48. Aborym - Dirty
A hyperfast blast of industrial drums that is almost omnipresent throughout the record convey the riffs and vocals. Recommended for fans of Genghis tron or similar sounding Industrial metal.
49. Aeon Zen - Enigma
Amazing top-notch modern prog that is fully engaging from start to end.
50. Leprous - Coal
Better than Haken's latest for me.
51. A Pale Horse Named Death - Lay My Soul To Waste
52. A.M.S.G. - Anti-Cosmic Tyranny
One-man black metal band featuring the roughest production job I've heard. And yes, there are short passages in few songs featuring the almighty Sax. Sounding weird? No it doesn't sound bad though, check them out.
53. Abomnium - Coffinships
Really good for a one man band from Marcel's country. Hyperflast black metal with some thrashy leanings.
54. Abysmal Grief - Feretri
Pretty gloomy and grieving indeed.
55. Acolyte - Alta
Average bm.
56. Ad Intra - Inside Us All
57. Adept - Silence The World
Decent album.
58. Æther Realm - One Chosen By The Gods
Symphonic metal with very poor production values but decent execution and songwriting.
59. AfterBlood - Of Unsound Minds
Generic dm and bad female cookie monster vocals.
60. Age Of Taurus - Desperate Souls Of Tortured Times
Very good classic doom.
61. Ágona - Homo Grotescus
Prog death/thrash from brazil. Decent record.
62. Altair - Lost Eden
One of the most outstandingly generic power metal albums you will hear all year. Total shit.
63. Altars - Paramnesia
Post-death of the highest fucking order in the same pedestal as bands like Flourishing, Murder Therapy and Baring Teeth.
64. Alter Self - Seven Deadly Blessings
Good thrash/death. For fans of the genre.
65. Amenra - Mass V
66. An Autumn - Try Not To Destroy Everything You Love
67. Anagnorisis - Beyond All Light
Good bm.
68. Anciients - Heart Of Oak
Great debut record with a great vision but lacking the chops to pull out something this lengthy and the prog tendencies need more care.
69. Andy Winter - Incomprehensible
Gothic melodic crap with female vocals.
70. Angizia - Des Winters Finsterer Gesell
Vocals evoke Gollum-esque moments. Average record.
71. Annihilator - Feast
Formulatic thrash record from the Jeff waters camp that actually works and serves it purpose really well. Highly recommended for thrash fans.
72. Antigama - Meteor
Not as brutal as their last outing but nevertheless well executed. Space ambiance is poorly brought out.
73. Aosoth - IV: An Arrow In Heart
Really melancholic and dark black metal here with amazing ambiance and great usage of ethnic percussion and sounds.
74. Apocynthion - Sidereus Nuncius
75. Aqua Nebula Oscillator - Spiritus Mundi
Decent space rock. Not metal though.
76. Arc Reactor - Postmodern Construct
Industrial metal.
77. Archillusion - Desolate Dreamscape
Generic prog. Nothing "progressive" in it though, literally.
78. Archon - Ouroboros Collapsing
Very generic doom.
79. Arcturon - An Old Storm Brewing
Indeed good and engagin.
80. Argus - Beyond The Martyrs
The US Heavy/doom Argus. Good album.
81. Arhideus - Awakening Of Sins
Decent techdeath.
82. Arkhan - Primal
Good death.
83. Armed For Apocalypse - The Road Will End
Very very heavy and sonically brutal sludge.
84. Àrsaidh - Roots
One man atmo folk/black from UK. Decent album.
85. Arsis - Unwelcome
Unbelievably good comeback after the mediocrity that was Starve for the Devil. Must hear Technical melodeath album.
86. Artillery - Legions
Above average.
87. As Oceans - The Relics Of Axiom
Core shit.
88. Astral Display - Prometheus
Very technical and proggy.
89. Atra Vetosus - Voices From The Eternal Night
90. Autolatry - Native
One of the bands from Clandestine cuts put out their full length release here. Nothing amazing or mediocre here, decent black metal.
91. Autopsy - The Headless Ritual
Worked up a bit more doomy and shorter than the last one makes this a more solid release. Autopsy is a old workhorse with a never say die spirit that just amazes us and reminds how death metal should be done.
92. Avulsed - Ritual Zombi
Generic death.
93. Azrath-11 - Ov Tentacles And Spirals
Furious relentless blazingly fast black metal.
94. Azure Emote - The Gravity Of Impermanence
Progressive, symphonic, gothic and totally fresh sounding. 1 hour of totally amazing prog death awesomeness.
95. Bane Of Winterstorm - The Last Sons Of Perylin
Good epic symphonic power metal.
96. Benea Reach - Possession
Waste of potential with such awful core vocals. The guys at BR should just disband and get a new project cause they are really talented.
97. Beneath The Storm - Temples Of Doom
Amazing sludge album. Has a unique atmospheric feel from the drone parts.
98. Beyond Mortality - Infected Life
99. Big Business - Battlefields Forever
Good raw sludge record.
100. Bile - Built To Fuck, Born To Kill
Industrial record that is very average and way too electronic to be tagged metal.
101. Black Crucifixion - Coronation Of King Darkness
Average Black sludge. Passable.
102. Black Sabbath - 13
Average album and worthy of bearing the Black Sabbath name.
103. Blackvoid - Asfixia
Depressive black from Chile. Decent record.
104. Blood Red Throne - Blood Red Throne
Fitting s/t and an freakishly addictive and groovy brutal death record.
105. Blut Aus Nord - What Once Was... Liber III
Its BaN at its BaN-ish best.
106. Boisson Divine - Enradigats
Generic folk metal.
107. Born Of Osiris - Tomorrow We Die ∆live
Whatever they were gonna do after a masterpiece like The Discovery was definitely gonna disappoint me without doubt and add to that the firing of Jason Richardson from the band and his words about the members made them look like a bunch of wasted emo whack jobs. They've tried to recreate the magic of The Discovery here and formula is applied fairly well. But this one lacks that brilliant mix of concoctions that made their last one such a delight.
108. Bone Sickness - Alone In The Grave EP
Good death metal.
109. Broken Hope - Omen Of Disease
Good stuff, DM fans shouldn't miss this one.
110. Buckethead - Forgotten Library
Amazing instrumental metal album from the guitar god Brian Patrick Carroll, eleventh in the pike series and the first of his mammoth output for 2013. Left me speechless after the first listen. Recommended!
111. Buckethead - Pike 12
The first track and the fifth track and brilliant masterpieces from the hands of this genius. Solid album once again.
112. Buckethead - Pike 13
Very ambient and electronic. No metal or rock here. Below average.
113. Byzantine - Byzantine
Hard as steel thrash with all its ball whipping goodness.
114. Caladan Brood - Echoes Of Battle
Crappy production with average songwriting, shouldn't topple any of yours or Fredd's "best of" lists.
115. Cangaço - Rastros
Definitely a good prog death record not the brutal type but more of the thrashy type.
116. Carcass - Surgical Steel
Solid return to form for the Godfathers of gore. A total fun record with a fairly modern and clean production job. Kudos to the fitting artwork ;)
117. Carpe Noctem - In Terra Profugus
Soul thrashing black at its finest.
118. Carrioned - Echoes Of Abomination
119. Castevet - Obsian
Amazing but too short and frankly could've been twice as longer.
120. Cathedral - The Last Spire
One of the best doom albums of the year for sure. I can't give you a history lesson here on where this album stands on the rest of their discog or what kind of and how good a doom this is but this is surely some classic sounding doom that I very highly enjoy. And I am going to enjoy this even more in the subsequent listens I bet.
121. Cathexis - Shades Of Apocalypse
Average TDM.
122. Celeste - Animale(s)
One of the longest, heaviest, darkest and most amazing albums you'll hear this year. Amazing wall-of-sound black metal. Highly recommended.
123. Cerekloth - In The Midst Of Life We Are In Death
124. Cerebrum - Cosmic Enigma
Hmm...take the techdeath tag, Cerebrum.
125. Chimaira - Crown Of Phantoms
Strictly for fans of the band/genre. Nothing very striking to write home about this. Very passable groove metal.
126. Chthonic - Bú-Tik
Interesting parts here and there but annoyingly produced bland melodeath imo.
127. Church Of Misery - Thy Kingdom Scum
What is the doom genre having this year? Or is it like this, every fucking year?
128. Clandestine Blaze - Harmony Of Struggle
No complaints or qualms for this one, I instantly liked all things about this release, it is really good if not excellent. Cultivated my affection for the project.
129. Coat Of Arms (ARE) - Sun & Satellites
Generic groove metal/metalcore.
130. Code - Augur Nox
Nothing outstanding or highly unique here but some really good prog black. More leaning on the prog side than on black.
131. Combat Astronomy - Kundalini Apocalypse
Esoteric and quirky Avant-garde metal with a grim ambience that leads to Blackjazz-esque passages albiet the Industrial leanings.
132. Control Human Delete - The Prime Mover
Dutch Industrial Black metal. Good album.
133. Colossus - Wake
Progressive stoner/sludge from swedish Colossus. Instrumentation is pretty awesome. Very good album.
134. Colosus - Blestem
Decently good atmo/prog black, don't miss out if you are a fan of the genre.
135. Consciousness Removal Project - Tacit
't was good in weird ways. Its post metal and wasn't bad by any means.
136. Corpus Mortale - FleshCraft
137. Corrections House - Last City Zero
Featuring the members of Neurosis, Eyehategod, Minsk and Yakuza. Scott Kelly is in the line-up. Electronic drone/doom/post-metal. Good listen. Not much sludge though here.
138. Cotard Syndrome - Suggestion Of The Last Days
Decent brutal death album.
139. Crisix - Rise... Then Rest
Fun but simplistic and unoriginal thrash. Really enjoyable though.
140. Cromlech - Ave Mortis
Heavy/doom metal. 70 minute epic album. Not very bad and decent record.
141. Crown - Psychurgy
Amazing post-metal album with really fresh songwriting skulls and drums are played in a really hypnotic style. Must check out for fans of post-metal.
142. Cryogen - Continuum
The US Cryogen from Denver, Colorado. Death metal. Listenable album.
143. Countess - Sermons Of The Infidel
Mediocre black with very bad programmed drums that ruin the total experience.
144. Cult Of Luna - Vertikal II
The vertikal brand getting stained here. Nothing of the quality of the full length release.
145. Cult Of Occult - Hic Est Domus Diaboli
One of the my favourite doom albums of this year from the amazing french band CoO. This 70 minute monsterous monolith is a very heavy slow-moving evil work of art.
146. Dagoba - Post Mortem Nihil Est
Really heavy brand of Industrial metal, groovy and aggressive. Fans of FF and similar bands should have no problem with this one.
147. Dance Gavin Dance - Acceptance Speech
Good post-hardcore record. Enjoyed it a lot.
148. Dark Tranquillity - Construct
That pathetic nu-metal cover and bland alt metal lacking in any degree of melodeath inclinations battle it out for which is the worst one. The loser is definitely the listener.
149. Darktrance - Pessimum
I heard melodic influenced black with programmed drums. Average record.
150. DarkRise - Realeyes
Kevin Talley is somewhere in the line-up. I think you get the idea now.
151. Dead In The Dirt - The Blind Hole
Heavy sludgy grind. Good record.
152. Death Angel - The Dream Calls For Blood
Nothing exciting here, just average thrash.
153. Death Mechanism - Twenty-First Century
Thrash from Italy. Passable.
154. Death Toll Rising - Infection Legacy
155. Death Tyrant - Opus De Tyranis
156. Deathchain - Ritual Death Metal
157. Deathening - Chained In Blood
158. Deathstorm - Nechesh
159. Decaying - The Last Days Of War
Even more and even better :D
160. Defeated Sanity - Passages Into Deformity
This album falls halfway between mediocrity and excellence. Nothing too amazing or unique here, just average brutal/technical death where the drums feel weak and plastic.
161. Dehumanizer - The Incomplete Man
TDM that isn't overtly technical and filled with great songwriting and good solos. Good album.
162. Deicide - In The Minds Of Evil
163. Derdian - Limbo
One of the better prog albums this year. Worthy record for your time.
164. DGM - Momentum
Top-notch prog power. Amazing stuff, on par with or almost even bettering that of Fates Warning's record this year. Must check out!
165. Discreation - The Silence Of The Gods
Death metal from Germany. Average.
166. Disperse - Living Mirrors
Cheesy vocals albiet with good proggy djent songwriting. Check out if cheesy clean vocals won't turn you off.
167. Dissonance In Design - Sentient
Really good Technical deathcore record.
168. Djinn And Miskatonic - Forever In The Realm
Really good doom album with commendable special mention to the bassist. Possibly one of the best metal records from India ever.
169. Doomriders - Grand Blood
Frankly underwhelming and hate the production on this one.
170. Dragonauta - Omega Pentagram
Amazing stoner record. Solid and crushing.
171. Dragonsclaw - Judgement Day
172. Dreadnought - Lifewoven
Bandcamp gem and some really outstanding work for a "pay what you want" album. Folky melodic prog that is highly recommended.
173. Dream Theater - Dream Theater
The band commented somewhere that Mangini did things in this album that were illegal and they thought that he shouldn't be able to do it. I'm sure those parts were edited out. I KNOW he is capable of those things musically, but i didn't find anything here that is worthy of someone of the caliber of Mangini. They are seriously under utilizing him imo. I wish he could bring some of his more extreme influences and skills to infuse into DT's sound. Portnoy was quite right in the fact that DT was progressing nowhere musically. This s/t record of theirs is just another fact that they are unable to recreate the magic of their early days. Tracks Enigma machine, The Enemy Inside and Illumination Theory are all decent though.
174. Dreariness - My Mind Is Too Weak To Forget
Italian blackgaze/depressive black. Average.
175. Dysmorphic - A Notion Of Casuality
Decent stuff, listen if you are fan of the genre.
176. Eclipse Prophecy - Days Of Judgement
Decent prog metal. Listen if you like the genre.
177. Ecnephias - Necrogod
Gothic death metal from Italy. Decent album.
178. Eibon - II
Epic stoner doom, nothing too outstanding here and frankly could've been better.
179. Ellende - Ellende
Emotionally captivating top-tier Atmoshpheric folk black that is very melodic and well executed.
180. Empyrios - Zion
Wait, I listened to it but what did this record sound like? *scratches head*
181. Emyn Muil - Túrin Turambar Dagnir Glaurunga
Mediocre black.
182. End Of Green - The Painstream
A mix of melodic goth doom maybe. Does everything what it does in a very average manner.
183. Endless - Human Intoxication
Good dm.
184. Endovein - S.I.N. (Supreme Insatiable Need)
185. Endstille - Kapitulation 2013
Not a furious onslaught from the get go to the end as I imagined it would be, too many mid-paced meanderings here and there. Songwriting doesn't help it either. Average record.
186. Enshine - Origin
Good album sounded like slightly gothic melodeath. Check it out its good.
187. Entrails - Raging Death
Simplistic old school DM from sweden.
188. Entropia (POL) - Vesper
Well fuck the genre tags given to this, this sounded very melodic to me and was a very very stirring and powerfully moving album.
189. Eoront - Neverending Journey
Melodic and captivating prog death album.
190. Eschatos - The Heirophanies
Forgettable shit.
191. Ereb Altor - Fire Meets Ice
Epic pagan folk viking doom that is mostly mislabeled as viking. Amazing record and really quality songwriting and musicianship. Must check out.
192. Eternal Oath - Ghostlands
Mediocre at its very best.
193. Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - Saivon Lapsi
Tries vey hard to be engaging and good. Mostly succeeds but nothing original or interesting on the table here.
194. Eternal Torture - Lacerate The Global Hate
Deathcore that isn't too bad. You will absolutely love this if you are sucker for heavy electronic touches and start/stop parts in this genre.
195. Eternium - Repelling A Solar Giant
Symphonic black/death metal. A good album but the drums sounded very plastic to me.
196. Euphoric Defilement - Ascending To The Worms
Brutal death(somewhat core-ish) in the same vein as Embryonic Devourment.
197. Evan Brewer - Your Itinerary
Bass prodigy and The Faceless member Evan Brewer proves us again why is he is one of the best in the business.
198. Evangelist - Doominicanes
199. Evile - Skull
Solid thrash record.
200. Ex Machina - Autonomous Automation
Instrumental Industrial death. Period.
201. Exhumed - Necrocracy
Grind death from Exhumed? Sold.
202. Exhumer - Degraded By Sepsis
203. Exivious - Liminal
Despite the instrumentation being top-notch and the songwriting beings good as well, there isn't much difference or individuality among the songs. Have it as a whole always.
204. Expurgate - Dementia Tremens
205. Extol - Extol
One amazing gem of a band.
206. Exxasens - Satellites
Amazing space post-metal. Must check out album.
207. F.K.Ü. - 4: Rise Of The Mosh Mongers
Weird band name. Decent thrash metal record.
208. Fade To Oblivion - Of Death And Vengeance
Generic crap.
209. Falkenbach - Asa
Good album but didn't sound outstanding or incredible or fresh to me.
210. Fallen Arise - Ethereal
Symphonic Gothic from Greece. Decent album. The symphonic parts and songwriting works well.
211. Fanisk - Insularum
ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING GEM OF AN ALBUM I'VE HEARD FROM 2013. Ambient black with a lot of heavy synth parts.
212. Fates Warning - Darkness In A Different Light
Not the '13 prog album to die for but definitely good prog power awesomeness. Indeed better than the latest DT.
213. Fjorsvartnir - A Praise To My Ancestors Preponderance
Good album.
214. Fen - Dustwalker
Not my thingy.
215. Ferocity - The Sovereign
Really good brutal death record.
216. Feto In Fetus - Condemned To The Torture
217. Finntroll - Blodsvept
No troll or beer references here. Too much fun with some brilliant folk metal done with a purpose. :D
218. Five Finger Death Punch - The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell - Volume 1
Regurgitated shit part 1.
219. Five Finger Death Punch - The Wrong Side Of Heaven And The Righteous Side Of Hell - Volume 2
Regurgitated shit part 2.
220. Fleshgod Apocalypse - Labyrinth
Colossal and bestial, relentlessly drummed and heavily laced with symphonies. Yet another exercise in excess by the Italian gods of speed. Like a supercharged septicflesh on drugs, these guys have mastered every instrument of theirs 10x the normal tempo of every other techdeath band out there. If you didn't like the songwriting or the production on the last one, no doubt you will feel the same about this as well. FA didn't take the evolutionary path (from Oracles) everyone wished they would or the one(from Mafia) I loved. They have a vision of their own and their very well on their course to close in on it.
221. Forlorn Path - Man's Last Portrait
222. Four Giants - Blue Harvest
One very good prog metal album like that amazing Pomegranate Tiger debut.
223. Fractal Gates - Beyond The Self
People call this melodeath. Now will you listen to people or listen to this album?
224. Fractured Spine - Songs Of Slumber
Decent gothic record.
225. Freya - Paragon Of The Crucible
Average Metalcore. Features a guest solo on the 9th track by Paul Waggoner.
226. Fuck The Facts - Amer
A bit less brutal but nevertheless groovy and catchy grind.
227. Funeral Speech - Experimental World
One of THE instantly engaging and catchiest techdeath albums from XIII. As amazing as the Dormant Ordeal album. Very highly recommended.
228. Gama Bomb - The Terror Tapes
Straight-up thrash that is rather too simple but nevertheless enjoyable and totally fun with good vocal work.
229. Garden Of - The Mountain King
Sophomore record from these Norwegians. Prog metal of the highest degree. Some really amazing songwriting, instrumentation and attention-to-detail here.
230. Gehenna - Unravel
BM AOTY? No. Worthy enough to check out? No. *flushes*
231. Generation Kill - We're All Gonna Die
Generic trash metal.
232. Germ - Grief
Amazing Depressive/post-black solo project from Tim Yatras. Very good album.
233. Ghost B.C. - Infestissumam
Ghost B.C's sound, I found it neither evil nor doomy nor psychedelic. Classic heavy metal, this one is. Don't try this out if you're only sticking to extreme metal and have no time or patience for traditional heavy metal albums.
234. Gigan - Multi-Dimensional Fractal-Sorcery And Super Science
Top-notch techdeath. Blistering drumming here, less crazy and more brutal than their last record.
235. Gloryhammer - Tales From The Kingdom Of Fife
Viking tinged prog. Somewhat reminiscent of wintersun but not that bleak and melodic but definitely good power record. Better than those of the big names this year.
236. Glorified! - The Faith Complex EP
Mediocre metalcore.
237. Glorior Belli - Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls
Less black and more southern stoner this time.
238. Grave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum
As amazing as the stench of a freshly rotting corpse.
239. Graveyard (ESP) - The Sea Grave
Good dm album.
240. Gruesome Stuff Relish - Sempiternal Death Grind
They have the sound but not the amazing quality or songwriting skills to pull this off.
241. Guttural Secrete - Nourishing The Spoil
Strictly for fans of the genre.
242. Guttural Slug - Megalodon
Somewhat interesting as the riffs sound somewhat groovy but the vocals are a big time turn off. Cunnilingus may not be the vocalist's strong point I guess or maybe he literally may not have teeth and tongue attached to his mouth as his work here suggests.
243. Hacride - Back To Where You've Never Been
Technical metal that isn't djenty or filled to the brim with terrible screamy vocals. Great album with a Textures and early meshuggah like raw sound.
244. Hädanfärd - Smutsiga Sinnen
BM from sweden. Meh.
245. Hail Of Bullets - III: The Rommel Chronicles
246. Haken - The Mountain
Progressive metal that isn't lacking in life and soul. The songs are full of melodious hooks and catchy passages. Bound to keep your interest peaked throughout the running length.
247. Handful Of Hate - To Perdition
The sixth full-length from these Italian band. Furious old school black metal. Decent record though very low replay value and not much to write about the songwriting.
248. Hate - Solarflesh: A Gospel Of Radiant Divinity
These guys seriously need to spend some more time on songwriting and riffs. Way too generic here.
249. Hate Meditation - Scars
Blake judd is a genius and his work here is nothing similar to the one in Nachtmystium, but still good. The MVP about this record should be the really heavy bass work courtesy of Wrest of Leviathan, that is very prevalent in the mix. The rough production here does wonders to the album.
250. Hateform - Sanctuary In Abyss
Ordinary melodeath that sounds to be aggressive on a sonic level.
251. Heart Of A Coward - Severance
Generic metalcore shit.
252. Hela - Broken Cross
Stoner doom with female vocals.
253. Hell - Curse & Chapter
Just decent. Didn't find anything wonderful or amazing in this to my ears.
254. Helloween - Straight Out Of Hell
Lacks the fire and magick of their last outing. Everything from the ballads to the fast songs are very plain. If this was intentional and what they mean by " less doom-bound and noticeably more positive", then the end result is a record that is passable and devoid of even a single memorable riff/song except the track 'Wanna Be God' which again isn't a real song :(
255. Hemotoxin - Between Forever...And The End
Good riffs here and songwriting here make this a worthwhile prog death release.
256. Hesperian Death Horse - Mrtav
Good sludge/post album.
257. High Priest Of Saturn - High Priest Of Saturn
Great album, so reminiscent of Sleep and Ramesses.
258. How To Destroy Angels - Welcome Oblivion
Avoid Hesitation Marks by all means, tune in on this one instead. Fair to say that this is reminiscent of Year Zero in several places.
259. Howl - Bloodlines
Good thrashy sludge with amazing artwork.
260. Howling - A Beast Conceived
Groovy osdm. Average.
261. Hypocrisy - End Of Disclosure
Another really good completely overlooked melodeath record from this year.
262. I Klatus - Kether
Outstanding progressive psychedelic sludge album. On par with or even more amazing than the Kylesa record this year.
263. Ice Field Kingdom - Civilization Of Decline
264. Icons Of Brutality - Between Glory And Despair
Good DM.
265. Ihsahn - Das Seelenbrechen
Genius decision from Ihsahn to take a direction like this. Very niche and full of rich textures and sublte electronic and melodic touches. Leprous as the backing band does magic especially the drummer. Not a lot of metal songs and riffs here but surely one of the best Avant-garde albums of the year. Imagine Njiqahdda without the metal parts.
266. Immolation - Kingdom Of Conspiracy
Not a crazy spiralling vortex death metal like their last record, but still a solid album much in the vein of their last EP which i found underwhelming tbh.
267. Impious Baptism - Wrath Of The Apex Predator
Passable lo-fi black metal record that stoops lower and lower with a crappy finale featuring completely out-of-place moaning and orgasmic screams that is totally wtf-ish.
268. Imprecation - Satanae Tenebris Infinita
269. In-Quest - Chapter IIX: The Odyssey Of Eternity
Techdeath that sounds reminiscent of Martyr. Above-par.
270. Inquinok - Dimension Of I
Very dark and furious not-very-overtly-symphonic dark-as-fuck black album.
271. In Vain - Ænigma
Prog melodeath with decent clean singing
272. Iron Mask - Fifth Son Of Winterdoom
Generic power metal album. Performance is tight, a little effort into songwriting could do wonders to them.
273. James LaBrie - Impermanent Resonance
Excellent meloprog with great songwriting. One could only wish that DT was at least half as engaging as this.
274. Javelin - Fragments Of The Inner Shadow
Average power metal from Germany.
275. Jesu - Every Day I Get Closer To The Light From Which I Came
Worthless and completely devoid of anything musical, track 2 stands out as the only sub-par piece when this puff has blown out
276. Joe Satriani - Unstoppable Momentum
Amazing instrumental prog rock record with pretty cool artwork.
277. Jolly - The Audio Guide To Happiness (Part 2)
Some goods neo-prog tracks here and there. Okish, nothing outstanding.
278. Jungle Rot - Terror Regime
Meat n' potatoes stuff. Sufficient amount of carbs and fiber with some protein, just to make you start your day off right.
279. Katalepsy - Autopsychosis
Another strictly for fans of the genre record.
280. Kataklysm - Waiting For The End To Come
Very slick production here. Decent albiet very generic dm.
281. Keldian - Outbound
Norwegian space themed power metal. Good album. Recommended for fans of the genre.
282. KEN Mode - Entrench
Yet another excellent post-hardcore release from these Canadian trio. Recommended if you loved their last studio outing.
283. Kingcrow - In Crescendo
Prog metal in the same DNA as Karnivool though slightly less impressive and original.
284. Kokomo - Kokomo
Good album. Sounds like instrumental post-rock/metal.
285. Koldbrann - Vertigo
The third full length from these norwegian black metallers. Average album. Strictly for fans of the genre.
286. Körgull The Exterminator - Metal Fist Destroyer
Black/Thrash from spain. Passable.
287. Krimh - Explore
Instrumental Prog Death from Kerim Lechner, an austrian multi instrumentalist who also played drums in the 2011 Decapitated album Carnival Is Forever.
288. Kvelertak - Meir
Not as good as their debut but the second half of this record is not as bad as the first though.
289. Kylesa - Ultraviolet
Psychedelic and progressive sludge that is utterly brilliant with a lot of amazing parts.
290. Lacerated And Carbonized - The Core Of Disruption
Good and engaging dm from brazil.
291. Laceration - Severing The Divine Iniquity
Lifeless dm with patheic programmed plasitc drums.
292. Lacrimas Profundere - Antiadore
I went in to hate the record because I don't like a lot of gothic or gothic doom but I enjoyed this as it was mostly gothic melodeathy and nothing doomy. Good record.
293. Lalu - Atomic Ark
How i though Anciients will sound like. Brilliant prog with excellent drumming. Recommended.
294. Lascaille's Shroud - Interval 01: Parallel Infinities - The Inner Universe
Another great discovery for me, this year. This new and budding project is a mastermind of Brett Windnagle. Kudos man! Tipsy artwork, good production values, amazing song writing and interesting themes. It is a ecstatic feeling to see metal projects like this. And yes, it is available at a "Name your price" option from bandcamp. So what this needs is more audiences. Now go! ;)
295. Last Chance To Reason - Level 3
Short and engaging Prog metalcore. Amazing and recommended.
296. Leaves' Eyes - Symphonies Of The Night
Average album. Listenable and I enjoyed it.
297. Lethality - Everyone Will Suffer EP
With a six minutes long EP at hand, you can't say anything about the band here.
298. Leviathan (GER) - The Aeons Torn - Beyond The Gates Of Imagination Pt. 2
Prog melodeath, one of the best melodeath from this year for sure. Definitely a worthwhile listen.
299. Litvintroll - Czornaja Panna
Decent folk metal album. Symphonic as well.
300. Locrian - Return To Annihilation
Brilliant album cover for this one. Except the really weird vocal work here that sounds like a preteen wailing, everything else here is OK.
301. Long Distance Calling - The Flood Inside
Not as outstanding as their last, but still some good instrumental progressive/post metal.
302. Lunarsea - Hundred Light Years
Decent melodeath, worth a listen and good production.
303. Lustre - Wonder
Very bad atmoblack.
304. Lux Divina - Possessed By Telluric Feelings
Fucking furious and dark-as-hell black.
305. Lychgate - Lychgate
Prog black awesome with a lot of hyperfast black metal parts.
306. Lycus - Tempest
Yet another brilliant artwork from Paolo gidardi. Album is decent doom with little parts of black thrown around random.
307. Machetazo - Ruin
308. Maestus - Scarlet Lakes
Blackened doom from US. Their debut album. Nothing much happening throughout the length of the album.
309. Magic Circle - Magic Circle
Decent stoner doom album.
310. Magion - A Different Shade Of Darkness
Utter tard of inhumanity.
311. Master - The Witchhunt
Amazing old school death metal record. Thoroughly enjoyed this one.
312. Månegarm - Legions Of The North
Run-of-the-mill power metal. Average.
313. Man Must Die - Peace Was Never An Option
Great death record that isn't mostly technical but is really brutal. Production is a bit dry at times. Track 9 is the stand out of this album.
314. Masterplan - Novum Initium
Inconsistent throughout. Amazing final track.
315. Mechanical God Creation - Artifact Of Annihilation
Techdeath that is almost mechanical and Industrial like at times like Obsolete era FF.
316. MergingMoon - Kamikakushi
Electronic interludes completely stain this into incoherent shit.
317. Milking The Goatmachine - Stallzeit
Albums worse than Lulu - Part 1
318. Mirror Morionis - Eternal Unforgiveness
Albums worse than Lulu - Part 2
319. Misanthrope - Ænigma Mystica
Very bad.
320. Monolithe - Monolithe IV
I'll give my word on this: This is definitely not as good as III. But very good indeed in a different vibe and more doomy.
321. Monster Magnet - Last Patrol
Good album and outstanding cover art.
322. Moon - The Nine Gates
Possibly recorded inside a mausoleum with instruments stuck in cobwebs and vocals by cadavers. This totally soulless sepulchral doomy black beast has arrived just to remind you to secure your tomb.
323. Moonkult - Profane Nightmare Of Seers
324. Moonreich - Terribilis Est Locus Iste
Black metal from France. Lots of tremolo picking, blast beats and raspy vocals.
325. Morne - Shadows
Sludge/post-metal from Profound Lore. You heard it.
326. Mortis Mutilati - Nameless Here For Evermore
Black metal from france.
327. Moth - Endlessly In Motion
Deem worthy prog death that is dependable, solid and a must listen for fans of the genre.
328. Motörhead - Aftershock
Fun and enjoyable record sans the vocals that sound lazy.
329. Mourning Beloveth - Formless
Quailty melodoom that is highly recommended.
330. Mouth Of The Architect - Dawning
Very good post-metal.
331. Mutiny Within - Mutiny Within 2: Synchronicity
332. Mumakil - Flies Will Starve
Top-drawer grrrind.
333. MyGrain - Planetary Breathing
Decent melodeath with great riffing.
334. Nagual - Zgliszcza EP
Good listen and solid black metal.
335. Nailed To Obscurity - Opaque
Generic melodoom.
336. Nails - Abandon All Life
Has absolute control over all the grind releases this year.
337. Nami - The Eternal Light Of The Unconscious Mind
Good prog death record.
338. Nebulous - The Quantum Transcendence Of Death
Good TDM if you can look past the core vocals and the deathcore style riffing.
339. Necrophobic - Womb Of Lilithu
Good album but simplistic and nothing very original.
340. Necrocurse - Grip Of The Dead
Good OSDM. Recommended for all death fans.
341. Necrotroopers - The Cult Of The Darned
Funeral Doom/Death from Kazhakstan. Clocking in at merely 3 Hours 32 minutes 7 Seconds. An experience of a lifetime. Definitely a overwhelming feeling to get this album through in a single sitting eventhough most of the material here are below par doom. The opener, title track and the closer are the stand out ones though with lot of furious death parts in them as well, special mention to the closer here for being one monolith of a track.
342. Necrovile - Engorging The Devourmental Void
Fun death metal listen and fun artwork.
343. Necrowretch - Putrid Death Sorcery
Decent DM.
344. Negative Voice - Infinite Dissonance
Nothing too wonderful or rememberable.
345. Newsted - Heavy Metal Music
Solid heavy metal album. The best traditional metal album I've heard all year. Recommended.
346. Neige Éternelle - Neige Éternelle
Amazing hyperfast black metal from Canada. Good songwriting as well here.
347. Nephren-Ka - The Fall Of Omnius
Outstanding TDM album. The title track and the final track are the stand-out tracks. Highly Recommended for Techdeath fans!!!
348. Nero Di Marte - Nero Di Marte
A pint of a extreme tinged prog.
349. Nightfall - Cassiopeia
Good record despite of where it falls under genre categorizations.
350. Nihternnes - Son Of Sun
Pretty bland. :-/
351. Nine Inch Nails - Hesitation Marks
Pfft! Post-Industrial electronic bullshit from a carciature of a band made for bronies. :[
352. Noctum - Final Sacrifice
Classical heavy metal. Average.
353. Noein - Infection - Erasure - Replacement
Just a promo but brilliant all-round performance.
354. Noisem - Agony Defined
Run-of-the-mill death thrash from US. Average.
355. Nolentia - May The Hand That Holds The Match That Will Set This World On Fire Be Blessed Above All
Death metal that is up to the mark with a leaning towards grind.
356. Northlane - Singularity
Really good Prog metalcore release. Songwriting is amazing and the vocals here dont mar the album much. Worthy listen.
357. Northless - World Keeps Sinking
Average sludge release. Pedestrian at times.
358. Noumena - Death Walks With Me
Pedestrian melodeath althought nothing bad.
359. Obscure Sphinx - Void Mother
Very good post-metal/sludge topped only by the inimitable Vertikal. And a special mention to the amazing female vocals here.
360. Obsidian Chamber - Der Uhrwerkmann
Solid and good symphonic black. Thoroughly enjoyed this one. The third from this austrian band.
361. Obsidian Tongue - A Nest Of Ravens In The Throat Of Time
A substantially sludge-heavy black metal album that sounds in the end like an accomplished record.
362. Oceans Apart - No Going Back EP
Generic djent shit.
363. Oceans Of Slumber - Aetherial
Awe-inspiring prog death album. Thanx to Psyko for putting some light on this. Everything is so good about this release, it's hard to pin point any flaws here. I still prefer the Lascaille's Shroud album to this though.
364. October Tide - Tunnel Of No Light
Not too gloomy or doomy as you'd expect and really good riff work make this a well rounded solid melodoom record.
365. Octopus - Into The Void Of Fear
Not so bad Djent that is quite interesting and engaging.
366. Odium Nova - Death Comes Sudden
Average melodeath.
367. Omnium Gatherum - Beyond
Expected this is to really blow, but was pretty impressed with the overall songwriting, better than NWS as far as I remember. Definitely solid to my ears despite melo-death being my most loathed sub-genre.
368. Onslaught - VI
An amazing display of solid thrash on this record.
369. Operadyse - Pandemonium
Generic symphonic power metal from france.
370. Orlok - Black Funeral Holocaust
Lo-fi black metal from Finland. Below par record, nothing worthwhile.
371. Orphaned Land - All Is One
First tier middle eastern progressive folk metal with pristine production values.
372. Osyron - Harbinger
Decent prog power something. Worth checking out.
373. Otargos - Apex Terror
374. Ovid's Withering - Scryers Of The Ibis
Generic prog deathcore. Average album with a few symphonic parts.
375. Panzerchrist - 7th Offensive
Neither brutal nor bashingand this is some very mediocre Blackened death here with shitty and mediocre production.
376. Pathology - Lords Of Rephaim
Killer songwriting and entrail ripping low tuned slam/groove death that stands up to the backcatalog and a new testament to these amazing band.
377. Paysage d'Hiver - Das Tor
Sounded more lo-fi than ambient to me.
378. Pelican - Forever Becoming
Healthy post metal though not as heavy or utterly brilliant as some of the other top-notch releases in the sub-genre this year.
379. Pensées Nocturnes - Nom D'une Pipe!
Real crazy avant-garde shit this one with a lot of classical parts. Quality is debatable since the black metal parts are so meagre but a worthy listen though.
380. Persefone - Spiritual Migration
Tons of chops on display here. Excellent bunch of songs with a high replay value. Extremely good record and one of the best Tech death records this year.
381. Pessimist - Death from Above
One of the better thrash albums this year. These german play really good songs with good songwriting and riffs that aren't too simplistic and generic. Fun album. Goes well with the Havok, Evile,gama Bomb and Annihilation albums this year.
382. Peste Noire - Peste Noire
Avant-garde, Symphonic, folk-ish and a lot more french street music weirdness in it and the simple bm tag given to this album doesn't do any just to this record.
383. Pestilence - Obsideo
Decent record to my ears. Now just back the fuck up.
384. Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals - Walk Through Exits Only
Not bad as I thought it would be. This album tries to sound very aggressive and it succeeds at that level. From a songwriting level, not much depth here. Still better than those incredibly disjoined Superjoint Ritual records.
385. Plastic Mind Frequencies - Plastic Mind Frequencies
Good prog/djent album.
386. Polkadot Cadaver - Last Call In Jonestown
Great alternative metal album and for some reason I was able to like this record more than their last one Sex Offender.
387. Pomegranate Tiger - Entities
Instrumental Progressive Metal. Sold.
388. Portal - Vexovoid
Yet another juggernaut of cacophonous brilliance, don't bother to get slammed with this one.
389. Pretty Maids - Motherland
Probably the last of its kind I want to see from here on although this is decent and passable. >:-[
390. Primitive Man - Scorn
One of THE TOP 5 artworks of this year for me and damn! what a crushing album! \m/
391. Pro-Pain - The Final Revolution
Below par record. Generic groove metal.
392. Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart
WOW! Yet another stunning Doom release this year.
393. Prosanctus Inferi - Noctambulous Jaws Within Sempiternal Night
If you don't like polished modern production style, look elsewhere. Decent black metal record with a Deathcore like sound. Think Dodecahedron sans the craziness and the wankery.
394. Pryapisme - Hyperblast Super Collider
Instrumental Industrial Grind + Mathcore + Avant + Nintendocore + Amazing French Weirdness = Pryapisme. X.X
395. Psychocalypse - Crying Moon
396. (Psychoparalysis) - Human Disposition
Brilliant techdeath record that isn't overtly technical or wanky. Fully built with amazing songwriting and great passages.
397. Purgatory - Deathkvlt - Grand Ancient Arts
Decent DM from Germany.
398. Pyres - Year Of Sleep
Ain't much prog in this. Pedestrian sludge to my ears.
399. Queens Of The Stone Age - ...Like Clockwork
Not as good as or on par with SFTD but definitely one of best alternative/hard rock records this year, not something to be missed. Probably the third best in their career after Songs for the Deaf and Rated R.
400. Quest Of Aidance - Misanthropic Propaganda
Good quality death/grind.
401. Red Fang - Whales And Leeches
Good quality sludge, recommended for fans of the genre.
402. Redwood Hill - Descender
Amazing post-black/sludge release. Must listen.
403. Reflections - Exi(s)t
The only good (or rather surprising or weird) thing about this album is that this has a wikipedia page. Weird.
404. Regarde Les Hommes Tomber - Regarde Les Hommes Tomber
Another brilliant dark and sludgy post-black. Equally stunning and awesome to listen. This time from France.
405. Reign Of The Architect - Rise
406. Reptilian Death - The Dawn Of Consummation And Emergence
Just to give you a hint of how much I hate Indian metal: This is not only the first DM album from my country that I have heard in full, this is THE first metal album as well for me that my own nation has churned out. The Verdict? I do have heard worse DM albums. So, there you go.
407. Revel In Flesh - Manifested Darkness
Nothing great here. Songwriting that is lacking life and soul, literally.
408. Revocation - Revocation
One of the most important thrashers of the current era have unleashed their self-titled beast this year. The verdict? Pretty consistent record overall with a furious cover of Dyer's Eve as the closer. Downsides? Not very memorable as their last EP or their second LP.
409. Rhapsody Of Fire - Dark Wings Of Steel
Fucking shit.
410. Rivers Of Nihil - The Conscious Seed Of Light
Good Revocation like sounding TDM.
411. Riverside - Shrine Of New Generation Slaves
Great backronym for the word SONGS. Amazing production values and near perfect instrumentation. Sadly the songwriting isn't hooky, catchy or memorable with the first few spins. A grower, this record might be for some as it was for me.
412. Rorcal - Világvége
Hefty, ponderous and sludgy post-metal. Great listen.
413. Rosetta - The Anaesthete
Great post/prog record that stands up to if doesn't overthrow COL's masterwork this year.
414. Rotting Christ - Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy
Great sounding black metal with a very clean modern production job tinged with a medieval flavour that works wonders to making this record a great worthwhile listen.
415. Rublood - Star Vampire
416. Running Wild - Resilient
417. Sacriphyx - Sacriphyx
Nothing here.
418. Sahg - Delusions Of Grandeur
The fourth full-length from these Norwegian doomsters. Top notch stuff.
419. Sarke - Aruagint
420. Satyricon - Satyricon
Seriously so whatthefuckish than any black metal record I've heard whole year. This has to be the most pathetic attempt at creating a mainstream black album like evah. And the almost rubber-like-sounding drums makes this record shoot itself.
421. Scale The Summit - The Migration
Pretty smart guys at STS always keep their record short and awesome to never bore listeners as there are not a lot of takers for Instrumental prog these days. Seriously, these guys could make records twice as long as their current ones and it still would be cool. Such a massive talent this band is. Satisfying to see that the Instrumental metal genre still kept alive.
422. Scalpel - Sorrow And Skin
Would do more good to the grave from which it came than your playlist.
423. Scordatura - Torment Of The Weak
Very good.
424. Seduce The Heaven - Field Of Dreams
Cheesy fucking cheese mountain of fucking extra-cheesy cheese.
425. Sedulity - The Valley Of Dying Stars
426. Seplophile - Mesonoxian
427. Set And Setting - Equanimity
Amazing ambient black tinged instrumental post-metal.
428. Shadow Of The Colossus - End Game
Deathcore. 2002 - 2010. RIP.
429. Shining (NOR) - One One One
Devoid of the two most important aspects that made their last outing such a massive beast - The electronics and the jazzy parts. A plain Industrial record where even their trademark, the almighty Sax is very scarcely used.
430. Signum Regis - Exodus
Slovekian Power metal. Mmmm.
431. Sigur Rós - Kveikur
Good post-rock album with amazing percussion and cymbal work.
432. Skeletonwitch - Serpents Unleashed
Guitars too low in the mix and the drums way too loud. Not a lot of original songwriting or riffs here like their first couple of albums but average nevertheless.
433. Skum - Pra?ina
Enjoyable DM.
434. Slaughtbbath - Hail To Fire
435. Slowly Rotten - Human Misery
436. Snatched Cord - Moments
From what my memory says, this was a decent album I guess.
437. So Hideous - Last Poem​/​First Light
Brilliant post-black album. Recommended.
438. Sombres Forêts - La Mort Du Soleil
Amazing black metal that is played like ambient black with the absence of any ambience. Poignant and thoroughly engaging record.
439. Sons Of Aeon - Sons Of Aeon
Great riffing on this melodeath that raises from being below par to a good record.
440. Soulfly - Savages
Not bad, not bad at all. Average groove album with few great parts.
441. Spider Kitten - Cougar Club
Great stoner album.
442. Spock's Beard - Brief Nocturnes And Dreamless Sleep
Instrumental prowess and pristine production aside this record is definitely not without soul and substance. Good songwriting and a great album.
443. Steamforged - Fractured Singularity
Notwithstanding the completely synthy and electronic feel, I enjoyed this album. Was decent.
444. Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories)
Attention to detail is amazing. Picks are the first and last tracks.
445. Stomach Earth - Stomach Earth
Decent record. Finally it seems that all the time wasted on not making a Red Chord record has been put to good use.
446. Stratovarius - Nemesis
Not as good as people say it is, pretty generic. Listen to LMO instead.
447. Strengthcode - Inside Power
448. Stryper - No More Hell To Pay
Godawful band and godawful album.
449. Suffocation - Pinnacle Of Bedlam
Brutal and bashing, Suffocation has returned with their trademark death metal once again showcasing that they are in no plans of slowing down.
450. Suicidal Tendencies - 13
Unthrashy and pretty mediocre.
451. Suidakra - Eternal Defiance
No patches here, worthy release.
452. Svart Crown - Profane
A black/death fusion that sounds like Ulcerate at its most frenetic paces due to the slightly sludgy production and like a more blackened extreme Gojira for the rest of its parts.
453. Swamp - Bearskin
454. SYN DROM - Iconoclasm
Good DM
455. Synergic Ire - I, Acedia
Not bad, decent blackened death/deathcore. Available for "Name your price" download at their bandcamp page.
456. Tad Morose - Revenant
Exactly the kind of albums I will avoid listening in the coming year.
457. Tellus Requiem - Invictus (The 11th Hour)
Lacklustre generic power.
458. Terminal Prospect - Redefine Existence
459. Terminate - Ascending To Red Heavens
Amazing stuff. Totally enjoyed this old school kickass dm beast.
460. Terra Tenebrosa - The Purging
First 4 tracks total meh. Last 4 tracks are filled with eerie ambiance and unsettling avant-garde not-so-metal. Slipknot-ish artwork.
461. TesseracT - Altered State
Average album and don't listen to it expecting it to change your whole outlook on djent.
462. Thaw - Thaw
Good black metal with noise, ambient and electronic passages.
463. Thaw - Thaw / Outre [Split]
Great split album. Both the bands sound awesome here and the Thaw tracks especially stand out.
464. The Amenta - Flesh Is Heir
Average Industrial death record.
465. The Appleseed Cast - Illumination Ritual
Not metal but still very good post rock.
466. The Aurora Project - Selling The Aggression
467. The Black Dahlia Murder - Everblack
They have tried so hard on this release to a make it a good and interesting one and works out in some tracks as the record pummels across in frenetic pace to keep itself falling into monotonous territory. Decent release.
468. The Dillinger Escape Plan - One Of Us Is The Killer
TDEP in full assault with all their inhumane vocals, psychotic drumming and chaotic songwriting back in excellent touch.
469. The Fall Of Every Season - Amends
470. The Grand Astoria - Punkadelia Supreme
Psychedelic stoner rock formed by Russian players in St.Petersburg. Good record.
471. The Meads Of Asphodel - Sonderkommando
70+ minutes of English ambient-tinged folk black. Classic Meads at its very best!
472. The Monolith Deathcult - Tetragrammaton
These masters of cyber-death have crafted latest soundtrack for Armageddon. Perfect album for misanthropes and agents of apocalypse who can't wait to sing the celebration of Man's demise and the coming of the robotic age.
473. The Phantom Carriage - Falls
They call their sound a mixture of Black metal, Crust, hardcore and Screamo. Good album this one. Sounds sludgy as well to me.
474. The Prophecy (UK) - Salvation
Very very very weak, light sounding and transparent production and spoils the whole listening experience of this doom record.
475. The Ruins Of Beverast - Blood Vaults (The Blazing Gospel Of Heinrich Kramer)
For Fuck's sake! This is a RUINS OF BEVERAST album!
476. The Safety Fire - Mouth Of Swords
People say they sound like BTBAM. To my ears though, this record is much more of a proggy djent-like than the prog-death style of the former band.
477. The Schoenberg Automaton - Vela
Progdeath that is really br00tal and proficient.
478. The Vision Bleak - Witching Hour
Gothic witchy blah blah blah. Listen to this you wont be disappointed anyway.
479. The Zygoma Disposal - The Forgotten
Deathcore. Meh.
480. Thought Chamber - Psykerion
Production is very bad and the drums sound awful , but an average prog record with a little too much on the wankery side.
481. Thrawsunblat - Thrawsunblat II: Wanderer On The Continent Of Saplings
Good melodic black record that didn't suck as much as I thought it would.
482. Throne Of Katarsis - The Three Transcendental Keys
Fucking one of the blackest black records this year.
483. Thyrfing - De Ödeslösa
Little symphonic not very folky melodic viking.
484. TOAD - Endless Night
Brilliant album. Top notch sludge here.
485. Todtgelichter - Apnoe
Nothing avant about this as well. >:-/
486. Torture Killer - Phobia
Below par death metal but not bad.
487. Total Despair - While The Flesh Decays
Brutal Death metal from Russia. Sounds 99% same as all the other gazillion bands that hail from there in this genre.
488. Touchstone - Oceans Of Time
Female fronted UK Prog rock band. Sounds a little too much on the electronic side. Below par record.
489. Toxic Holocaust - Chemistry Of Consciousness
't was ok.
490. Trauma - Karma Obscura
Death metal of these nature, I can never have enough. Veil of Obliteration is an amazing song.
491. Trivium - Vengeance Falls
Woo-hoo! Seems they are out to prove something. Solid effort, really good indeed.
492. Trouble - The Distortion Field
493. Týr - Valkyrja
Very little folk or viking influences here and way too melodic and cheesy. Nice artwork, though. Decent album, just ends to be good enough.
494. Ulcer - Grant Us Death
Passable death metal.
495. Ulver - Messe I.X-VI.X
Metal gods in a league of their own. Fearless and unperturbed, their latest avatar is out there for all to behold. Serene music to soothe agitated minds à la albums like Ghosts I-IV
496. Unbirth - Deracinated Celestial Oligarchy
497. Unhuman - Unhuman
Debut record of this Techdeath quartet from Canada. You've heard enough. Mindbogglingly good one this.
498. Universe217 - Never
It wasn't experimental but it had doom.
499. V3ctors - Physis
Good tech thrash.
500. Vandroya - One
Turd. Just utter turd.
501. Varga - Enter The Metal
More nu turd.
502. Vastum - Patricidal Lust
Average album and songwriting. The lyrics and the artwork are the highlights though. Paolo Gidardi has did it again here.
503. Vattnet Viskar - Sky Swallower
504. Vengeance - Piece Of Cake
No please. No more of this shit. >:-[
505. Vex - Memorious
Good melodeath record from US. Love the unique sound of the band on this record.
506. Violator - Scenarios Of Brutality
507. Voidcraeft - Ascetic Elite
Amazing one man black metal project from Germany. Really good record this one. Definitely a project to always keep an eye in the future.
508. Voivod - Target Earth
I liked the riffs and not the drumming or singing or artwork or lyrics. Decent record.
509. Vreid - Welcome Farewell
Run-of-the-mill stuff. Nothing great here.
510. Vulture Industries - The Tower
Solid stuff indeed. Not so non-metally avant-garde stuff that is worth your time.
511. Warbringer - IV: Empires Collapse
Decent album this one.
512. Windhand - Soma
Stoner doom that is average. Enjoyable for core fans. Boleskine is awesome btw.
513. Wolfchant - Embraced By Fire
Generic powah.
514. Wolfheart - Winterborn
Wasn't looking forward to much being fooled by the bland and awful album cover but some fucking amazing melodeath here. Good record and one of the most unique and outstanding melodeath records this year. Recommended.
515. Wormlust - The Feral Wisdom
Another one-man black metal band with some really crazy black and ambient passages.
516. Agathodaimon - In Darkness
Nothing too impressive here, pretty average slightly gothic meloblack.
517. Thy Light - No Morrow Shall Dawn
Was a chore. Sucks and does nothing to me.
518. Megadeth - Super Collider
Megadave at his very best pissing off everyone with what he does best: putting out crap albums cloaked in slick production.
519. Within The Ruins - Elite
Pathetic attempt at a BoO rip-off as evident from the artwork and sound. Way too bland and no real riffs or melody here.
520. Shining - 8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd
Tracks 4 and 5 save this release from becoming utterlytarded.
521. Whorecore - Headless
Doesn't feel lively and dynamic enough for the brutality it possesses. Top notch artwork btw!
522. Worldengine - Dark Matters
Pussy vocals and no metal at all. Don't get fooled, your metal brain won't digest this.
523. Turmion Kätilöt - Technodiktator
Danz muzik reminiscent of KMFDM??
524. Amon Amarth - Deceiver Of The Gods
I seriously didn't notice that this album started and ended just like that. The noise my room fan makes has more variety than this.
525. The Holy Guile - FSU
526. Libido Airbag - Testosterone Zone
An example of how band things can get with the cybergrind genre or atleast under the name of the genre.
527. Agrypnie - Aetas Cineris
Bloated like a fucking whale.
528. Characters - Once They Bleed
The pussiest clean vocals I've ever heard in my life. Total crap power metal listen.
529. Watain - The Wild Hunt
Will bore you to the core in the first few opening minutes. Then will bore you for 40 more. Worthless, shitty, pointless riffs that have no idea or purpose or destination. Song pacing and structures are to be pissed at. Pathetic, lame record with a lamer artwork.
530. Palms - Palms
Un-fucking-bearable. >:{ Fucking twats. This is one nitwit meandering of post-whatever sounds with practically non-existent riffs. Probably the worst super group in recent memory. No metal here, no rock either, not anything good here.
531. Remnants Of Tortured - Headless Sodomizer
Think lulu in 17 minutes with Lou reed squealing instead of doing spoken word.
532. Burzum - Sôl Austan, Mâni Vestan
It came, It saw, It dethrones Lulu.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by 3rdWorld ]


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Comments: 28   Visited by: 181 users
13.09.2013 - 12:32
Account deleted
Sick list, bruh.
13.09.2013 - 13:00
Account deleted
Nice list, though calling Ulver "metal gods" is a little bit weird
13.09.2013 - 21:46
Alex F
I love seeing written out explanations of your feelings rather than ratings. Probably my favorite "2013" list along with Neachy's.
13.09.2013 - 23:27
China was a neat
Written by [user id=4365] on 13.09.2013 at 13:00

Nice list, though calling Ulver "metal gods" is a little bit weird

Ok, you've caught me there. I was assuming it just on the strength of their debut record and Perdition City. Not very aware of the other records. Will give a spin and come back on this. Maybe "Avant-garde Black Gods" would do. :p
14.09.2013 - 05:13
Account deleted
Written by 3rdWorld on 13.09.2013 at 23:27

Ok, you've caught me there. I was assuming it just on the strength of their debut record and Perdition City. Not very aware of the other records. Will give a spin and come back on this. Maybe "Avant-garde Black Gods" would do. :p

Well, beyond Bergtatt, Ulver haven't touched metal, so that's 3 metal albums (though I actually have never heard 'Kveldssanger' = apparently the highest rated of their albums on Metal Archices which is weird because I've literally never seen anyone mention it). They have 9 albums and various EPs and stuff that are purely electronic-ish and so forth.
07.10.2013 - 23:41
Account deleted
Carpe Noctum is not correctly linked =P
Not checked many 2013 albums yet ( all in all, 8 I think) but this list sounds interesting. wii check it in future definitely
12.10.2013 - 16:57
Oh man, your top 10 looks delicious. I have some albums to check out :O
12.10.2013 - 17:08
Erik M.
Written by Diverge on 12.10.2013 at 16:57

Oh man, your top 10 looks delicious. I have some albums to check out :O

To me it was immediately clear that this list is in alphabetical order.
12.10.2013 - 18:02
Written by Erik M. on 12.10.2013 at 17:08

Written by Diverge on 12.10.2013 at 16:57

Oh man, your top 10 looks delicious. I have some albums to check out :O

To me it was immediately clear that this list is in alphabetical order.

HAHHAHA I would...

This is awkward.

Anyway, that does remind me of one thing I really hate in lists: alphabetical ordering. To me, it's far more meaningful to put your favourite albums in order so that a listener can immediately discern whether their taste aligns with the taste of the list-maker. If I find my taste even remotely aligns with someone else's list, then it is very easy for me to choose the next albums to listen to; they are simply the albums at the beginning of the list that I haven't heard before. For example, R'Vannith's list is one that has greatly resonated with me and has often informed me of things I have missed out on. You have some awesome albums on here, but it sure makes it difficult for me to find new ones that might jive with me, since I don't get a very good immediate sense of what your taste in music is. But that's just a personal thing-- let me just reaffirm that this is a nice, thorough list filled with albums that I have missed out on. Thanks!
13.10.2013 - 02:00
China was a neat
Written by Diverge on 12.10.2013 at 18:02

Anyway, that does remind me of one thing I really hate in lists: alphabetical ordering.

That reminds me of one thing I really hate about lists: maintaining them.
13.10.2013 - 15:37
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Diverge on 12.10.2013 at 18:02

Anyway, that does remind me of one thing I really hate in lists: alphabetical ordering.

Weird, or not, but I am cmplete opposite of you on this one, beacuse I hate lists that are non-alphabetized. Oh wait, not entirely true, I also like chronological, by year, lists.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

13.10.2013 - 16:32
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 13.10.2013 at 15:37

Written by Diverge on 12.10.2013 at 18:02

Anyway, that does remind me of one thing I really hate in lists: alphabetical ordering.

Weird, or not, but I am cmplete opposite of you on this one, beacuse I hate lists that are non-alphabetized. Oh wait, not entirely true, I also like chronological, by year, lists.

I really like some of the older year lists I've seen floating around (ie. 1983, 1982). I've generally missed a lot of the old classics and they are a good way of filling in the gaps of my metal understanding. I know some people don't really value listening to the old classics and generally don't think they influence a lot of the trends going on currently in metal, but I think it's vital to listen to these records. But even then, they are mostly ranked from preference. I still like those lists if they are alphabetized, though.

I don't really think it's weird at all to like alphabetical ordering. I feel like people who listen to a lot more music than I do like the alphabetized lists because they are ordered and very nicely laid out. If you see a couple of albums that are average for each letter, you can generally disregard the list or engage in conversation immediately. Alphabetization doesn't work for me since I'm still a novice/intermediate metalhead that listens to music at a pretty slow rate; I'm still fixated on discovering and I'm starting to develop my own personal taste and an idea of what I'm looking for in music. Alphabetical lists impede this goal by putting a lot of (what I deem as superfluous) albums before the ones I mostly care about.
13.10.2013 - 16:41
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Diverge on 13.10.2013 at 16:32

I really like some of the older year lists I've seen floating around (ie. 1983, 1982). I've generally missed a lot of the old classics and they are a good way of filling in the gaps of my metal understanding. I know some people don't really value listening to the old classics and generally don't think they influence a lot of the trends going on currently in metal, but I think it's vital to listen to these records. But even then, they are mostly ranked from preference. I still like those lists if they are alphabetized, though.

I don't really think it's weird at all to like alphabetical ordering. I feel like people who listen to a lot more music than I do like the alphabetized lists because they are ordered and very nicely laid out. If you see a couple of albums that are average for each letter, you can generally disregard the list or engage in conversation immediately. Alphabetization doesn't work for me since I'm still a novice/intermediate metalhead that listens to music at a pretty slow rate; I'm still fixated on discovering and I'm starting to develop my own personal taste and an idea of what I'm looking for in music. Alphabetical lists impede this goal by putting a lot of (what I deem as superfluous) albums before the ones I mostly care about.

I can totally see where you're coming from. And, indeed, I listen to a shitload of albums each and every year. I think on average at least 500 new releases and loads of older releases as well.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

13.10.2013 - 22:38
Erik M.
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 13.10.2013 at 15:37

Weird, or not, but I am cmplete opposite of you on this one, beacuse I hate lists that are non-alphabetized. Oh wait, not entirely true, I also like chronological, by year, lists.

Yet your own list isn't any of those things. Or are you only talking about year-lists?

Anyway, I think it depends on what kind of list it is. My own top 75 is alphabetical because I can't really choose some favourites of mine over others. To give people who look at the list an idea of my true favourites (as in 10/10 albums) I recently added stars. Of course "best to worst" lists are ordened by preference, as are my gothic and death doom lists (having those alphabetically would be less helpful I think... and adding scores (which I initially did) is too subjective). My debut albums list and one-man band lists are both alphabetically ordened because I've only listened once to most of the albums on it so it's simply impossible to rank them (and those are general lists anyway, so alphabetical is the best way for those).
16.10.2013 - 00:03
China was a neat
Written by Erik M. on 13.10.2013 at 22:38

Yet your own list isn't any of those things.


Written by Erik M. on 13.10.2013 at 22:38

Anyway, I think it depends on what kind of list it is. My own top 75 is alphabetical because I can't really choose some favourites of mine over others. To give people who look at the list an idea of my true favourites (as in 10/10 albums) I recently added stars. Of course "best to worst" lists are ordened by preference, as are my gothic and death doom lists (having those alphabetically would be less helpful I think... and adding scores (which I initially did) is too subjective). My debut albums list and one-man band lists are both alphabetically ordened because I've only listened once to most of the albums on it so it's simply impossible to rank them (and those are general lists anyway, so alphabetical is the best way for those).

I think your explanation is somewhat accurate. Thank you for that.

You know what ordering albums in year-end lists is like? Its a pain the arse.
16.10.2013 - 00:15
Erik M.
Written by 3rdWorld on 16.10.2013 at 00:03

You know what ordering albums in year-end lists is like? Its a pain the arse.

Haha, yeah I can understand that by simply seeing how long this list is. I hate to say this, but while I like lists (not a surprise of course ), year-lists are not very interesting to me. I think I only thumbed up 4 year-lists in total on the whole of MS, one of those being MechanisT's 2011 list, the others being of The Melting Snow (simply because his year-lists are not long and really suit my taste) and InnerSelf (for the same reasons). Although you definitely did a good job with this list I must say, with the desciptions and all.
16.10.2013 - 00:28
China was a neat
Written by Erik M. on 16.10.2013 at 00:15

Although you definitely did a good job with this list I must say, with the desciptions and all.

Your seal of approval is greatly appreciated.
30.10.2013 - 22:39
Erik M.
I don't hear any death in Inquisition. I'd rather call it black or melodic black. Also, there's black in Shade Empire... and death in Ataraxie (at least in their debut, although Marcel disagrees with me ). Just felt like sharing this... do with it what you will.
24.11.2013 - 14:49
Account deleted
Damn you're catching up... and fast. XD
24.11.2013 - 21:46
China was a neat
Written by [user id=109200] on 24.11.2013 at 14:49

Damn you're catching up... and fast. XD

And when you feel like quitting you won't probably be remembering why you started it, but...
26.11.2013 - 02:25
Account deleted
Strictly my opinion, but I found the covers of Eibon, Power Trip and Vastum (not sure if here) extremely eye-candy material. Do check them out if you haven't yet.
26.11.2013 - 08:42
China was a neat
Written by [user id=109200] on 26.11.2013 at 02:25

Strictly my opinion, but I found the covers of Eibon, Power Trip and Vastum (not sure if here) extremely eye-candy material. Do check them out if you haven't yet.

Thanks for the heads up. They are indeed quite good especially that Power Trip cover art.
29.11.2013 - 23:24
Erik M.
Dude, this list is getting huge. At the end of this year your list will be longer than my longest list (you know which one ).
02.12.2013 - 09:43
China was a neat
Written by Erik M. on 29.11.2013 at 23:24

Dude, this list is getting huge. At the end of this year your list will be longer than my longest list (you know which one ).

The numbers game aside I try to give descriptions to all so as to make it seem less generic. But some albums are frankly so bad and so forgettable that I don't even remember how it was by the time I come to update this list.

Btw I know you regularly update that list so I might as well keep this updating as long as find albums this year worth putting in a word or two about.
02.12.2013 - 21:55
Erik M.
Written by 3rdWorld on 02.12.2013 at 09:43

The numbers game aside I try to give descriptions to all so as to make it seem less generic. But some albums are frankly so bad and so forgettable that I don't even remember how it was by the time I come to update this list.

Btw I know you regularly update that list so I might as well keep this updating as long as find albums this year worth putting in a word or two about.

Wtf, you're crazy man. You already have more albums on here than I have on my longest list. Surely descriptions will improve the list though and indeed make it less generic.

And you might just listen to too much new stuff man, if you can't even remember some albums, hahaha. Maybe it's best to immediately add an album after you listened to it, or do you listen to it more than once? But yeah, I don't see why you wouldn't add albums if you listen to them anyway. But you've listened to about 10 times as many 2013 albums (yes, I've checked out 30-40 albums this year and that's a lot by my standards) so forgive me if the list is too long for me.
02.12.2013 - 21:57
Erik M.
"Ataraxie - L'Être Et La Nausée
You don't want your Blackened doom record to end?"

Wtf? I'm pretty sure Ataraxie is funeral death doom or just funeral/death doom (like Marcel would say ) and totally not blackened doom.
03.12.2013 - 03:56
China was a neat
Written by Erik M. on 02.12.2013 at 21:57

Wtf? I'm pretty sure Ataraxie is funeral death doom or just funeral/death doom (like Marcel would say ) and totally not blackened doom.

It might just well be but how I put it was I just heard all the furious parts and they sounded pretty black to me. Death or black, I wasn't sure.

Anyway, thanx.
03.12.2013 - 21:00
Erik M.
Written by 3rdWorld on 03.12.2013 at 03:56

It might just well be but how I put it was I just heard all the furious parts and they sounded pretty black to me. Death or black, I wasn't sure.

Anyway, thanx.

I listened to it twice so far and can't remember hearing any black in it, but for all I know you're right. When I check it out again I'll listen closely. Funnily some bands that aren't considered BM at all sometimes have black in them. For example, I was listening to Orchid a few weeks ago and couldn't help but think that some parts sounded pretty damn BM to me. I'll let you know which parts I'm referring to if you're interesting.

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