Look at the city you’ll be in and just search for upcoming events. Most cities will have a couple venues within a driving distance and then see who’s playing
never been to a metal gig caz I'm from Pakistan. I'll be in the US in Feb and March... how to check possible shows in the vicinity? sorry if this is a super noob question
WORSHIP ❤️❤️❤️: Absolute greatness, a mindblowing album.
LOVE ❤️❤️🖤: Amazing release with very few flaws.
LIKE ❤️🖤🖤: Enjoyable but far from perfect.
DISLIKE 💔: Not very good or maybe not fitting my tastes.
I've decided to stop rating albums with a numerical value as I tend to feel uncomfortable with that. This list has a minimalistic, subjective and visceral approach, based purely on sensations and personal tastes. Mainly for personal use and doesn't pretend to be a serious ranking, but emerges from the need to remember which bands and albums I enjoyed and the ones I disliked. I constantly revisit new releases so first impressions may change over time. It usually takes 8-10 spins for me to get completely sure of a rating.
As I discovered Metal Storm so late, I´m try to record most of the albums I listened along the past two decades, althought it's almost impossible not to overlook some of them. Maybe that's the reason why there aren't many dislikes; it's hard to remember music you didn't enjoy, hah.
Disclaimer: ❤️🖤🖤 is NOT a bad score. It's a good score. When I like an album, it means I actually like it. I enjoyed it and will be pleased to listen to it from time to time. Most of the time it all comes down to personal tastes.
Once again I like your system. Indeed, it does in the end come down to those impressions: "worship", "love", "like", "dislike"
I (and i think many others) often struggle with the differences between 9,8, or 7 out of 10. My votes fluctuate depending on preference and mood, and I often wonder how best to determine and organize my favorites.
In the end, I guess I shouldn't think too much about it. After all, the most important thing is to find and listen to great music
Once again I like your system. Indeed, it does in the end come down to those impressions: "worship", "love", "like", "dislike"
I (and i think many others) often struggle with the differences between 9,8, or 7 out of 10. My votes fluctuate depending on preference and mood, and I often wonder how best to determine and organize my favorites.
In the end, I guess I shouldn't think too much about it. After all, the most important thing is to find and listen to great music
"I guess I shouldn't think too much about it"
I know that feel, haha. I often found myself overthinking about ratings. Is it a 8 or a 9? What's the difference between a 4 and a 2? I just dislike it! Also there are albums that I don't really like but don't think they deserve a bad score.
So I decided to simplify things and I found this system working pretty well for me